
一、bashrc,bash_profile等文件执行顺序 如何确定这些文件的执行顺序呢? 最好的方法就是在这些文件的开头添加一个输出语句,这样文件一执行马上就会输出内容。

1 echo "I am `pwd`/`basename $0` ,executed at `date`."
修改/tmp/bashseq文件权限, 使所有用户可写:
1 chmod 666 /tmp/bashseq
1 2 3 4 I am /etc/profile ,exectued at Wed May 11 10:23:18 CST 2011. I am ~/.bash_profile ,exectued at Wed May 11 10:23:19 CST 2011. I am ~/.bashrc ,exectued at Wed May 11 10:23:19 CST 2011. I am /etc/bashrc ,exectued at Wed May 11 10:23:19 CST 2011.
执行顺序为: /etc/profile -> ~/.bash_profile -> ~/.bashrc -> /etc/bashrc

将当前用户logout,重新login, 再查看/tmp/bashseq文件,内容如下:
1 2 3 4 5 I am ~/.bash_logout ,executed at Wed May 11 10:24:03 CST 2011. I am /etc/profile ,exectued at Wed May 11 10:25:50 CST 2011. I am ~/.bash_profile ,exectued at Wed May 11 10:25:50 CST 2011. I am ~/.bashrc ,exectued at Wed May 11 10:25:50 CST 2011. I am /etc/bashrc ,exectued at Wed May 11 10:25:50 CST 2011.
多了一个~/.bash_logout,可见用户logout只执行~/.bash_logout,每次登录都会按照 /etc/profile -> ~/.bash_profile -> ~/.bashrc -> /etc/bashrc的顺序执行这四个shell配置文件。
二、各个文件作用 清空/tmp/bashseq文件, 使用普通用户登录, 查看/tmp/bashseq文件,内容如下:
1 2 I am /etc/profile ,exectued at Wed May 11 10:24:12 CST 2011. I am /etc/bashrc ,exectued at Wed May 11 10:24:12 CST 2011.
注意此处没有~/.bash_profile和 ~/.bashrc的记录,这是因为普通用户目录下没有这两个文件。
  • 前两件是全局的,每一个用户登录都会执行
  • 后两个是专用的,针对特定用户设定.
  • .bash_profile内容:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # .bash_profile # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs PATH=$PATH:$HOME /bin export PATH unset USERNAME
  • .bashrc内容:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # .bashrc # User specific aliases and functions alias rm = 'rm -i' alias cp = 'cp -i' alias mv = 'mv -i' # Source global definitions if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then . /etc/bashrc fi ##end
三、总结 讲到这里,你应该知道了如何对bashrc,bash_profile,bash_profile进行解析了。这些文件的界限并非十分明确,但是用户和全局必须分清。掌握这些内容,有助于编写shell script,也有助于对系统进行配置。
  • .bash_profile和.bashrc的什么区别
