博主: 这个娃说的挺对胃口的,转了
/*int main(void)
int *pi;
char * pc;
long * pl;
char a[]="abcdefg";
int b = 10000;
printf("the sizeof int* is %d \n",sizeof(pi));
printf("the sizeof char * is %d \n",sizeof(pc));
printf("the sizeof long * is %d \n",sizeof(pl));
pi = a;
printf("array: the sizeof intis %s \n",pi);
pc = a;
printf("array:the sizeof charis %s \n",pc);
pl = a;
printf("array:the sizeof longis %s \n",pl);
*pi = b;
printf("char number: the sizeof int is %d \n",*pi);
*pc = b;
printf("char number: the sizeof char is %d \n",*pi);
*pl = b;
printf("char number: the sizeof long is %d \n",*pi);
return 0;
/*int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char day[15] = "abcdefghijklmn";
char* strTmp = "opqrstuvwxyz";
printf("&day is %x\n",&day);
printf("&day[0] is %x\n",&day[0]);
printf("day is %x\n",day);
printf("\n&strTmp is %x\n",&strTmp);
printf("&strTmp[0] is %x\n",&strTmp[0]);
printf("strTmp is %x\n",strTmp);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *c = "123456";
int*i = "123456";
printf("&c is %d\n",&c);
printf("c is %x\n",c);
printf("*c is %s\n",c);
printf("c++\n&c is %d\n",&c);
printf("c is %x\n",c);
printf("*c is %s\n",c);
printf("*c++\n&c is %d\n",&c);
printf("c is %x\n",c);
printf("*c is %s\n",c);
printf("\n\n\n&i is %d\n",&i);
printf("i is %x\n",i);
printf("*i is %s\n",i);
printf("2222 i++\n&i is %d\n",&i);
printf("i is %x\n",i);
printf("*i is %s\n",i);
printf("3333*i++\n&i is %d\n",&i);
printf("i is %x\n",i);
printf("*i is %s \n",i);
return 0;
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