
在API 11以后,BroadcastReceiver新增了一个静态内部类PendingResult,我们可以通过调用goAsync()方法来获取这个PendingResult对象,然后就可以愉快地进行子线程操作了,最后通过调用它的finish方法来结束广播接收者的生命。一切就变得可控了(相当于强行给Receiver续命)。

... @Override public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent) { final PendingResult result = goAsync(); AsyncHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // 在这里搞事情 ... // 成功续命,可以手动结束了 result.finish(); } }); } ...

/** * Helper class for managing the background thread used to perform io operations * and handle async broadcasts. */ public final class AsyncHandler { private static final HandlerThread sHandlerThread = new HandlerThread("AsyncHandler"); private static final Handler sHandler; static { sHandlerThread.start(); sHandler = new Handler(sHandlerThread.getLooper()); } public static void post(Runnable r) { sHandler.post(r); } public static void postDelayed(Runnable r, long delayedMills) { sHandler.postDelayed(r, delayedMills); } public static Message obtain(Runnable r) { return Message.obtain(sHandler, r); } public static void sendMessageDelayed(Message message, long delayedMills) { sHandler.sendMessageDelayed(message, delayedMills); } public static void removeCallbacks(int what) { sHandler.removeMessages(what); } private AsyncHandler() {} }

/** * State for a result that is pending for a broadcast receiver.Returned * by {@link BroadcastReceiver#goAsync() goAsync()} * while in {@link BroadcastReceiver#onReceive BroadcastReceiver.onReceive()}. * This allows you to return from onReceive() without having the broadcast * terminate; you must call {@link #finish()} once you are done with the * broadcast.This allows you to process the broadcast off of the main * thread of your app. * * Note on threading: the state inside of this class is not itself * thread-safe, however you can use it from any thread if you properly * sure that you do not have races.Typically this means you will hand * the entire object to another thread, which will be solely responsible * for setting any results and finally calling {@link #finish()}. */ public static class PendingResult { ... /** * This can be called by an application in {@link #onReceive} to allow * it to keep the broadcast active after returning from that function. * This does not change the expectation of being relatively * responsive to the broadcast (finishing it within 10s), but does allow * the implementation to move work related to it over to another thread * to avoid glitching the main UI thread due to disk IO. * * @return Returns a {@link PendingResult} representing the result of * the active broadcast.The BroadcastRecord itself is no longer active; * all data and other interaction must go through {@link PendingResult} * APIs.The {@link PendingResult#finish PendingResult.finish()} method * must be called once processing of the broadcast is done. */ public final PendingResult goAsync() { PendingResult res = mPendingResult; mPendingResult = null; return res; }
