

import React from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import Route from "./Route"; import Link from "./Link"; /** * A wrapper that knows if it's "active" or not. */ const NavLink = ({ to, exact, strict, location, activeClassName, className, activeStyle, style, isActive: getIsActive, "aria-current": ariaCurrent, }) => { const path = typeof to === "object" ? to.pathname : to; // Regex taken from: const escapedPath = path && path.replace(/([.+*?=^!:${}()[\]|/\\])/g, "\\$1"); return ( { const isActive = !!(getIsActive ? getIsActive(match, location) : match); return ( i).join(" ") : className } style={isActive ? {, ...activeStyle } : style} aria-current={(isActive && ariaCurrent) || null} {} /> ); }} /> ); }; NavLink.propTypes = { to:, exact: PropTypes.bool, strict: PropTypes.bool, location: PropTypes.object, activeClassName: PropTypes.string, className: PropTypes.string, activeStyle: PropTypes.object, style: PropTypes.object, isActive: PropTypes.func, "aria-current": PropTypes.oneOf([ "page", "step", "location", "date", "time", "true" ]) }; NavLink.defaultProps = { activeClassName: "active", "aria-current": "page" }; export default NavLink;
