kotlin|kotlin example


inline fun T.getLogger(): Logger { return LoggerFactory.getLogger(T::class.java) }infix fun RoutingContext.jsonReply(obj: Any?) { response().putHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json; charset=utf-8") .end(if (obj is String) obj else Json.encode(obj)) }fun JsonObject.getOrDef(key: String, def: String) = this.getString(key) ?: definline fun Iterable.forEachMultithreading(nThreads: Int = 5, crossinline funWorker: (T) -> Any?) { val coroutineDispatcher = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads).asCoroutineDispatcher() runBlocking { coroutineDispatcher.use { launch { forEachIndexed { index, arg -> // CoroutineContext coroutineDispatcher async(coroutineDispatcher) { funWorker(arg) } } }.join() } } }inline fun Iterable.mapMultithreading(nThreads: Int = 5, crossinline funWorker: (T) -> Any?): Iterable { val results = arrayOfNulls(count()) val coroutineDispatcher = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads).asCoroutineDispatcher()runBlocking { coroutineDispatcher.use { launch { forEachIndexed { index, arg -> // CoroutineContext coroutineDispatcher async(coroutineDispatcher) { funWorker(arg).let { results[index] = it } } } }.join() } } return results.asIterable() }

【kotlin|kotlin example】InfixDemo.kt
package com.citi.ocean.ktdemoimport io.vertx.kotlin.core.json.json import io.vertx.kotlin.core.json.obj/** * @Author hw83770 * @Date 11:53 2020/4/17 * * * Kotlin: Improve readability by using the infix notation * https://www.deadcoderising.com/kotlin-improve-readability-by-using-the-infix-notation/ * */ fun main() {val msg = json { obj( "timerId" to "123", "bool" to true, "num" to 1, "test1" to "test1" ) } println(msg)// --------------- val map1 = mapOf( 1 to "one", 2.to("two"), Pair(3, "three") //new Pair(3, "three") ) println(map1)val hashMap = hashMapOf( 1 to "one", 2 to "two", 3 to "three" ) println(hashMap)listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) subtract listOf(2, 3) listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) union listOf(6, 7) listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) zip listOf(2, 3, 4, 5, 6) listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) intersect listOf(2, 3)"Hello world" matches "\\w+\\s\\w+".toRegex()val randomNumbers = RandomNumbers(listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) randomNumbers take 3 }class RandomNumbers(val list: List) {infix fun take(nrOfElements: Int): List { return list.shuffled().take(nrOfElements); } }

package com.citi.ocean.ktdemoimport kotlin.properties.Delegates import kotlin.properties.ReadWriteProperty import kotlin.reflect.KProperty/** * @Author hw83770 * @Date 12:00 2019/8/29 * */class Raindy { val weather by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.PUBLICATION) { "Raindy" } var name by PringDelegate() }class User(map: Map) { val name: String by map val age: Int by map }// 自定义 delegates, 将一些操作封装成一个属性,例如将Raindy的 value 属性设置成一个文件, // 那么Raindy name set get操作都会是一个文件的 读写 class PringDelegate : ReadWriteProperty {private var value: String? = null override fun getValue(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>): String { println("getValue: $thisRef -> ${property.name} ${property.returnType} $value") return value ?: "" }override fun setValue(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>, value: String) { println("setValue: $thisRef -> ${property.name} = $value") this.value = https://www.it610.com/article/value } }fun main() { var name by Delegates.observable(initialValue ="") { prop, old, new -> println("old val: $old, new val: $new") } name = "d" name = "a" //println("current name is $name")// ---------------- var name2: String by Delegates.vetoable(initialValue = "https://www.it610.com/article/test name2") { _, oldValue, newValue -> println("old val: $oldValue, new val: $newValue") return@vetoable newValue.contains("1") } name2 = "data1" name2 = "data2" //println("current name is $name2")var name3: String by Delegates.notNull() //name3 = "te" //println(name3)// ------------------- val lazyData: Double by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.SYNCHRONIZED) { println("Initializing lazyData") 2.0 } //println("--------") //println(lazyData)val userName = User(mapOf("name" to "ken", "age" to 20)).name println(userName)//val a = Raindy() //println(a.weather) //println(a.name) //a.name = "123" //println("now: " + a.name)//val b = BaseImpl(10) //Derived(b).print() }interface Base { fun print() }class BaseImpl(val x: Int) : Base { override fun print() { print(x) } }class Derived(b: Base) : Base by b

package com.citi.ocean.ktdemo/** * @Author hw83770 * @Date 12:19 2020/4/17 * */// also data class Person(var name: String) { var tutorial: String? = null var age: Int = 0 }fun main() {val person = Person("ken").apply { age = 14 tutorial = "kotlin" } println(person)val person2 = Person("ken2").let { it.age = 14 it.tutorial = "java" return@let it } println(person2)// let -->if not null val listWithNull = listOf("A", "S", null) println(listWithNull) for (item in listWithNull) { item?.let { print(it) } }val per: Person? = Person("ken") per?.let { person -> println(person.age) //person.tutorial.substring(2) person.tutorial?.substring(2) }// null point var str: String? = "hellow fsdf" val len: Int? = str?.length println("length is $len") }

package com.citi.ocean.ktdemoimport java.io.File import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore/** * @Author hw83770 * @Date 10:26 2019/12/2 * */private val PRINT_REFIX = "[TimeTest]"// sync funtion measureTime fun measureTime(tag: String, testCount: Int, warmCount: Int, block: () -> Unit) {println("$PRINT_REFIX $tag =======start") // warm up for (i in 0 until warmCount) { block() } println("$PRINT_REFIX $tag =======warm done")// testing val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() for (i in 0 until testCount) { block() } val totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeprintln("$PRINT_REFIX $tag ======= total time: ${totalTime}ms") println("$PRINT_REFIX $tag ======= average time: ${totalTime / testCount}ms") }// async funtion measureTime fun measureTimeAsync(tag: String, testCount: Int, warmCount: Int, asyncBlock: (Semaphore) -> Unit) {println("$PRINT_REFIX $tag =======start")// warm up val semaphoreWarm = Semaphore(0) for (i in 0 until warmCount) { asyncBlock(semaphoreWarm) } semaphoreWarm.acquire(warmCount) println("$PRINT_REFIX $tag =======warm done")// testing val semaphoreTest = Semaphore(0) val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() for (i in 0 until testCount) { asyncBlock(semaphoreTest) } semaphoreTest.acquire(testCount) val totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeprintln("$PRINT_REFIX $tag ======= total ${totalTime}ms") println("$PRINT_REFIX $tag ======= average ${totalTime / testCount}ms") }fun main() { measureTime(tag = "fun execute", testCount = 3, warmCount = 3) { testFun() } }fun testFun() { var sum = 0 val file = File("test.txt") repeat(times = 1000) { sum = sum + it file.writeText(text = "sum is $sum") } }
