数据可视化|数据可视化(在 React 项目中使用 Vega 图表 (二))

数据可视化|数据可视化(在 React 项目中使用 Vega 图表 (二))

上一篇讲了如何在 React 项目中用 Vega-Lite 绘制基本的 area chart 图表。
多层图表 通过上一篇文章,我们知道了可以通过 mark, encoding 等来描述我们想要的图表。要实现多层图表,只需要把多个包含上述属性的图表对象放进 layer 数组中就可以。就像栈一样, 从栈顶压入,后压入的(index 大的)图层在上层。
我们在之前的数据中加入用户评论数量 “user_comments”:

"data": { "values": [ { "user_comments": 0, "active_users": 0, "date": "2019-10-01" }, { "user_comments": 3, "active_users": 2, "date": "2019-10-02" }, { "user_comments": 1, "active_users": 0, "date": "2019-10-03" }, { "user_comments": 1, "active_users": 1, "date": "2019-10-04" }, { "user_comments": 2, "active_users": 0, "date": "2019-10-05" }, { "user_comments": 1, "active_users": 0, "date": "2019-10-06" }, { "user_comments": 2, "active_users": 1, "date": "2019-10-07" } ] },

【数据可视化|数据可视化(在 React 项目中使用 Vega 图表 (二))】按照与上篇文章案例相同的 Vega-Lite 语法,写一个描述 user_comments 的单层图表。
其实只需要替换部分 y 轴的信息即可。
{ "mark": {"type": "area", "color": "#e0e0e0", "interpolate": "monotone"}, "encoding": { "x":{ "field": "date", "type": "ordinal", "timeUnit": "yearmonthdate", "axis": {"title": "Date", "labelAngle": -45} }, "y": { "field": "user_comments", "type": "quantitative", "axis": { "title": "User Comments", "format": "d", "values": [1,2,3] } } } }

数据可视化|数据可视化(在 React 项目中使用 Vega 图表 (二))

接下来,创建 layer 数组。把上述对象放入数组中,图表没有任何变化,此时仍然是单层图表。
... "layer":[ { "mark": {"type": "area", "color": "#e0e0e0", "interpolate": "monotone"}, "encoding": { "x":{ "field": "date", "type": "ordinal", "timeUnit": "yearmonthdate", "axis": {"title": "Date", "labelAngle": -45} }, "y": { "field": "user_comments", "type": "quantitative", "axis": { "title": "User Comments", "format": "d", "values": [1,2,3] } } } } ], ...

把上一篇中 Active Users 的对象加入数组,列在 User Comments 之后:
"layer":[ { "mark": {"type": "area", "color": "#e0e0e0", "interpolate": "monotone"}, "encoding": { "x":{ "field": "date", "type": "ordinal", "timeUnit": "yearmonthdate", "axis": {"title": "Date", "labelAngle": -45} }, "y": { "field": "user_comments", "type": "quantitative", "axis": { "title": "User Comments", "format": "d", "values": [1,2,3] } } } }, { "mark": {"type": "area", "color": "#0084FF", "interpolate": "monotone"}, "encoding": { "x": { "field": "date", "type": "ordinal", "timeUnit": "yearmonthdate", "axis": {"title": "Date", "labelAngle": -45} }, "y": { "field": "active_users", "type": "quantitative", "axis": { "title": "Active Users", "format": "d", "values": [1,2] } } } } ],

当当~ 多层图表出现了。
数据可视化|数据可视化(在 React 项目中使用 Vega 图表 (二))

增加图例 与之前的图表相比,横轴没什么变化,竖轴的位置显示了两层图表的 title。但这样表意不够清晰,用户不能一眼看明白哪个颜色代表哪个数据。所以我们需要引进图例(legend)。
创建图例的方式并不唯一,我通过 stroke 创建图例,用 legend 来优化它的样式。
在任一图层中加入 stroke
... { "mark": {"type": "area", "color": "#e0e0e0", "interpolate": "monotone"}, "encoding": { "x":{ "field": "date", "type": "ordinal", "timeUnit": "yearmonthdate", "axis": {"title": "Date", "labelAngle": -45} }, "y": { "field": "user_comments", "type": "quantitative", "axis": { "title": "User Comments", "format": "d", "values": [1,2,3] } }, "stroke": { "field": "symbol", "type": "ordinal", "scale": { "domain": ["User Comments", "Active Users"], "range": ["#e0e0e0", "#0084FF"] } } } }, ...

