Python|两种不同方法求最大公约数GCD(Greatest Common Divisor)(Python)
【Python|两种不同方法求最大公约数GCD(Greatest Common Divisor)(Python)】
- 方法一:从1开始依次查找
- Python3实现
- 方法二:欧几里得算法(辗转相除法)
- Python3代码实现
# pseudocode
gcd = 1
int k = 2 #Possible gcd
while k <= n1 and k <= n2:
if n1 % k == 0 and n2 % k == 0:
gcd = k
k += 1
#Finding the Greatest Common Divisorn1 = eval(input("Enter first number: "))
n2 = eval(input("Enter second number: "))gcd = 1
k = 2
while k <= n1 and k <= n2:
if n1 % k == 0 and n2 % k == 0:
gcd = k
k += 1print("The greatest common divisor for", n1, "and ", n2, "is", gcd)
input("press Enter: ")
方法二:欧几里得算法(辗转相除法) 原理解释如连接:英文算法解释
#Finding the Greatest Common Divisor Euclid's Algorithmn1 = eval(input("Enter first number: "))
n2 = eval(input("Enter second number: "))number1, number2 = n1, n2
if n1 < n2:
n1, n2 = n2, n1gcd = 1
while n2 != 0:
gcd = n1 % n2
n1 = n2
n2 = gcd
print("gcd: n1: n2 :", gcd, n1, n2)
gcd = n1print("The greatest common divisor for", number1, "and ", number2, "is", gcd)
input("press Enter: ")
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