
提取码:ezbd 1、数据分析 数据集divorce.xlsx,我们先来看一下数据说明。简单来说,每一个维度对应一个调查问卷的问题。如图


import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns# 用这个库绘制数据分布特征图比较方便,pip install seaborn 就行了 %matplotlib inline plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['KaiTi']# 指定默认字体 from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score# k折交叉验证 from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split# 导入自动生成训练集和测试集的模块 from sklearn.metrics import classification_report# 导入预测结果评估模块 from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression# 逻辑回归 from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix# 混淆矩阵 from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier# 随机森林分类 from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier# 决策树 from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier# KNN from sklearn import svm# 支持向量机

data_train = pd.read_excel('divorce.xlsx') # 让pandas自己先告诉我们一些信息,发现没有缺失值,因此不用进行缺失值的填充 data_train.info() print(data_train) data_train.describe()

RangeIndex: 170 entries, 0 to 169 Data columns (total 55 columns): Atr1170 non-null int64 Atr2170 non-null int64 Atr3170 non-null int64 Atr4170 non-null int64 Atr5170 non-null int64 Atr6170 non-null int64 Atr7170 non-null int64 Atr8170 non-null int64 Atr9170 non-null int64 Atr10170 non-null int64 Atr11170 non-null int64 Atr12170 non-null int64 Atr13170 non-null int64 Atr14170 non-null int64 Atr15170 non-null int64 Atr16170 non-null int64 Atr17170 non-null int64 Atr18170 non-null int64 Atr19170 non-null int64 Atr20170 non-null int64 Atr21170 non-null int64 Atr22170 non-null int64 Atr23170 non-null int64 Atr24170 non-null int64 Atr25170 non-null int64 Atr26170 non-null int64 Atr27170 non-null int64 Atr28170 non-null int64 Atr29170 non-null int64 Atr30170 non-null int64 Atr31170 non-null int64 Atr32170 non-null int64 Atr33170 non-null int64 Atr34170 non-null int64 Atr35170 non-null int64 Atr36170 non-null int64 Atr37170 non-null int64 Atr38170 non-null int64 Atr39170 non-null int64 Atr40170 non-null int64 Atr41170 non-null int64 Atr42170 non-null int64 Atr43170 non-null int64 Atr44170 non-null int64 Atr45170 non-null int64 Atr46170 non-null int64 Atr47170 non-null int64 Atr48170 non-null int64 Atr49170 non-null int64 Atr50170 non-null int64 Atr51170 non-null int64 Atr52170 non-null int64 Atr53170 non-null int64 Atr54170 non-null int64 Class170 non-null int64 dtypes: int64(55) memory usage: 73.2 KB Atr1Atr2Atr3Atr4Atr5Atr6Atr7Atr8Atr9Atr10...Atr46\ 02241000000...2 14444400444...2 22222132112...3 33232333333...2 42211110000...2 ...................................... 1650000000000...1 1660000000000...4 1671100000001...3 1680000000000...3 1690000000100...3Atr47Atr48Atr49Atr50Atr51Atr52Atr53Atr54Class 0133323211 1234444221 2231112221 3233332221 4123222101 ............................. 165041142220 166122223220 167020113000 168322324310 169440133310[170 rows x 55 columns]

Atr1 Atr2 Atr3 Atr4 Atr5 Atr6 Atr7 Atr8 Atr9 Atr10 ... Atr46 Atr47 Atr48 Atr49 Atr50 Atr51 Atr52 Atr53 Atr54 Class
count 170.000000 170.000000 170.000000 170.000000 170.000000 170.000000 170.000000 170.000000 170.000000 170.000000 ... 170.000000 170.000000 170.000000 170.000000 170.000000 170.000000 170.000000 170.000000 170.000000 170.000000
mean 1.776471 1.652941 1.764706 1.482353 1.541176 0.747059 0.494118 1.452941 1.458824 1.576471 ... 2.552941 2.270588 2.741176 2.382353 2.429412 2.476471 2.517647 2.241176 2.011765 0.494118
std 1.627257 1.468654 1.415444 1.504327 1.632169 0.904046 0.898698 1.546371 1.557976 1.421529 ... 1.371786 1.586841 1.137348 1.511587 1.405090 1.260238 1.476537 1.505634 1.667611 0.501442
min 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 2.000000 1.000000 2.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
50% 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 ... 3.000000 2.000000 3.000000 3.000000 2.000000 3.000000 3.000000 2.000000 2.000000 0.000000
75% 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 1.000000 1.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 ... 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 1.000000
max 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 ... 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 1.000000
8 rows × 55 columns

