golang学习笔记5|golang学习笔记5 用bee工具创建项目 bee工具简介

golang学习笔记5 用bee工具创建项目 bee工具简介
Bee 工具的使用 - beego: 简约 & 强大并存的 Go 应用框架
bee 工具简介 bee 工具是一个为了协助快速开发 beego 项目而创建的项目,通过 bee 您可以很容易的进行 beego 项目的创建、热编译、开发、测试、和部署。
bee 工具的安装 您可以通过如下的方式安装 bee 工具:

go get github.com/beego/bee
go get github.com/Go-SQL-Driver/MySQL
执行后会在 $GOPATH/pkg 里面生成对应的文件

安装完之后,bee 可执行文件默认存放在 $GOPATH/bin 里面,所以您需要把 $GOPATH/bin 添加到您的环境变量中,才可以进行下一步。
如果你本机设置了 GOBIN,那么上面的命令就会安装到 GOBIN 下,请添加 GOBIN 到你的环境变量中
bee 工具命令详解 我们在命令行输入 bee,可以看到如下的信息:
Bee is a tool for managing beego framework. Usage: bee command [arguments] The commands are: new create an application base on beego framework run run the app which can hot compile pack compress an beego project api create an api application base on beego framework bale packs non-Go files to Go source files version show the bee & beego version generate source code generator migrate run database migrations

new 命令
new 命令是新建一个 Web 项目,我们在命令行下执行 bee new <项目名> 就可以创建一个新的项目。但是注意该命令必须在 $GOPATH/src 下执行。最后会在 $GOPATH/src 相应目录下生成如下目录结构的项目:
bee new myproject [INFO] Creating application... /gopath/src/myproject/ /gopath/src/myproject/conf/ /gopath/src/myproject/controllers/ /gopath/src/myproject/models/ /gopath/src/myproject/static/ /gopath/src/myproject/static/js/ /gopath/src/myproject/static/css/ /gopath/src/myproject/static/img/ /gopath/src/myproject/views/ /gopath/src/myproject/conf/app.conf /gopath/src/myproject/controllers/default.go /gopath/src/myproject/views/index.tpl /gopath/src/myproject/main.go 13-11-25 09:50:39 [SUCC] New application successfully created!

myproject ├── conf │└── app.conf ├── controllers │└── default.go ├── main.go ├── models ├── routers │└── router.go ├── static │├── css │├── img │└── js ├── tests │└── default_test.go └── views └── index.tpl 8 directories, 4 files

打开浏览器就可以看到效果 http://localhost:8080

api 命令
上面的 new 命令是用来新建 Web 项目,不过很多用户使用 beego 来开发 API 应用。所以这个 api 命令就是用来创建 API 应用的,执行命令之后如下所示:
bee api apiproject create app folder: /gopath/src/apiproject create conf: /gopath/src/apiproject/conf create controllers: /gopath/src/apiproject/controllers create models: /gopath/src/apiproject/models create tests: /gopath/src/apiproject/tests create conf app.conf: /gopath/src/apiproject/conf/app.conf create controllers default.go: /gopath/src/apiproject/controllers/default.go create tests default.go: /gopath/src/apiproject/tests/default_test.go create models object.go: /gopath/src/apiproject/models/object.go create main.go: /gopath/src/apiproject/main.go

apiproject ├── conf │ └── app.conf ├── controllers │ └── object.go │ └── user.go ├── docs │ └── doc.go ├── main.go ├── models │ └── object.go │ └── user.go ├── routers │ └── router.go └── tests └── default_test.go

从上面的目录我们可以看到和 Web 项目相比,少了 static 和 views 目录,多了一个 test 模块,用来做单元测试的。
同时,该命令还支持一些自定义参数自动连接数据库创建相关 model 和 controller:
bee api [appname] [-tables=""] [-driver=mysql] [-conn="root:@tcp("]
如果 conn 参数为空则创建一个示例项目,否则将基于链接信息链接数据库创建项目。
go get github.com/Go-SQL-Driver/MySQL
cannot find package "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" in any of:
run 命令
我们在开发 Go 项目的时候最大的问题是经常需要自己手动去编译再运行,bee run 命令是监控 beego 的项目,通过 fsnotify监控文件系统。但是注意该命令必须在 $GOPATH/src/appname 下执行。
bee run 13-11-25 09:53:04 [INFO] Uses 'myproject' as 'appname' 13-11-25 09:53:04 [INFO] Initializing watcher... 13-11-25 09:53:04 [TRAC] Directory(/gopath/src/myproject/controllers) 13-11-25 09:53:04 [TRAC] Directory(/gopath/src/myproject/models) 13-11-25 09:53:04 [TRAC] Directory(/gopath/src/myproject) 13-11-25 09:53:04 [INFO] Start building... 13-11-25 09:53:16 [SUCC] Build was successful 13-11-25 09:53:16 [INFO] Restarting myproject ... 13-11-25 09:53:16 [INFO] ./myproject is running...

