Python|开3个线程按照顺序打印ABC 10次

from threading import Thread, Conditioncondition = Condition() current = "A"class ThreadA(Thread): def run(self): global current for _ in range(10): with condition: while current != "A": condition.wait() print("A",end=" ") current = "B" condition.notify_all()class ThreadB(Thread): def run(self): global current for _ in range(10): with condition: while current != "B": condition.wait() print("B",end=" ") current = "C" condition.notify_all()class ThreadC(Thread): def run(self): global current for _ in range(10): with condition: while current != "C": condition.wait() print("C",end=", ") current = "A" condition.notify_all()a = ThreadA() b = ThreadB() c = ThreadC()a.start() b.start() c.start()a.join() b.join() c.join()

【Python|开3个线程按照顺序打印ABC 10次】输出:
A B C, A B C, A B C, A B C, A B C, A B C, A B C, A B C, A B C, A B C,