# 看一下数据中离婚和没有离婚的人数 data_train['Class'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar') plt.title(u"离婚情况 (1为离婚)") # puts a title on our graph plt.ylabel(u"人数")'''我们发现正负样本个数基本持平

Text(0, 0.5, '人数')


# 由于一共有50多维的特征,对应50几个问题的不同回答,可以有些特征的重要程度不是那么大 # 各特征向量相关性 print(data_train.corr()) # 作出相关性矩阵 plt.figure(figsize=(48, 36)) sns.set_style("whitegrid") sns.heatmap(data_train.corr(),annot=True, cmap='Blues', vmin = 0.0, vmax = 1 ,linewidths=1)'''发现很多数据都具有比较强的相关性'''


# 协方差矩阵 print(data_train.cov()) xfc = data_train.cov() cov = [] for i in range(data_train.shape[1]-1): cov.append(xfc.iloc[i, i]) plt.bar(data_train.columns[:-1], np.array(cov)) plt.title(u"各特征方差") plt.xlabel("特征") plt.ylabel(u"方差") plt.show()


总的来说数据还是很完美的,没有缺失值,因此不需要填充缺失值。由于每个数据都是0~4的数字,代表着对问题的不同程度的回答,因此不必要对数据进行归一化与标准化,也不需要进行one-hot操作。某些特征之间的相关性比较高,可以考虑一下降维操作,但基于此问题每一个属性对应一个调查问题这一特殊性质, PCA、SVD等降维方法降维后的得到的数据的每一行可以看成是原来m条数据在新的k个维度上的投影坐标,这改变了每一个特征对应一个调查问题这一特殊性质,而我们希望的是从这些问题中挑选出一些重要的问题来简化模型,因此不适合用PCA、SVD等降维方法来进行降维操作。因此需要用特征选择(feature selection)的方法来简化模型。

# 逻辑回归,采用10折交叉验证,用准确率来评估,发现曲线在C=0.4时收敛。 C_params = np.linspace(0.01, 1, 100) test_scores = [] for c in C_params: clf = LogisticRegression(C=c, penalty='l2', tol=1e-6) test_score = cross_val_score(clf, train_X, train_y, cv=10, scoring='accuracy') test_scores.append(np.mean(test_score))plt.plot(C_params, test_scores) plt.title("调整LR的惩罚系数c") plt.xlabel('惩罚系数C') plt.ylabel('10折交叉验证的准确率') plt.show()


得到最优参数 C=0.4,准确率0.982

# 预测评估、绘制混淆矩阵 # 将数据集37分,7份训练,3份预测 clf = LogisticRegression(C=0.4, penalty='l2', tol=1e-6) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(train_X, train_y, test_size=0.3) clf.fit(X_train, y_train) print("预测评估结果如下:\n", classification_report(y_test, clf.predict(X_test)))

