

    • SPI介绍
    • mysql驱动的实现
    • Driver原理解析

SPI介绍 SPI(Service Provider Interface)即服务提供接口,JDK内置的一种服务提供发现机制,是Java提供的一套用来被第三方实现或者扩展的API,它可以用来启用框架扩展和替换组件。
Java SPI的具体约定如下:
mysql驱动的实现 我们以jdk提供的Driver为例,java提供了SPI类Driver供数据库驱动厂商如mysql、oracle等实现
public interface Driver {Connection connect(String url, java.util.Properties info) throws SQLException; boolean acceptsURL(String url) throws SQLException; DriverPropertyInfo[] getPropertyInfo(String url, java.util.Properties info) throws SQLException; int getMajorVersion(); int getMinorVersion(); boolean jdbcCompliant(); public Logger getParentLogger() throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException; }

mysql mysql-connector-java 8.0.19 >runtime

public class Driver extends NonRegisteringDriver implements java.sql.Driver { // // Register ourselves with the DriverManager // static { try { java.sql.DriverManager.registerDriver(new Driver()); } catch (SQLException E) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't register driver!"); } }/** * Construct a new driver and register it with DriverManager * * @throws SQLException *if a database error occurs. */ public Driver() throws SQLException { // Required for Class.forName().newInstance() } }

public class NonRegisteringDriver implements java.sql.Driver { @Override public java.sql.Connection connect(String url, Properties info) throws SQLException {try { if (!ConnectionUrl.acceptsUrl(url)) { /* * According to JDBC spec: * The driver should return "null" if it realizes it is the wrong kind of driver to connect to the given URL. This will be common, as when the * JDBC driver manager is asked to connect to a given URL it passes the URL to each loaded driver in turn. */ return null; }ConnectionUrl conStr = ConnectionUrl.getConnectionUrlInstance(url, info); switch (conStr.getType()) { case SINGLE_CONNECTION: return com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.getInstance(conStr.getMainHost()); case FAILOVER_CONNECTION: case FAILOVER_DNS_SRV_CONNECTION: return FailoverConnectionProxy.createProxyInstance(conStr); case LOADBALANCE_CONNECTION: case LOADBALANCE_DNS_SRV_CONNECTION: return LoadBalancedConnectionProxy.createProxyInstance(conStr); case REPLICATION_CONNECTION: case REPLICATION_DNS_SRV_CONNECTION: return ReplicationConnectionProxy.createProxyInstance(conStr); default: return null; }} catch (UnsupportedConnectionStringException e) { // when Connector/J can't handle this connection string the Driver must return null return null; } catch (CJException ex) { throw ExceptionFactory.createException(UnableToConnectException.class, Messages.getString("NonRegisteringDriver.17", new Object[] { ex.toString() }), ex); } } ...... }


public static void main( String[] args ) { ServiceLoader serviceLoader=ServiceLoader.load(Driver.class); for(Driver dbd:serviceLoader){ System.out.println(dbd.toString()); } }输出 D:\java\jdk1.8\jdk1.8.0_161\bin\java.exe "-javaagent:D:\java\idea\IntelliJ IDEA com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver@34c45dca

Driver原理解析 1、我们先了解一下我们最初连接数据库的操作
  • Class.forName(“com.mysql.jdbc.Driver”)注册mysql驱动
  • 使用connection = DriverManager.getConnection(“jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test”, “root”, “123456”)连接数据库
public class Driver extends NonRegisteringDriver implements java.sql.Driver { public Driver() throws SQLException { }static { try { //new一个Driver对象,并将它注册到DriverManage中 DriverManager.registerDriver(new Driver()); } catch (SQLException var1) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't register driver!"); } } }

public class DriverManager {// List of registered JDBC drivers private final static CopyOnWriteArrayList registeredDrivers = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); private static volatile int loginTimeout = 0; private static volatile logWriter = null; private static volatile logStream = null; // Used in println() to synchronize logWriter private final staticObject logSync = new Object(); /* Prevent the DriverManager class from being instantiated. */ private DriverManager(){}/** * Load the initial JDBC drivers by checking the System property * and then use the {@code ServiceLoader} mechanism */ static { loadInitialDrivers(); println("JDBC DriverManager initialized"); } ...... }

private static void loadInitialDrivers() { String drivers; try { // 核心代码 1、从环境变量读取数据库驱动类 drivers = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction>() { public String run() { return System.getProperty("jdbc.drivers"); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { drivers = null; } // If the driver is packaged as a Service Provider, load it. // Get all the drivers through the classloader // exposed as a java.sql.Driver.class service. // ServiceLoader.load() replaces the sun.misc.Providers()AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { public Void run() {ServiceLoader loadedDrivers = ServiceLoader.load(Driver.class); Iterator driversIterator = loadedDrivers.iterator(); /* Load these drivers, so that they can be instantiated. * It may be the case that the driver class may not be there * i.e. there may be a packaged driver with the service class * as implementation of java.sql.Driver but the actual class * may be missing. In that case a java.util.ServiceConfigurationError * will be thrown at runtime by the VM trying to locate * and load the service. * * Adding a try catch block to catch those runtime errors * if driver not available in classpath but it's * packaged as service and that service is there in classpath. */ try{ while(driversIterator.hasNext()) { // 核心代码 2、SPI方式读取META-INF/services下面java.sql.Driver文件中的驱动; } } catch(Throwable t) { // Do nothing } return null; } }); println("DriverManager.initialize: jdbc.drivers = " + drivers); if (drivers == null || drivers.equals("")) { return; } String[] driversList = drivers.split(":"); println("number of Drivers:" + driversList.length); for (String aDriver : driversList) { try { println("DriverManager.Initialize: loading " + aDriver); // 核心代码 3、实例化环境变量读取的驱动类 Class.forName(aDriver, true, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); } catch (Exception ex) { println("DriverManager.Initialize: load failed: " + ex); } } }

