import math
import paddle
import paddle.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np#自定义LSTM实现
class CustomLSTM(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self, input_sz, hidden_sz,num_layers=2,bias=True,bidirectional=False):
self.input_size = input_sz
self.hidden_size = hidden_sz
self.bias = bias
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.bidirectional = bidirectional
self.num_directions = 2 if bidirectional else 1
# self._all_weights = {}
self.param_names = []
for layer in range(self.num_layers):
for direction in range(self.num_directions):
self.input_size = self.input_size if layer == 0 else self.hidden_size * self.num_directions
# i_t
W = self.create_parameter([self.input_size, self.hidden_size * 4])
U = self.create_parameter([self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size * 4])
b = self.create_parameter([self.hidden_size * 4])# print(self.W_c)
layer_params = (W, U, b)suffix = '_reverse' if direction == 1 else ''
self.param_name = ['weight_W{}{}', 'weight_U{}{}']
if bias:
self.param_name += ['bias_{}{}']
self.param_name = [x.format(layer, suffix) for x in self.param_name]
for name, param in zip(self.param_name, layer_params):
setattr(self, name, param)
self.all_weights = [[[getattr(self, weight) for weight in weights]
for weights in weights_layer] for weights_layer in self.param_names]def forward(self, x,
"""Assumes x is of shape (batch, sequence, feature)"""
batch_size, seq_sz, _ = x.shape
if init_states is None:
num_directions = 2 if self.bidirectional else 1
h_t, c_t = (paddle.zeros((self.num_layers * num_directions,batch_size,self.hidden_size)),
paddle.zeros((self.num_layers * num_directions,batch_size,self.hidden_size)))
h_t, c_t = init_statesfor layer in range(self.num_layers):
hidden_seq = []
hidden_seq_reverse = []
self.weight_layer = self.all_weights[layer]
for direction in range(self.num_directions):
# self.param_name = self.param_names[layer]
self.weight = self.weight_layer[direction]
HS = self.hidden_size
h_t, c_t = h_t[0].unsqueeze(0),c_t[0].unsqueeze(0)
for t in range(seq_sz):
x_t = x[:, t, :]
# batch the computations into a single matrix multiplication# gates = x_t @ getattr(self,self.param_name[0]) + h_t @ getattr(self,self.param_name[1]) \
#+ getattr(self,self.param_name[2])
if self.bias:
gates = x_t @ self.weight[0] + h_t @ self.weight[1] \
+ self.weight[2]
gates = x_t @ self.weight[0] + h_t @ self.weight[1]gates = gates[0]
i_t, f_t, g_t, o_t = (
paddle.nn.functional.sigmoid(gates[:, :HS]),# input
paddle.nn.functional.sigmoid(gates[:, HS:HS * 2]),# forget
paddle.tanh(gates[:, HS * 2:HS * 3]),
paddle.nn.functional.sigmoid(gates[:, HS * 3:]),# output
c_t = f_t * c_t + i_t * g_t
h_t = o_t * paddle.tanh(c_t)if direction == 0:
if isinstance(hidden_seq, list):
hidden_seq = h_t[0].unsqueeze(1)
hidden_seq = paddle.concat((hidden_seq, h_t[0].unsqueeze(1)), axis=1)if direction == 1:
if isinstance(hidden_seq_reverse, list):
hidden_seq_reverse = h_t[0].unsqueeze(1)
hidden_seq_reverse = paddle.concat((hidden_seq_reverse, h_t[0].unsqueeze(1)), axis=1)
x = paddle.to_tensor(x.detach().cpu().numpy()[:,::-1,:].copy())
if direction == 1:
hidden_seq_reverse = paddle.to_tensor(
hidden_seq_reverse.detach().cpu().numpy()[:, ::-1, :].copy())
hidden_seq = paddle.concat((hidden_seq, hidden_seq_reverse),axis=2)
x = hidden_seq
return hidden_seq, (h_t, c_t)
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