预测评估结果如下: precisionrecallf1-scoresupport00.971.000.9828 11.000.960.9823accuracy0.9851 macro avg0.980.980.9851 weighted avg0.980.980.9851

from sklearn import svm# 支持向量机 from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV# 网格搜索调参# SVM 的网格搜索 调参 param = {'kernel': ['rbf', 'poly'], 'C': np.linspace(1, 100, 100)} grid = GridSearchCV(svm.SVC(), param_grid=param, cv=10) grid.fit(train_X, train_y) print('best params:', grid.best_params_,'best score:', grid.best_score_)# 得到最优的参数和分值means = grid.cv_results_['mean_test_score'] params = grid.cv_results_['params'] hhhh = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(params), pd.DataFrame({'score': means})], axis=1) hhhh # for mean, param in zip(means, params): #print("参数:{} \t test_score:{}\t".format(param, mean))

best params: {'C': 2.0, 'kernel': 'rbf'} best score: 0.9823529411764707

特征选择 具体请参考:https://www.cnblogs.com/stevenlk/p/6543628.html

在数据分析阶段已经分析过,离婚预测问题的每一个属性对应一个调查问题, PCA、SVD等降维方法降维会改变这一特殊性质。为了从这些问题中挑选出一些重要的问题来简化和优化模型,因而需要做特征选择(feature selection)。
  • Filter:过滤法,按照发散性或者相关性对各个特征进行评分,设定阈值或者待选择阈值的个数,选择特征。
  • Wrapper:包装法,根据目标函数(通常是预测效果评分),每次选择若干特征,或者排除若干特征。使用一个基础模型来进行多轮训练,每轮训练后,移除若干权值系数的特征,再基于新的特征集进行下一轮训练。
  • Embedded:嵌入法,先使用某些机器学习的算法和模型进行训练,得到各个特征的权值系数,根据系数从大到小选择特征。类似于Filter方法,但是是通过训练来确定特征的优劣。

# 找到权重最大的6个特征,其下标分别是2 30 43 48 25 39 clf = LogisticRegression(C=0.4, penalty='l2', tol=1e-6) clf.fit(train_X, train_y) weight_arr = np.array(clf.coef_).reshape(-1) print('重最大的10个特征下标:', weight_arr.argsort()[-10:]) print('各个特征的权重', clf.coef_) plt.bar(range(1, train_X.shape[1]+1), weight_arr) plt.title(u"各特征权重") plt.xlabel("特征") plt.ylabel(u"特征权重") plt.show()

重最大的6个特征下标: [38 275 162 30 43 48 25 39] 各个特征的权重 [[ 2.17720972e-012.24766611e-012.80719097e-011.13008502e-01 1.22699281e-012.60222839e-01 -2.21849802e-046.48332841e-02 7.97345462e-02 -1.58821783e-021.20942969e-011.24425583e-01 -6.46131183e-021.67072655e-012.37785099e-011.14999839e-01 2.78684197e-012.41468503e-012.14227280e-012.39629025e-01 7.05548979e-02 -2.00206891e-02 -2.57268937e-02 -4.95804574e-02 1.18052477e-013.81350374e-019.34487757e-022.55759482e-01 1.44724330e-011.62397921e-012.90033904e-011.38180436e-01 1.50782978e-011.61433520e-015.26107564e-021.58250954e-01 2.66690085e-021.65857456e-012.54333885e-014.76657143e-01 1.84107213e-011.26628270e-011.17035298e-013.02576017e-01 1.21383739e-023.40128328e-023.84344718e-02 -5.41742213e-02 3.56737710e-011.42873105e-01 -3.61608478e-031.97740815e-01 2.31508643e-01 -2.79129682e-02]]


# 接下来我们迭代寻优,权重最大的n个特征为纵坐标,10折交叉验证的准确率为横坐标,找到具体几个参数的时候准确率最高 # 发现特征个数为10个时,准确率最高,0.994,这10个特征的下标分别是38 275 162 30 43 48 25 39 clf = LogisticRegression(C=0.4, penalty='l2', tol=1e-6) clf.fit(train_X, train_y) weight_arr = np.array(clf.coef_).reshape(-1) weight_arr_arg = weight_arr.argsort() test_scores = [] for i in range(3, 20): clf = LogisticRegression(C=0.4, penalty='l2', tol=1e-6) test_score = cross_val_score(clf, train_X[:, weight_arr_arg[-i:]], train_y, cv=10, scoring='accuracy') test_scores.append(np.mean(test_score))plt.plot(range(3, 20), test_scores) plt.title("特征个数——准确率 图") plt.xlabel("选择权重最大的前n个特征数") plt.ylabel("10折交叉验证的准确率") plt.show()




