
  1. 简单查询
    查询所有字段: SELECT * FROM 表名 查询特定字段: SELECT 字段列表FROM 表名

  2. 查询显示行号
    - 在字段列表中加入(@rownum := @rownum + 1) AS rownum - 在FROM子句中加入(select @rownum:=0)r - 示例如下: select (@rownum := @rownum + 1) AS rownum,book_name from(select @rownum:=0)r, book; 查询结果: +--------+--------------------+ | rownum | book_name| +--------+--------------------+ |1 | 数据库系统设计| |2 | 从实模式到保护模式 | +--------+--------------------+

  3. 在查询语句中可以有算术表达式,它将形成一个新列,用于显示计算的结果,通常称为计算列。
    实例:select book_price/2 AS new_book_price,author_id from book;

  4. 在SELECT子句中使用AS关键字给某个字段起别名
    • 基本使用
mysql> select book_price AS New_book_price,author_id as my_idea from book; +----------------+---------+ | New_book_price | my_idea | +----------------+---------+ |214 |1 | |34.5 |2 | +----------------+---------+ 2 rows in set (0.07 sec)- 别名中如果出现空格或者()之类的敏感字符,需要使用双引号将别名引起mysql> select book_name as "the new book name" from book; +--------------------+ | the new book name| +--------------------+ | 数据库系统设计| | 从实模式到保护模式 | +--------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.06 sec)mysql> select book_name as the new book name from book; 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'new book name from book' at line 1

  1. 使用DISTINCT消除重复行显示
    mysql> select volume FROM book; +--------+ | volume | +--------+ | 45| | 45| +--------+ 2 rows in set (0.07 sec)mysql> select DISTINCT volume FROM book; +--------+ | volume | +--------+ | 45| +--------+ 1 row in set (0.06 sec)

  2. 查询结果的排序,order by 字段 (asc,desc),asc表示升序,desc表示降序,如果不指明的话,就会默认使用升序
    mysql> SELECT * FROM author ORDER BY id; +----+--------------+---------+ | id | name| address | +----+--------------+---------+ |1 | chenchen|| |2 | chenqingyang || |5 | 666| 广州市| | 14 | gafv| gfgd| +----+--------------+---------+ 4 rows in set (0.05 sec)mysql> select * from author order by id desc; +----+--------------+---------+ | id | name| address | +----+--------------+---------+ | 14 | gafv| gfgd| |5 | 666| 广州市| |2 | chenqingyang || |1 | chenchen|| +----+--------------+---------+ 4 rows in set (0.05 sec)

  3. 需要注意的是,在order by子句中,如果该字段是字符类型的话,那将使用字符表的顺序来进行比较
    mysql> select * from author order by name ; +----+--------------+---------+ | id | name| address | +----+--------------+---------+ |1 | chenchen|| |2 | chenqingyang || | 14 | gafv| gfgd| +----+--------------+---------+ 3 rows in set (0.05 sec)

  4. 索引的创建与删除
    • 创建: CREATE INDEX 索引名 on table_name(字段名)
    • 删除: DROP INDEX 索引名 on table_name
      创建代码: mysql> create index name_index on author(name); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec) Records: 0Duplicates: 0Warnings: 0删除代码: mysql> DROP index name_index on author; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec) Records: 0Duplicates: 0Warnings: 0

【Mysql的查询语句的使用】本文由博客一文多发平台 OpenWrite 发布!
