Python|Python 切片索引越界的问题(数组下标越界)


a = '123'b = a[:5]print(b)

发现结果为123,编译器没有报错。而当直接使用a[5]时即报错string index out of range。下面是测试结果。
a = "1234567890"a1 = a[:]a2 = a[:len(a)]a3 = a[:15]a4 = a[16:16]a5 = a[:2]

This is the id of 'a' :2707772994160
This is the type of 'a' :
This is the value of 'a' :1234567890
This is the id of 'a1' :2707772994160
This is the type of 'a1' :
This is the value of 'a1' :1234567890
This is the id of 'a2' :2707772994160
This is the type of 'a2' :
This is the value of 'a2' :1234567890
This is the id of 'a3' :2707772994160
This is the type of 'a3' :
This is the value of 'a3' :1234567890
This is the id of 'a4' :2707740774832
This is the type of 'a4' :
This is the value of 'a4' :
This is the id of 'a5' :2707773122544
This is the type of 'a5' :
This is the value of 'a5' :12
  • 若切片后结果与原来相同,则新字符串所指向的物理地址就是原字符串的物理地址(a1、a2、a3)。
  • 若切片后结果与原来不同,则新字符串指向新的物理地址(a5)。
  • 若当前切片索引范围内不存在合法数值,则返回相应类型的空值(a4)。
b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]b1 = b[:]b2 = b[:len(b)]b3 = b[:15]b4 = b[16:16]b5 = b[:2]

This is the id of 'b' :2260784433096
This is the type of 'b' :
This is the value of 'b' :[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
This is the id of 'b1' :2260784432456
This is the type of 'b1' :
This is the value of 'b1' :[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
This is the id of 'b2' :2260784470920
This is the type of 'b2' :
This is the value of 'b2' :[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
This is the id of 'b3' :2260784534280
This is the type of 'b3' :
This is the value of 'b3' :[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
This is the id of 'b4' :2260784471432
This is the type of 'b4' :
This is the value of 'b4' :[]
This is the id of 'b5' :2260784231944
This is the type of 'b5' :
This is the value of 'b5' :[1, 2]

  • 数组切片操作必定指向新的物理地址。
  • 若当前切片索引范围内不存在合法数值,则返回相应类型的空值(b4)。
【Python|Python 切片索引越界的问题(数组下标越界)】到此这篇关于Python 切片索引越界的实现(数组下标越界)的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Python 切片索引越界内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!
