
download:破解JavaScript高级玩法 解决问题后的好奇 如果每个目录都会产生一个Bucket,那如果运行一个流作业,岂不是迟早碰到相同的问题。这么显而易见的问题,社区的大神们肯定早就想到了,好奇心驱使着我寻找答案——直到看到了这段代码:

public void commitUpToCheckpoint(final long checkpointId) throws IOException { final Iterator>> activeBucketIt = activeBuckets.entrySet().iterator(); LOG.info( "Subtask {} received completion notification for checkpoint with id={}.", subtaskIndex, checkpointId); while (activeBucketIt.hasNext()) { final Bucket bucket = activeBucketIt.next().getValue(); bucket.onSuccessfulCompletionOfCheckpoint(checkpointId); if (!bucket.isActive()) { // We've dealt with all the pending files and the writer for this bucket is not // currently open. // Therefore this bucket is currently inactive and we can remove it from our state. activeBucketIt.remove(); notifyBucketInactive(bucket); } } }

