I|I Love You
Under Horkos gaze.
I promise here.
If you don't leave me,
love never fails.
I want to be your best "hello"
and hardest"goodbye".
I will go to visit Hemera
and Nyx with you.
Say "kala mera",
and"kala nychta".
You are so beautiful in my eyes.
The sage says:
every fair from fair something declines.
But yours comeliness have
cheated Thanatos.
I think ours karma in Clotho
will without end.
You can "Lachesis"it,but
It will never in Atropos.
Thousands of years passed,
and these words were
【I|I Love You】what remained of the joy
and sorrow of then
that lived in this world:
Love suffers long and is kind.
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- oh|oh my love
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