Godot|Godot 游戏引擎 Your first game 学习笔记


func _process(delta): 中进行处理 :
var velocity = Vector2() if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"): velocity.y -= 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_down"): velocity.y += 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"): velocity.x -= 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"): velocity.x += 1 if velocity.length() > 0: velocity = velocity.normalized() * speed#velocity.normalized() 将向量变成一个单位比例 $AnimatedSprite.play() #播放动画 else: $AnimatedSprite.stop()position += velocity *delta# 变化位置 # 限制在 屏幕区域内部 # screensize = get_viewport_rect().size 获取 屏幕区域大小 position.x = clamp(position.x , 0 ,screensize.x) position.y = clamp(position.y , 0 ,screensize.y)# 设置动画方向,默认 右.上, 如果检测到速度变化,则 反转动画方向 # 动画只需要设置一个方向即可。 if velocity.x != 0: $AnimatedSprite.animation = "right" $AnimatedSprite.flip_v = false $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = (velocity.x < 0 )if velocity.y != 0: $AnimatedSprite.animation = "up" $AnimatedSprite.flip_v = (velocity.y > 0 ) $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false

动画部分改进: 如果同时按下 上,右方向,则导致 不现实帧动画,具体改进如下:
# 设置动画方向,默认 右.上, 如果检测到速度变化,则 反转动画方向 # 动画只需要设置一个方向即可。 if velocity.x != 0 and (abs(velocity.x) > abs(velocity.y)): $AnimatedSprite.animation = "right" $AnimatedSprite.flip_v = false $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = (velocity.x < 0 )if velocity.y != 0 and (abs(velocity.x) < abs(velocity.y)): $AnimatedSprite.animation = "up" $AnimatedSprite.flip_v = (velocity.y > 0 )

Player 为Area2D 类型,移动的敌人是 Rigidbody2D类型,可以连接 body_entered 信号,进行检测,是否与敌人发生碰撞
func _on_Player_body_entered(body): hide() emit_signal("hit") $CollisionShape2D.disabled =true print('debug--> ',body)

func _on_Visibility_screen_exited(): queue_free()

GDSCript 控制分组相关:
  1. 将节点加入分组: xxx.add_to_group("enemies")
  2. 获取分组,并且调用对应的函数: get_tree().call_group("enemies", "player_was_discovered")
  3. var enemies = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("enemies") 获取分组的所有节点
var player =load('res://Player.tscn')# 加载场景 player_inst = player.instance()# 实例化 add_child(player_inst)# 添加到节点 player_inst.connect('hit',self,'game_over') # 绑定信号

extends Spritesignal shoot(bullet, direction, location)var Bullet = preload("res://Bullet.tscn")func _input(event): if event is InputEventMouseButton: if event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT and event.pressed: emit_signal("shoot", Bullet, rotation, position)func _process(delta): look_at(get_global_mouse_position())

触摸相关 屏幕相关:
需要在项目设置中开启 模拟触屏事件
第一步是打开”Project Settings”并找到 “Display” -> “Window” -> Handheld 部分。启用 Emulate Touchscreen 选项。这使得您可以将鼠标点击事件视为触摸事件
func _input(event): if event isInputEventScreenTouch and event.is_pressed(): _isTouchControl = true target = event.positionfunc _process(delta): ## Called every frame. Delta is time since last frame. ## Update game logic here.if position.distance_to(target) > 10 : velocity = (target-position).normalized() * speed else: #键盘控制 velocity = Vector2() _isTouchControl = false

手动定义动画 tween 的用法 Tween interpolate_property方法。它需要七个参数:
  1. 对拥有该属性的节点进行动画的引用
  2. 属性的标识符作为字符串
  3. 起始值
  4. 端值
  5. 动画以秒为单位的持续时间
  6. 过渡的类型
  7. 过度类型的参数。
以下示例:相当于在0.3秒内,将animated_health 设置为 新值 health
然后在_process中 更新进玩家的生命值度条
func _process(delta): bar.value = https://www.it610.com/article/animated_health number_label.text = str(round(animated_health)) pass# 更新 生命值 func update_health(health:int): tween.interpolate_property(self,"animated_health",animated_health,health,0.3,Tween.TRANS_LINEAR,Tween.EASE_IN) if !tween.is_active(): tween.set_active(true) pass

示例效果 如下:(由于插值有可能是浮点数,所以,需要使用函数将其转换为整数)
bar.value = https://www.it610.com/article/animated_health number_label.text = str(round(animated_health))

Godot|Godot 游戏引擎 Your first game 学习笔记
lifebar_tutorial_number_animation_messed_up.gif 切换场景 【Godot|Godot 游戏引擎 Your first game 学习笔记】change_scene ( String path )
change_scene_to ( PackedScene packed_scene )
Kinematic character (2D) 控制运动
var speed = 200var gravity = 200var velocity =Vector2()func _ready(): pass # Replace with function body.func get_input():if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"): velocity.x = speed pass elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"): velocity.x = -speed else: velocity.x = 0# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _physics_process(delta): get_input() velocity.y += gravity*delta #move_and_collide(velocity) move_and_slide(velocity,Vector2(0,-1))

蓄能时间 需要根据实际 进行适当调整 , 另外设置最大值 , 蓄能可以从
-max_impulse 到 + max_impulse:float ,方便进行方向控制
extends RigidBody2D###备注: 蓄能条核心代码 ### ###瞬间冲力大小,可以有方向,上方或者下方var to_maximpulse_time =2 var impulse:float =0 var max_impulse:float = 500var acceleration# 计算得出# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): acceleration = max_impulse / to_maximpulse_time $ProgressBar.min_value = https://www.it610.com/article/-max_impulse $ProgressBar.max_value = max_impulse pass # Replace with function body.func _process(delta):if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_select"): #self.linear_velocity.y = -speed# y is down, we need player up # # 需要判断 目前最大速度,否则速度太大 会导致穿过模型出去, # 一个物理周期 的位移穿过了模型,导致检测不到 碰撞了。 if self.linear_velocity.length() < 1000.0: self.apply_central_impulse( Vector2(0,-impulse).rotated(self.rotation ) ) # update speed _update_speed(delta) $ProgressBar.value = https://www.it610.com/article/impulse passfunc _physics_process(delta): passfunc _update_speed(delta): if abs(impulse)> abs(max_impulse): acceleration = -acceleration impulse +=delta*acceleration
