排序算法(1)|排序算法(1) 2018-03-07


//selection sort an array a[] with size nvoid selectionSort(int a[], int n) { int global, temp; for(in i = 0; i < n-1; i++) { global = i; for (int j = i +1; j < n; j++) { if(a[j] < a[global]) { global = j; //record the index of the smallest element } } temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[global]; a[global] = temp; } }

【排序算法(1)|排序算法(1) 2018-03-07】time complexity O(n^2)
ArrayList mergeSort(ArrayList a, int left, int right){ ArrayList solution; if(left == right){ solution.add(a.get[left]); return solution; } int mid = left + (right - left) / 2; ArrayList solution_left = mergeSort(a, left, mid); ArrayList solution_right = mergeSort(a, mid + 1, right); solution = combine(solution_left, solution_right); return solution; }ArrayList combine(ArrayList a1, ArrayList a2) { int ia = 0; int ib = 0; ArrayList solution; while (ia < a1.size() && ib < a2.size()) { if (a1.get(ia) < a2.get(ib)) { solution.add(a1.get(ia)); } else { solution.add(a2.get(ib)); } } while(ia < a1.size()){ solution.add(a1.get(ia); } while(ib < a2.size(){ solution.add(a2.get(ib)); } return solution; }
