【3月超耐笔记04】Glassed-in:|【3月超耐笔记04】Glassed-in: women and work

Glassed-in: women and work
*glassed-in 被玻璃笼罩着的(建筑物),此处指后文中提到的女性在职场上遭遇“玻璃天花板”而升职难的问题
① Today is International Women's Day.
② After decades of improvement, progress for women in the workplace has recently stalled.
“stall ①汽车熄火②之前在发展的东西现在停止发展了
③ The Economist's latest glass-ceiling index tracks where women have the best chance of equal treatment at work within the rich world.
*glass-ceiling 一个人在职场发展中无法逾越的限制
④ It finds that the gender pay gap is stuck at around 14%, women's share of management jobs remains at 32% and labour-force participation has barely budged.
*gender pay gap 由性别产生的收入差距
*labour-force participation 劳动参与率
*budge vt./vi①挪动 ②(想法、立场 )改变 → He will never budge from his position.
【赏析】除了展示数据本身,还用动词(be stuck at/remain/barely budge)展示除了数据的负面性。
⑤ There are bright spots.
⑥ Nordic countries are particularly good at helping women complete university and secure a job.
⑦ They also offer supportive parental leave, while mandatory quotas for women on boards have boosted representation.
*supportive 支持性的
*parental leave 产假 (男女共有) → maternity leave (只针对女性的产假)
*mandatory 法律规定的,强制的
*quotas(for sth)配额,定额
⑧ Asia, with stubborn societal norms, fares worst.
*stubborn 常用于形容人的性格
*societal norms societal 跟social差不多,但两者搭配不同,social更多用于个人。
⑨ In Japan and South Korea, the division of labour at home is woefully unbalanced: women do five times more housework than men.
*division of labour 劳动的分工(固定的搭配)
⑩ Many must choose between a family and a career.
【【3月超耐笔记04】Glassed-in:|【3月超耐笔记04】Glassed-in: women and work】? Women who choose to work often struggle to secure top jobs; men are typically favoured for promotions.
