
% Judge is a matrix is a strict diagonal dominance matrix % and Transform the matrix into a strict diagonal dominance matrix % input: %A: the original matrix % output: %X: the strict diagonal dominance matrix that we transform %t: the time that the transform process takesfunction [X t]= StrictDiagMatrix(A) tic %if the matrix is not a squre matrix,return error if size(A, 1) ~= size(A, 2) error('It is not a square matrix'); end % get the size of the matrix and initial a matrix X to store the output matrix n = size(A,1); X = zeros(n,n); % the record array is used to accord if all the row be set record = zeros(n); for i = 1 : n; % get the absolute value of every element in every row row_max = abs(A(i,:)); % find out the max element of the row,and use pos to accord its position in [max_ele,pos] = max(row_max); % check if the max_ele is the realy max element of the row,if not,return error if max_ele <= sum(abs(A(i,:))) - max_ele error('The matrix can not be transformed into a strictly diagonally dominant matrix'); end % set the row pos of matrix X with A(i,:) % accord this row has been set X(pos,:) = A(i,:); record(pos) = 1; end % if there exits any row that has not been set,return error if sum(record) ~= n error('The matrix can not be transformed into a strictly diagonally dominant matrix'); end % output the time it take and output success fprintf('The oringinal matrix input is:\n'); disp(A); fprintf('The time it cost is:') t = toc; disp(t); fprintf('It can be transformed to a strictly diagonally dominant matrix: \n'); end
