
Today is Monday.
【2017.12.11】Sam asked John how he felt and John said he felt bad. When Sam and his father went back to their own house, all Sam's fear changed to anger. He swore if the soldiers came back, he would shoot them. His father asked him to calm down and washed grit and powder off his face. Sam's mother didn't let him take part in the dangerous activity again. Then the bells began to ring again, which meant they were coming back. Sam's mother asked him to stay at home, but it was too late because Sam had grabbed his gun and ran outside. His father followed close behind. At that time many people had come from all around. They shot the soldiers while the troops were marching. They never got in close, but fired behind the rocks and trees. This made better than meeting in the open. Then most soldiers came out from Boston. For a while the battle was heavy. They fired the houses and then went back to Boston, followed on all sides by the farmers, whose bullets buzzed like bees. Late that night, Sam and his father came back home. Sam was too tired to answer his mother's question and fell asleep soon. No one knew it then, but that day is the start of American Revolution. At the end, America became a country of its own, but Sam didn't think of that. He just thought of John and wondered how he was.