如果我们修改了 Controller 下面的 default.go 文件,我们就可以看到命令行输出:

13-11-25 10:11:20 [EVEN] "/gopath/src/myproject/controllers/default.go": DELETE|MODIFY 13-11-25 10:11:20 [INFO] Start building... 13-11-25 10:11:20 [SKIP] "/gopath/src/myproject/controllers/default.go": CREATE 13-11-25 10:11:23 [SKIP] "/gopath/src/myproject/controllers/default.go": MODIFY 13-11-25 10:11:23 [SUCC] Build was successful 13-11-25 10:11:23 [INFO] Restarting myproject ... 13-11-25 10:11:23 [INFO] ./myproject is running...

pack 命令
pack 目录用来发布应用的时候打包,会把项目打包成 zip 包,这样我们部署的时候直接把打包之后的项目上传,解压就可以部署了:
bee pack app path: /gopath/src/apiproject GOOS darwin GOARCH amd64 build apiproject build success exclude prefix: exclude suffix: .go:.DS_Store:.tmp file write to `/gopath/src/apiproject/apiproject.tar.gz`

rwxr-xr-x 1 astaxie staff 8995376 11 25 22:46 apiproject -rw-r--r-- 1 astaxie staff 2240288 11 25 22:58 apiproject.tar.gz drwxr-xr-x 3 astaxie staff 102 11 25 22:31 conf drwxr-xr-x 3 astaxie staff 102 11 25 22:31 controllers -rw-r--r-- 1 astaxie staff 509 11 25 22:31 main.go drwxr-xr-x 3 astaxie staff 102 11 25 22:31 models drwxr-xr-x 3 astaxie staff 102 11 25 22:31 tests

bale 命令
这个命令目前仅限内部使用,具体实现方案未完善,主要用来压缩所有的静态文件变成一个变量申明文件,全部编译到二进制文件里面,用户发布的时候携带静态文件,包括 js、css、img 和 views。最后在启动运行时进行非覆盖式的自解压。
version 命令
这个命令是动态获取 bee、beego 和 Go 的版本,这样一旦用户出现错误,可以通过该命令来查看当前的版本
$ bee version bee:1.2.2 beego :1.4.2 Go :go version go1.3.3 darwin/amd64

generate 命令
【golang学习笔记5|golang学习笔记5 用bee工具创建项目 bee工具简介】这个命令是用来自动化的生成代码的,包含了从数据库一键生成 model,还包含了 scaffold 的,通过这个命令,让大家开发代码不再慢
bee generate scaffold [scaffoldname] [-fields=""] [-driver=mysql] [-conn="root:@tcp("] The generate scaffold command will do a number of things for you. -fields: a list of table fields. Format: field:type, ... -driver: [mysql | postgres | sqlite], the default is mysql -conn: the connection string used by the driver, the default is root:@tcp( example: bee generate scaffold post -fields="title:string,body:text" bee generate model [modelname] [-fields=""] generate RESTful model based on fields -fields: a list of table fields. Format: field:type, ... bee generate controller [controllerfile] generate RESTful controllers bee generate view [viewpath] generate CRUD view in viewpath bee generate migration [migrationfile] [-fields=""] generate migration file for making database schema update -fields: a list of table fields. Format: field:type, ... bee generate docs generate swagger doc file bee generate test [routerfile] generate testcase bee generate appcode [-tables=""] [-driver=mysql] [-conn="root:@tcp("] [-level=3] generate appcode based on an existing database -tables: a list of table names separated by ',', default is empty, indicating all tables -driver: [mysql | postgres | sqlite], the default is mysql -conn: the connection string used by the driver. default for mysql: root:@tcp(
