
PHP和node.js都有非常不错的生态,有各种各样的包,但是一旦引入的包多了我们的项目内的文件就会变得非常多,所以在使用VCS协作的时候我们都会忽略掉依赖包目录(node_modules / vendor)。但是我们忽略了包目录后在构建镜像的时候就要使用composer或者npm把包重新装回去,所以Dockerfile大概长这样

FROM node COPY . /src RUN cd /src && npm install

  • Starting with a parent image that is already in the cache, the next instruction is compared against all child images derived from that base image to see if one of them was built using the exact same instruction. If not, the cache is invalidated.
  • In most cases, simply comparing the instruction in the Dockerfile with one of the child images is sufficient. However, certain instructions require more examination and explanation.
  • For the ADD and COPY instructions, the contents of the file(s) in the image are examined and a checksum is calculated for each file. The last-modified and last-accessed times of the file(s) are not considered in these checksums. During the cache lookup, the checksum is compared against the checksum in the existing images. If anything has changed in the file(s), such as the contents and metadata, then the cache is invalidated.
了解上面的规则后我们再来看看上面那个Dockerfile,如果我们不修改任何代码的话第二次构建也是能使用缓存的,但是如果我们修改了代码,COPY . /src这层的缓存就会失效,同时下一层的缓存也会失效。但是大多数情况下,重新构建镜像就意味着代码有修改,但是package.jsoncomposer.json这两个文件并不会频繁的修改,所以我们需要把这两个文件以及install的操作分离出来,所以有
FROM nodeCOPY package.json /src/package.json RUN cd /src && npm installCOPY . /src

{ "dependencies": { "express": "^4.16.4" } }

const app = require('express')(); app.listen(8080)

然后我们进行第一次构建,看看docker history的输出
LIN2UR:~ lin2ur$ docker history demo IMAGECREATEDCREATED BYSIZECOMMENT 3c913c9e997b6 seconds ago/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY dir:e3c12f06720cf5f3b…1.6MB 21373087419a6 seconds ago/bin/sh -c cd /src && npm install3MB 64896ee5240d14 seconds ago/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:87de28b86afd2c1c…53B

把每一层的IMAGE ID和Dockerfile里面的指令对应起来就是
64896ee5240d => COPY package.json /src/package.json
21373087419a => RUN cd /src && npm install
3c913c9e997b => COPY . /src
LIN2UR:~ lin2ur$ docker history demo IMAGECREATEDCREATED BYSIZECOMMENT 5d697905ad0a6 seconds ago/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY dir:d698db67dac047bd2…1.6MB 21373087419a4 minutes ago/bin/sh -c cd /src && npm install3MB 64896ee5240d4 minutes ago/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:87de28b86afd2c1c…53B

可以看到除了最上一层外其他两层的IMAGE ID是没有变化的,再来看看docker build命令的输出
LIN2UR:~ lin2ur$ docker build --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t demo . Sending build context to Docker daemon1.902MB Step 1/4 : FROM node ---> c63e58f0a7b2 Step 2/4 : COPY package.json /src/package.json ---> Using cache ---> 64896ee5240d Step 3/4 : RUN cd /src && npm install ---> Using cache ---> 21373087419a Step 4/4 : COPY . /src ---> 5d697905ad0a Successfully built 5d697905ad0a Successfully tagged demo:latest

LIN2UR:~ lin2ur$ docker history demo IMAGECREATEDCREATED BYSIZECOMMENT 020ce95b198729 seconds ago/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY dir:ea4d7afd475895520…1.6MB d9697dfc702231 seconds ago/bin/sh -c cd /src && npm install3MB 71d8a2fb458a38 seconds ago/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:87bd25345a96e6b3…51B

这次底下两层的IMAGE ID都变了,意味着没有使用缓存,再来看看docker build命令的输出
LIN2UR:~ lin2ur$ docker build --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t demo . Sending build context to Docker daemon1.902MB Step 1/4 : FROM node ---> c63e58f0a7b2 Step 2/4 : COPY package.json /src/package.json ---> 71d8a2fb458a Step 3/4 : RUN cd /src && npm install ---> Running in ce424d6af936 Step 4/4 : COPY . /src ---> 020ce95b1987 Successfully built 020ce95b1987 Successfully tagged demo:latest

