nxp|nxp zigbee软件定时器使用方法
1. 初始化定时器:
ZTIMER_teStatus ZTIMER_eInit(ZTIMER_tsTimer *psTimers,uint8 u8NumTimers);
psTimers Pointer to an array of structures, where each array element contains information for
one timer
u8NumTimers Number of timers in the above array
–>eg: ZTIMER_eInit(asTimers, sizeof(asTimers) / sizeof(ZTIMER_tsTimer));
2. 打开定时器:
ZTIMER_teStatus ZTIMER_eOpen(
uint8 *pu8TimerIndex,
ZTIMER_tpfCallback pfCallback,
void *pvParams,
uint8 u8Flags);
pu8TimerIndex Pointer to location containing the index number of the timer in the list of timers
initialised using ZTIMER_eInit()
pfCallback Pointer to the user-defined callback function for the timer
pvParams Pointer to a list of parameter values for the timer
u8Flags Flag indicating whether the timer should allow or prevent sleep, one of:
–>eg: ZTIMER_eOpen(&u8TimerButtonScan, APP_cbTimerButtonScan, NULL,
– PUBLIC uint8 u8TimerButtonScan;
– PUBLIC void APP_cbTimerButtonScan(void *pvParam){};
–>eg: ZTIMER_eOpen(&u8TimerZCL, APP_cbTimerZclTick, NULL,
– PUBLIC uint8 u8TimerZCL;
– PUBLIC void APP_cbTimerZclTick(void *pvParam){};
【nxp|nxp zigbee软件定时器使用方法】3.开始定时器:
//Before a timer is started, it must have been opened using ZTIMER_eOpen()
ZTIMER_teStatus ZTIMER_eStart(uint8 u8TimerIndex,uint32 u32Time);
pu8TimerIndex Index number of the timer in the list of timers initialised using ZTIMER_eInit()
u32Time The time, in milliseconds, for which the timer should run
–> eg: ZTIMER_eStart(u8TimerButtonScan, ZTIMER_TIME_MSEC(10));
#define ZTIMER_TIME_SEC(v) ((uint32)(v) * 1000UL)
#define ZTIMER_TIME_MSEC(v) ((uint32)(v) * 1UL)
4. 停止定时器:
//The timer must have been previously started using ZTIMER_eStart()
ZTIMER_teStatus ZTIMER_eStop(uint8 u8TimerIndex);
pu8TimerIndex Index number of the timer in the list of timers initialised using ZTIMER_eInit()
–>eg: ZTIMER_eStop(u8TimerButtonScan);
//The timer must have been previously opened using ZTIMER_eOpen()
ZTIMER_teStatus ZTIMER_eClose(uint8 u8TimerIndex);
–>eg: ZTIMER_eClose(u8TimerButtonScan);
ZTIMER_teState ZTIMER_eGetState(uint8 u8TimerIndex);
The possible reported states are:
? Running Stopped Expired Closed
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