remittance 汇款1.Global demand for gold fell 5% to 1.100 tons,which the World Gold Council blamed on a sharp rise in gold prices in the past twelve months.
flamboyant 引人注目的
2.The latest government survey showed consumer confidence rose the most in rural areas where remittances from migrant workers are helping to boost spending power.
3.Some of Korea's growth is down to celebrities being persuaded to adopt the platform.In the past week, one of the most popular global sites on Facebook has been that of a Korean pop star.
4.A Bostonbased aluminum producer said in April that it was considering big production cuts at two of its Brazil factories in part because of high electricity costs.
5.People who've enjoyed longterm success are not flamboyant or haughty.They give more than they take and they are blessed with
humility. That is the best attribute of all.
【中级听力-16】7/26/2018 8:15:00 AM
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