数据可视化|数据可视化(在 React 项目中使用 Vega 图表 (二))

化妆师 legend 登场,赶紧打扮一下。在顶层的 config 中添加 legend 对象:
... "legend": { "offset": -106, // 调节图例整体水平移动距离 "title": null, "padding": 5, "strokeColor": "#9e9e9e", "strokeWidth": 2, "symbolType": "stroke", "symbolOffset": 0, "symbolStrokeWidth": 10, "labelOffset": 0, "cornerRadius": 10, "symbolSize": 100, "clipHeight": 20 }

其实现在不要竖轴的 title 都可以,将 y.axis 对象的 title 删除或置空即可,效果如文章首图。
数据可视化|数据可视化(在 React 项目中使用 Vega 图表 (二))

当图层多的时候,也可以搭配使用 area chart 和 line chart,效果也不错,只需要把该图层的 mark.type 改为 line 即可。
数据可视化|数据可视化(在 React 项目中使用 Vega 图表 (二))

在 React 项目中使用
import React from 'react'; import { Vega } from 'react-vega'; // chart config const jobpalBlue = '#e0e0e0'; const jobpalLightGrey = '#0084FF'; const jobpalDarkGrey = '#9e9e9e'; const areaMark = { type: 'area', color: jobpalBlue, interpolate: 'monotone', }; const getDateXObj = rangeLen => ({ field: 'date', type: `${rangeLen > 30 ? 'temporal' : 'ordinal'}`, timeUnit: 'yearmonthdate', axis: { title: 'Date', labelAngle: -45, }, }); const getQuantitativeYObj = (field, title, values) => ({ field, type: 'quantitative', axis: { title, format: 'd', values, }, }); const legendConfig = { title: null, offset: -106, padding: 5, strokeColor: jobpalDarkGrey, strokeWidth: 2, symbolType: 'stroke', symbolOffset: 0, symbolStrokeWidth: 10, labelOffset: 0, cornerRadius: 10, symbolSize: 100, clipHeight: 20, }; const getSpec = (yAxisValues = [], rangeLen = 0) => ({ $schema: 'https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.json', title: 'Demo Chart', layer: [ { mark: { ...areaMark, color: jobpalLightGrey, }, encoding: { x: getDateXObj(rangeLen), y: getQuantitativeYObj('user_comments', '', yAxisValues), stroke: { field: 'symbol', type: 'ordinal', scale: { domain: ['User Comments', 'Active Users'], range: [jobpalLightGrey, jobpalBlue], }, }, }, }, { mark: areaMark, encoding: { x: getDateXObj(rangeLen), y: getQuantitativeYObj('active_users', '', yAxisValues), }, }, ], config: { legend: legendConfig, }, })const data = https://www.it610.com/article/[ {"user_comments": 0, "active_users": 0, "date": "2019-10-01" }, { "user_comments": 3, "active_users": 2, "date": "2019-10-02" }, { "user_comments": 1, "active_users": 0, "date": "2019-10-03" }, { "user_comments": 1, "active_users": 1, "date": "2019-10-04" }, { "user_comments": 2, "active_users": 0, "date": "2019-10-05" }, { "user_comments": 1, "active_users": 0, "date": "2019-10-06" }, { "user_comments": 2, "active_users": 1, "date": "2019-10-07" } ]const App = () => { // get max value from data arary const yAxisMaxValueFor = (...keys) => { const maxList = keys.map(key => data.reduce( // find the item containing the max value (acc, cur) => (cur[key] > acc[key] ? cur : acc) )[key] ); return Math.max(...maxList); }; const yAxisValues = Array.from( { length: yAxisMaxValueFor('active_users', 'user_comments') }, ).map((v, i) => (i + 1)); const spec = getSpec(yAxisValues, data.length); return (); }export default App;