We're just starting a discussion before I know what's going on
I know my spouse's basic anxieties.
I have nothing to do with what I've been accused of.
Sometimes I think it's good for me to leave home for a while.
I feel aggressive when I argue with my spouse.
When we need it, we can take our discussions with my spouse from the beginning and correct it.
We share the same views about being happy in our life with my spouse
We don't have time at home as partners.
I know my spouse's hopes and wishes.
Our discussions often occur suddenly.

from sklearn.externals import joblib# 保存模型train_X = train_X[:, [2, 30, 43, 48, 25, 39]] clf = LogisticRegression(C=0.4, penalty='l2', tol=1e-6) test_score = cross_val_score(clf, train_X, train_y, cv=10, scoring='accuracy') print('accuracy:', np.mean(test_score)) clf.fit(train_X, train_y) # 保存模型 joblib.dump(clf, '离婚LR.pkl')

import pyefun.wxefun as wx# GUI设计的库,这个库还蛮方便使用的,pip install pyefun from sklearn.externals import joblib# 保存模型class 窗口1(wx.窗口): def __init__(self): self.初始化界面() self.clf = joblib.load('离婚LR.pkl') self.dic = {'从不': 0, '很少': 1, '有时': 2, '经常': 3, '总是': 4} self.result_dic = {0: '不会离婚', 1: '离婚'} print("加载模型完毕")def 初始化界面(self): #########以下是创建的组件代码######### wx.窗口.__init__(self, None, title='离婚测试系统 by阿豪', size=(742, 532), name='frame', style=541072896) self.容器 = wx.容器(self) self.Centre() self.窗口1 = selfself.标签1 = wx.标签(self.容器, size=(582, 47), pos=(23, 22), label='此系统仅试用于已婚人士!', name='staticText', style=2321) self.标签1.字体 = wx.Font(22, 74, 90, 400, False, 'Microsoft YaHei UI', 28) self.标签2 = wx.标签(self.容器, size=(479, 37), pos=(17, 91), label="必要时,我可以从一开始就和我的配偶讨论问题并纠正它。", name='staticText', style=2321) self.标签2.字体 = wx.Font(12, 74, 90, 400, False, 'Microsoft YaHei UI', -1) self.组合框1 = wx.组合框(self.容器, value='', pos=(535, 91), name='comboBox', choices=[], style=16) self.组合框1.SetSize((60, 37)) self.组合框1.字体 = wx.Font(12, 74, 90, 400, False, 'Microsoft YaHei UI', -1) self.组合框1.背景颜色 = (255, 255, 255, 255) self.组合框1.加入项目(['从不', '很少', '有时', '经常', '总是']) self.标签3 = wx.标签(self.容器, size=(479, 37), pos=(17, 141), label="当我和配偶争吵时,我觉得自己很有攻击性。", name='staticText', style=2321) self.标签3.字体 = wx.Font(12, 74, 90, 400, False, 'Microsoft YaHei UI', -1) self.组合框3 = wx.组合框(self.容器, value='', pos=(535, 141), name='comboBox', choices=[], style=16) self.组合框3.SetSize((60, 37)) self.组合框3.字体 = wx.Font(12, 74, 90, 400, False, 'Microsoft YaHei UI', -1) self.组合框3.背景颜色 = (255, 255, 255, 255) self.组合框3.加入项目(['从不', '很少', '有时', '经常', '总是']) self.标签4 = wx.标签(self.容器, size=(479, 37), pos=(17, 191), label='有时我觉得离开家一段时间对我有好处。', name='staticText', style=2321) self.标签4.字体 = wx.Font(12, 74, 90, 400, False, 'Microsoft YaHei UI', -1) self.