
0.常用便捷命令 0.1 levelof

levelsof displays a sorted list of the distinct values of varname
levelsof 可以帮助我们了解指定变量的取值情况
*Synax levelsof varname [if] [in] [, options]

cls sysuse auto, clear levelsof rep781 2 3 4 5

0.2 fs
fs lists the names of files in compact form.
fs 可以列示指定路径下的指定类型的文件,结果存储在返回值r(files)中。需要注意的是fs是外部命令,首次使用时需要安装。
*Synax fs [filespec [filespec [ ... ]]]

cls ssc install fs cd D:\software\stata16\Stata16MP\ado\base\a fs *.dtaauto.dtaauto2.dtaautornd.dtareturn listmacros: r(files) : ""auto.dta" "auto2.dta" "autornd.dta" "

0.3 rmsg
set rmsg determines whether the return message is to be displayed at the completion of each command. The initial setting is off. The return message shows how long the command took to execute and what time it completed execution.
# Synax set rmsg [on | off][, permanently]

cls set rmsg on forvalues k = 1(1)100000{ display `k' }... 99997 99998 99999 100000 r; t=0.87 0:39:24

0.4 log log可以将输入及输出等过程内容保存到文件中
*报告日志文件状态 log log query [logname | _all]*生成并打开日志文件 log using filename [, append replace [text|smcl] name(logname) nomsg]*关闭日志 log close [logname | _all]*暂停或继续日志记录 log off [logname] log on [logname]

log using log_auto, name(log1) sysuse auto, clear drop if rep78 ==. save test3, replace log close log1

1.循环 1.1 while
while evaluates exp and, if it is true (nonzero), executes the stata commands enclosed in the braces. It then repeats the process until exp evaluates to false (zero).
while 是依据表达式的真假进行循环,后面的forvalues和foreach可以理解为是while的
*Synax while exp { stata_commands }

*单循环 local j = 1 while `j' < 10{ display `j' local j = `j' + 1 }*嵌套循环 local i = 1 while `i' <= 5{ local j = 1 while `j' < `i'{ display "`j' 小于 `i'" local j = `j' + 1 } local i = `i' + 1 }

local x_est = 0 while abs(`x_est' ^ 2 - 4 * `x_est' + 4 - 0) > 0.0000001{ local x_est = `x_est' + 0.001 } display in red `x_est'2

1.2 forvalues
Loop over consecutive values
forvalues 只能用于数值的循环
*Synax forvalues lname = range { Stata commands referring to `lname' }

forvalues x_est = 1(0.0001)3{ if abs(`x_est' ^ 2 - 4 * `x_est' + 4 - 0) < 0.000000001{ display in red `x_est' continue, break } }2

1.3 foreach
foreach repeatedly sets local macro lname to each element of the list and executes the commands enclosed in braces. The loop is executed zero or more times; it is executed zero times if the list is null or empty.
foreach lname in | of listtype list { commands referring to ‘lname’ }Allowed are foreach lname in any list { foreach lname of local lmacname { foreach lname of global gmacname { foreach lname of varlist varlist { foreach lname of newlist newvarlist { foreach lname of numlist numlist {

cls sysuse auto, clear levelsof make, local(make_info) set rmsg on foreach x of local make_info{ display "`x'" }cls sysuse auto, clear levelsof make, local(make_info) set rmsg on foreach x in `make_info'{ display "`x'" }set rmsg off

*在指定文件夹依次生产名称为2010-2018的excel表格 cd C:\Users\Van\Desktop\test1 foreach file_name of numlist 2010/2018{ putexcel set `file_name'.xlsx, replace putexcel A1 = "Year" putexcel B1 = "Variable" putexcel C1 = "Varlue" }*以上用forvalues实现更简单、速度更快*将上面生产的excel文件转换成dta格式 local xlsx_list: dir . files "*.xlsx" foreach excel_file of local xlsx_list{ display "`excel_file'" import excel using `excel_file', firstrow clear save `excel_file'.dta, replace }#批量计算并查看变量的均值 cls sysuse auto, clear foreach v of varlist price mpg weight length{ quietly summarize `v' display "mean of variable `v' is:"`r(mean)' }

1.4 continue
The continue command within a foreach, forvalues, or while loop breaks execution of the current loop iteration and skips the remaining commands within the loop. Execution resumes at the top of the loop unless the break option is specified, in which case execution resumes with the command following the looping command.
*synax continue [, break]

  • continue:中止当前循环余下所用命令,返回上一级循环
  • continue, break:中止全部循环余下所用命令,返回上一级循环
*continue forvalues i = 1(1)5 { disp `i' if `i' >2{ continue } disp "`i':Hello World" }1 1:Hello World 2 2:Hello World 3 4 5*continue, break forvalues i = 1(1)5 { disp `i' if `i' >2{ continue, break } disp "`i':Hello World" }1 1:Hello World 2 2:Hello World 3

The if command evaluates exp. If the result is true (nonzero), the commands inside the braces are executed. If the result is false (zero), those statements are ignored, and the statement (or statements if enclosed in braces) following the else is executed.
*synax if exp {orif exp single_command multiple_commands }else {orelse single_command multiple_commands }

假设我们想写个计算小程序,当n>0时,表达式为x^n; 当n=0时,表达式是log(n);当n<0时,表达式是-x^n
program power if `2' > 0 { display in red `1'^`2' } else if `2' == 0 { display in red log(`1') } else { display in red -(`1'^(`2')) } endpower 16 2256

Preserve and restore data
*synax preserve [, changed] restore [, not preserve]

keep if year == 2015 save 2015.dta, replace

但是执行了上述命令后,原始数据就会被更改,除了2015年外其他年份的样本均会被删除,这使得我们只能写多次keep if 命令。此时,可以使用preserve和restore解决问题。
clear set seed 12345 set obs 10 gen year = _n + 2009 expand 3 gen value = save test2, replaceuse test2, clear forvalues i = 2009/2019{ preserve keep if year == `i' save `i', replace restore }

capture executes command, suppressing all its output (including error messages, if any) and issues a return code of zero. The actual return code generated by command is stored in the built-in scalar _rc.
*synax capture [:] commandcapture { stata_commands }

hist 杭州 dis "杭州"no variables defined

capture hist 杭州 dis "杭州"杭州

capture noisily hist 杭州 dis "杭州"no variables defined 杭州

使用display _rc可以查看错误返回值
capture noisily hist 杭州 dis "杭州" display _rc111

capture noisily display "杭州" display _rc0

capture noisily { di "杭州" error di "上海" }杭州 invalid syntax r(197);

