MISRA-C 2004 规则解读(101S-120S)

101 S:Function return type inconsistent. 函数的实际返回值类型与定义的返回值类型不同:

UINT32_t static_101( UINT32_t par_1) { switch (par_1) { case 0: return (-1); /* not compliant */ break; case 1: return (1U); break; case 2: return (1L); /* not compliant */ break; case 3: return (1.0f); /* not compliant */ break; default: break; } }

102 S:Function and prototype return inconsistent (MR). 函数声明时的返回值类型与实际使用时的返回值类型不同:
UINT32_t static_102(UINT32_t p_1, UINT16_t p_2); /************************************************************** * Standard 102 S : Function and prototype return inconsistent. **************************************************************/SINT32_t static_102(UINT32_t p_1, UINT16_t p_2) /* not compliant */ { SINT32_t result = 0; /* ... */ return result; }

103 S:Function and prototype param inconsistent (MR). 函数声明时的参数类型与实际使用时的参数类型不同:
BOOL static_103(FLOAT32_t up_1); /*************************************************************** * Standard 103 S : Function and prototype param inconsistent. ***************************************************************/ BOOL static_103(UINT32_t up_1) { BOOL ret = FALSE; /* ... */ return ret; }

104 S:Struct field initialisation incorrect. 结构体初始化赋值的类型与定义的类型不符:
struct s_type_a { SINT32_t xs; FLOAT32_t fs; }; /******************************************************** * Standard 104 S : Struct field initialisation incorrect. ********************************************************/ void static_104(void) { struct s_type_a sta = {3.14F, 0.0f}; /* not compliant */ /* ... */ }

105 S:Initialisation brace { } fault. 初始化结构体忘记使用大括号会出错:
struct pixel{ UINT32_t colour; struct {UINT32_t x, y; } coords; }; /*********************************************************** * Standard 105 S : Struct field initialisation brace fault. ***********************************************************/ void static_105(void) { UINT32_t xs = 0; UINT32_t ys = 0; struct pixel spot = {1u, xs, ys }; /* not compliant *//* ... */ }

106 S:Volatile declaration.避免使用Volatile修饰变量,Volatile可以在应用程序外被改变,容易造成逻辑混淆。
void static_106(void) { volatile UINT32_t v = 1U; /* not compliant */ UINT32_t x = 0; x = v; /* ... */ }

107 S:Type mismatch in ternary expression. 使用三目运算符时类型不匹配:
static void static_107( BOOL flag ) { UINT32_tx = 0U; FLOAT32_t f = 0.0F; x = (flag ? f : x); }

108 S:Assignment types do not match. 变量赋值时类型不匹配:
void static_108(void) { FLOAT32_t fl = 2.0F; FLOAT_64 dbl = 3.0; fl = dbl; /* not compliant */ }

109 S:Array subscript is not integral. 数组的索引必须为正数。
110 S:Use of single line comment //. 由于使用双斜杠标记注释的做法不是对所用的编译器通用,建议对注释段使用/**/的方式。
111 S:Label is not part of switch statement . 只有在switch语句中使用标签语法是安全的。
112 S:Typedef name redeclared.使用typedef 时某个名称被重复使用是危险的:
typedef SINT32_t mytype; /******************************************* * Standard 112 S : Typedef name redeclared. ********************************************/void static_112(void) { typedef FLOAT32_t mytype; /* not compliant *//* ... */ }

113 S:Non standard character in source.源文件中出现非法字符,合法的字符如下:
3***** The lines of permissible characters,(80A1),those NOT changed ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ()[].!~+-*/%<>=& ^|?:; ,0123456789_{}'"#\$@

114 S:Expression is not Boolean. 表达式类型不为BOOl类型,或者表达式的运算对象都为BOOL类型:
void static_114(BOOL bl, UINT32_t a) { UINT32_t x; BOOL flag; flag = bl + bl; /* not compliant */if (a) /* not compliant */ { ; /* ... */ } if (a == 1) /*compliant */ { ; /* ... */ }x = ( a && bl ? 1U : 0U ); /* not compliant */}

115 S:String incorrectly terminated. string类型换行时需要使用反斜杠,否则在某些编译器中造成string类型结尾异常的错误:
/******************************************************* * Standard 115 S : String incorrectly terminated. *******************************************************/ void static_115(void) { CHAR* str1 = "string\ literal"; /* compliant */CHAR* str2 = "string literal"; /* not compliant */ }

116 S:Boolean comparison with 0 preferred. 与一个已知值的变量进行比较时,使用不等号来判断FALSE比使用等号判断TRUE安全:
void static_116 (void) { UINT32_t x = 2u; if ( x == 1u ) /* not compliant */ { /* ... */ ; } if ( x != 1u ) { /* ... */ ; } }

117 S:Logical negation of constant value. 对const变量取反是危险的:
void static_117(void) { BOOL flag = FALSE; if (flag == (BOOL)!1) /* not compliant */ { /* ... */ } }

118 S:main must be int (void) or int (int,char* []).C语言Main函数的格式必须是int (void) 或者 int (int,char* [])。
【MISRA-C 2004 规则解读(101S-120S)】119 S:Nested comment found.避免在注释中出现子注释:
void static_119(void) {/*This is the Outer Comment /* This is the Inner Comment - not compliant */ }

120 S:Use of bit operator on signed type. 避免对有符号类型进行位运算:
void static_120(void) { SINT32_t b = 1; b = b | 1; /* not compliant *//* ... */ }
