
1.I am seeing someone. 和。。。约会(date sb)
I don't mean to come up to you. 我不是有意要吃你豆腐的(come up to 吃豆腐,俚语)
I feel like the third wheel.我感觉自己像个电灯泡
2.I am dying for a cold beer! 我太想喝凉啤酒了
3.What should i do if i have hiccups?
have hiccups 打嗝
he need to burp. 打嗝
4.Not only did i hear it, but i saw it. 我不仅听说了,我还亲眼看到了
concubine 情妇,小三
5.I'll do all that is required of me. 让我干啥我就干啥(从句)
6.I am never on your mind. 你从没把我放在心上
sb is on one's mind 思念。。。
7.He is such a hothead. 他就是个暴脾气
above one's head (危险)迫在眉睫
Since the problem has already arisen, it is no use to bury your head in the sand. You should do something about it. 不敢正视困难,逃避现实
8.My stomach is growing. 我的肚子咕咕叫了(饿了)
I feel kind of hungry now. 我有点儿饿了
9.I felt like a cheapskate. 我觉得我自己真抠门
cheapskate=cheap=skate 小气,抠门
10.Ow, I stepped on a nail! 我踩到钉子了
I nail it=I make it!我成功了!我做到了!
Yeah, i know. It costs to be cool, huh? (表示轻蔑,惊异)
Oh my God!/ Oh boy! / Gosh!(我的天)
Shoot! I forgot to buy her a birthday present!(糟了!坏了!)
Oops! I locked my key in the car.(糟糕!)
Ugh! That's disgusting.(表示厌恶,害怕)
11.Picking his nose in class.Gross! 上课时间抠鼻子,真恶心!
12.I fed up with learning English.我受够学习英语了
13.That does it! 还是算了吧
Easy does it. (Take the time)慢慢来
14.On lunch hour she audited classes. 她利用午饭时间去旁听课程。
【跟汤坤老师学地道美语笔记(4)】Bruch 是breakfast和lunch的结合体
15.What's all the rush! 急什么!
16.I was twice married. 我结过两次婚
17.My shoe's rubbing. 我的鞋子磨脚
18.Keep it hush-hush. 要保密呀!别告诉别人!
Just between you and me. 要保密呀!别告诉别人!
19.There's something wrong. 有些不对劲
I smell a rat here. 有些不对劲
