好不容易申奥成功,还没高兴几天,就被人家控诉冬奥会的主题曲涉嫌抄袭迪士尼Frozen的主题曲 Let it go. 看看bbc的评价说的有多讽刺吧,我摘了两小段你们看。
From smartphones to designer handbags to cars even, counterfeiting has long been a part of Chinese industry, where trademarks can be a slippery concept. But a new accusation of intellectual borrowing has the potential to cause embarrassment at the highest levels.
"Plagiarism, stealing, copying - that's the only thing China can do," said another YouTube user, zn4807. "There's nothing you can do, this is China, from officials to the people, there's a culture of plagiarism, theft and copying."
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