
一、什么是装饰者模式? 【设计模式初阶——装饰者模式】简而言之,装饰者模式是一种可以动态地、灵活地将所需要的功能加到主体上去的设计模式。

public abstract class Vehicle { public abstract void run(); }

public class JeepCar extends Vehicle { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("can run on the ground"); } }

public abstract class VehicleDecorator extends Vehicle { // 额外的其它功能 public abstract void sleep(); }

public class PlaneWrapper extends VehicleDecorator { private Vehicle vehicle; public PlaneWrapper(Vehicle vehicle){ this.vehicle = vehicle; } @Override public void run() { System.out.println("can fly in the air"); vehicle.run(); } @Override public void sleep() { System.out.println("can sleep on the plane"); } }

public class ShipWrapper extends VehicleDecorator { private Vehicle vehicle; public ShipWrapper(Vehicle vehicle){ this.vehicle = vehicle; } @Override public void run() { System.out.println("can swim in the water"); vehicle.run(); } @Override public void sleep() { System.out.println("can sleep on the ship"); } }

public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Vehicle jeep = new JeepCar(); System.out.println("***The first generation:***"); jeep.run(); PlaneWrapper jeep2 = new PlaneWrapper(jeep); System.out.println("***The second generation:***"); jeep2.run(); jeep2.sleep(); ShipWrapper jeep3 = new ShipWrapper(jeep2); System.out.println("***The third generation:***"); jeep3.run(); jeep3.sleep(); } }

***The first generation:*** can run on the ground ***The second generation:*** can fly in the air can run on the ground can sleep on the plane ***The third generation:*** can swim in the water can fly in the air can run on the ground can sleep on the ship

二、为什么要使用装饰者模式? 可以在不用改动原有逻辑的基础上动态、灵活地增加新的功能。
三、如何使用装饰者模式呢? 使用的要点如下:
  • 需要创建一个装饰器,继承实体的最顶层抽象;
  • 可以在装饰器里增加需要实现的额外的功能;
  • 需要创建新的实体类,继承装饰器,实现其最顶层的逻辑,同时实现在装饰器中新增的逻辑。