组合框4 = wx.组合框(self.容器, value='', pos=(535, 191), name='comboBox', choices=[], style=16) self.组合框4.SetSize((60, 37)) self.组合框4.字体 = wx.Font(12, 74, 90, 400, False, 'Microsoft YaHei UI', -1) self.组合框4.背景颜色 = (255, 255, 255, 255) self.组合框4.加入项目(['从不', '很少', '有时', '经常', '总是']) self.标签5 = wx.标签(self.容器, size=(479, 37), pos=(17, 241), label="曾经被配偶指责过的地方,我没有想纠正它的想法", name='staticText', style=2321) self.标签5.字体 = wx.Font(12, 74, 90, 400, False, 'Microsoft YaHei UI', -1) self.组合框5 = wx.组合框(self.容器, value='', pos=(535, 241), name='comboBox', choices=[], style=16) self.组合框5.SetSize((60, 37)) self.组合框5.字体 = wx.Font(12, 74, 90, 400, False, 'Microsoft YaHei UI', -1) self.组合框5.背景颜色 = (255, 255, 255, 255) self.组合框5.加入项目(['从不', '很少', '有时', '经常', '总是']) self.标签6 = wx.标签(self.容器, size=(479, 37), pos=(17, 291), label='我知道我配偶的最基本的烦恼。', name='staticText', style=2321) self.标签6.字体 = wx.Font(12, 74, 90, 400, False, 'Microsoft YaHei UI', -1) self.组合框6 = wx.组合框(self.容器, value='', pos=(535, 291), name='comboBox', choices=[], style=16) self.组合框6.SetSize((60, 37)) self.组合框6.字体 = wx.Font(12, 74, 90, 400, False, 'Microsoft YaHei UI', -1) self.组合框6.背景颜色 = (255, 255, 255, 255) self.组合框6.加入项目(['从不', '很少', '有时', '经常', '总是']) self.标签7 = wx.标签(self.容器, size=(479, 37), pos=(17, 341), label="我们只是在我知道发生了什么之前开始讨论而已。", name='staticText', style=2321) self.标签7.字体 = wx.Font(12, 74, 90, 400, False, 'Microsoft YaHei UI', -1) self.组合框7 = wx.组合框(self.容器, value='', pos=(535, 341), name='comboBox', choices=[], style=16) self.组合框7.SetSize((60, 37)) self.组合框7.字体 = wx.Font(12, 74, 90, 400, False, 'Microsoft YaHei UI', -1) self.组合框7.背景颜色 = (255, 255, 255, 255) self.组合框7.加入项目(['从不', '很少', '有时', '经常', '总是']) self.按钮2 = wx.按钮(self.容器, size=(106, 35), pos=(105, 415), label='按钮', name='button') self.按钮2.字体 = wx.Font(9, 70, 90, 400, False, 'Microsoft YaHei UI', -1) self.按钮2.绑定事件(wx.事件.被单击, self.按钮2_被单击) self.编辑框1 = wx.编辑框(self.容器, size=(149, 38), pos=(317, 418)) self.编辑框1.字体 = wx.Font(12, 74, 90, 400, False, 'Microsoft YaHei UI', -1) self.编辑框1.背景颜色 = (255, 255, 255, 255) self.编辑框1.禁止 = True #########以上是创建的组件代码###################以下是组件绑定的事件代码######### def 按钮2_被单击(self,event): print("按钮2_被单击") d1 = self.组合框1.取选中项文本() d2 = self.组合框3.取选中项文本() d3 = self.组合框4.取选中项文本() d4 = self.组合框5.取选中项文本() d5 = self.组合框6.取选中项文本() d6 = self.组合框7.取选中项文本() ls = [[self.dic[d1], self.dic[d2], self.dic[d3], self.dic[d4], self.dic[d5], self.dic[d6]]] jg = self.clf.predict(ls)[0] self.编辑框1.内容 = self.result_dic[jg] #########以上是组件绑定的事件代码#########class 应用(wx.App): def OnInit(self): self.窗口1 = 窗口1() self.窗口1.Show(True) return Trueif __name__ == '__main__': app = 应用() app.MainLoop()