resize 在实际项目中,我们必须保证图表大小能跟随窗口大小变化。接下来,我们来实现这个功能。
图表在绘制完成后不会重新绘制,但我们可以通过 React 组件接管宽高值来实现重新绘制。
  • state 中管理 widthheight
  • 通过 setState 刷新来实现图表的重绘
  • 在生命周期方法中设置事件监听函数来监听 resize 事件
  • 结合 css 和 ref, 通过图表外的 warper 层得到此时图表正确的宽高值
import React from 'react'; import { Vega } from 'react-vega'; // chart config const jobpalBlue = '#e0e0e0'; const jobpalLightGrey = '#0084FF'; const jobpalDarkGrey = '#9e9e9e'; const areaMark = { type: 'area', color: jobpalBlue, interpolate: 'monotone', }; const getDateXObj = rangeLen => ({ field: 'date', type: `${rangeLen > 30 ? 'temporal' : 'ordinal'}`, timeUnit: 'yearmonthdate', axis: { title: 'Date', labelAngle: -45, }, }); const getQuantitativeYObj = (field, title, values) => ({ field, type: 'quantitative', axis: { title, format: 'd', values, }, }); const legendConfig = { title: null, offset: -106, padding: 5, strokeColor: jobpalDarkGrey, strokeWidth: 2, symbolType: 'stroke', symbolOffset: 0, symbolStrokeWidth: 10, labelOffset: 0, cornerRadius: 10, symbolSize: 100, clipHeight: 20, }; const getSpec = (yAxisValues = [], rangeLen = 0) => ({ $schema: 'https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.json', title: 'Demo Chart', layer: [ { mark: { ...areaMark, color: jobpalLightGrey, }, encoding: { x: getDateXObj(rangeLen), y: getQuantitativeYObj('user_comments', '', yAxisValues), stroke: { field: 'symbol', type: 'ordinal', scale: { domain: ['User Comments', 'Active Users'], range: [jobpalLightGrey, jobpalBlue], }, }, }, }, { mark: areaMark, encoding: { x: getDateXObj(rangeLen), y: getQuantitativeYObj('active_users', '', yAxisValues), }, }, ], config: { legend: legendConfig, }, })const data = https://www.it610.com/article/[ {"user_comments": 0, "active_users": 0, "date": "2019-10-01" }, { "user_comments": 3, "active_users": 2, "date": "2019-10-02" }, { "user_comments": 1, "active_users": 0, "date": "2019-10-03" }, { "user_comments": 1, "active_users": 1, "date": "2019-10-04" }, { "user_comments": 2, "active_users": 0, "date": "2019-10-05" }, { "user_comments": 1, "active_users": 0, "date": "2019-10-06" }, { "user_comments": 2, "active_users": 1, "date": "2019-10-07" } ]; // get max value from data arary const yAxisMaxValueFor = (...keys) => { const maxList = keys.map(key => data.reduce( // find the item containing the max value (acc, cur) => (cur[key] > acc[key] ? cur : acc) )[key] ); return Math.max(...maxList); }; const { addEventListener, removeEventListener } = window; class App extends React.Component {state = { width: 400, height: 300, }componentDidMount() { addEventListener('resize', this.resizeListener, { passive: true, capture: false }); }componentWillUnmount() { removeEventListener('resize', this.resizeListener, { passive: true, capture: false }); }resizeListener = () => { if (!this.chartWrapper) return; const child = this.chartWrapper.querySelector('div'); child.style.display = 'none'; const { clientWidth, clientHeight: height, } = this.chartWrapper; const width = clientWidth - 40; // as padding: "0 20px" this.setState({ width, height }); child.style.display = 'block'; }refChartWrapper = el => { this.chartWrapper = el if (el) this.resizeListener(); }yAxisValues = Array.from( { length: yAxisMaxValueFor('active_users', 'user_comments') }, ).map((v, i) => (i + 1)); render() { const {width, height, yAxisValues} = this.state; const spec = getSpec(yAxisValues, data.length); return (); } }export default App;

数据可视化|数据可视化(在 React 项目中使用 Vega 图表 (二))

