
DAY1第一天的单词总结作业 1.perpetual a.continuing for a long period of time wihout interruption; [SYN]continous&permanteg:the ~ noise ; the ~ fear
b.repeated in a way that is annoying; [SYN]continual有种不耐烦义;eg:the ~interruptions i cannot stand
c.lasting for the whole of sb's life; eg:i am a ~learner
2.assert a.state firmly and clearly; [SYN] declare; usage:~that, ~+noun;
b.to make other people recognize your right to do sth by behaving firmly andconfidently; eg:I was determined to assert my authority from the beginning.(维护)
3.empirical a.based on experiments or experience(adj)以经验或实验为依据;[OPP]theoretical; eg:an~study orevidence
4.reinforce a.make a feeling or state and etc.stronger;eg:it is urgent for America to ~ coordination with China.~ reputation
5.falsify a.to change a written record or imformation篡改;eg:~business records
6.hypothesis a.an explanation based on a few known facts 假说
7.compelling a.so interesting and you pay attention to it 扣人心弦的;eg:a violent but ~film
b.that makes you think it is true;eg :~ evidence/reason
8.ongoing continuning to exist or develop 持续的调查、讨论等
9.pick holes in something 挑毛病
10.astronomer a scientist who studies astronomy
10.orbit轨道 in orbit round the sun/moon 11.speculative a.showing that you are trying to guess sth; eg:a~ eye/look
b.(of bussiness) invovling the risk of losing money
12.particle 微粒 ; eg:~ of dust; alpha particles 13.gold leaf 金箔 14.deflection a sudden change in the direction that sth is moving in ,usually after it has hit sth; (TECHNICAL)eg:the ~of the light as it passes through the regularly spaced slits grating.
15.detector 检测器 eg:a metal ~ 16simultaneously=at the same time 17.apparatus 仪器 eg:a piece of laboratory apparatus 18.immortal
a.that lives or lasts for ever; eg:the soul is ~
b.famous and likely to be remembered for evereg:Maybe my work is not immortal, but it will live for a while.
19.ingenious a.very clever and involves new ideas, methods, or equipmenteg:the solution to the puzzle is ingenious.
20.import 进口

DAY2 第二天的思维导图(by hand)

DAY3 第三天的总结作业 1.阅读本身:科学简史有大量生词,对于还未过四级的大一生来说有点吃力,第一遍用了近一小时,对的有点吃力,不过由于是理科生,对于内容都能猜出个大概。第二天再反复阅读时感觉很轻松,生词差不多都熟悉起来,再之后在读懂文章的前提下,又摸清了文章的逻辑和结构,开始琢磨作者为什么要这么写,这么写逻辑会不会通。第三天再阅读,似乎理解了阅读记词汇的好处与乐趣,似乎阅读过程中,学到知识加深对事物的理解才是最主要的,而那些关于词汇、句法的东西充其量只是附带品。
【笃学奖-科学简史-A16904-甘比精读】3.对于文中的Birth of modern science,这种遵循时间顺序描述的过程,感觉会有点乱,还要自己去梳理不同学科的发展过程。我觉得如果在这一部分按照学科分类,先讲物理的发展,再讲化学,最后讲生物会比较好。
