Pyhon|python算法之旅(3)- Integer to Roman

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【Pyhon|python算法之旅(3)- Integer to Roman】下面附上解决方案,具体需要注意的地方都在代码中注释很清楚,转载请注明出处,或在下方回复

#_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_''' 补充知识:请自行百度罗马数字的表示方法,或者参考我的solution2 和solution3通过代码去理解 ''' # 三次运行结果 # 4.90%234ms # 19.59% 182ms # 46.60% 161ms class Solution1(object): def intToRoman(self, num): """ :type num: int :rtype: str """ roman={ '1':'I', '10':'X', '100':'C', '1000':'M', '5':'V', '50':'L', '500':'D' } thousand=num/1000 hundred=(num/100)%10 ten=(num/10)%10 single=num%10 result='' # 拼接结果 for i in range(thousand): result+=roman['1000']if hundred == 9: result+=roman['100']+roman['1000'] else: if hundred>=5: result+=roman['500'] hundred-=5 if hundred==4: result += roman['100']+roman['500'] else: for i in range(hundred): result+=roman['100']if ten == 9: result+=roman['10']+roman['100'] else: if ten>=5: result+=roman['50'] ten-=5 if ten==4: result += roman['10'] + roman['50'] else: for i in range(ten): result+=roman['10'] if single == 9: result+=roman['1']+roman['10'] else: if single>=5: result+=roman['5'] single-=5 if single==4: result += roman['1'] + roman['5'] else: for i in range(single): result+=roman['1'] return result ''' 在solution1的基础上进行简化和统一处理,增加了程序的可读性和逻辑性, 将罗马数字的表示方法很清楚地封装到一个函数中 说真的,并没有对算法进行优化,所以运行时间上和solution1没有太大差别,甚至可能慢一点 毕竟字典定义成了公有变量,并且str_1,str_5,str_10都需要动态计算,而在1里面是直接给定的 因此会导致比1中略微慢一点 ''' class Solution2(object): roman = {'1': 'I', '10': 'X', '100': 'C', '1000': 'M', '5': 'V', '50': 'L', '500': 'D'} # num表示该位的数字 # rate 表示进率 def convert(self,num,rate): tmp_result='' # 在使用int 转str 的时候,后面的一定要括起来作为一个整体 str_1 ="%d" % (1*rate) str_5 = "%d" % (5 * rate) str_10 = "%d" % (10 * rate) if num == 9: tmp_result+=self.roman[str_1]+self.roman[str_10] else: if num>=5: tmp_result+=self.roman[str_5] num-=5 if num==4: tmp_result += self.roman[str_1]+self.roman[str_5] else: for i in range(num): tmp_result+=self.roman[str_1] return tmp_result def intToRoman(self, num): """ :type num: int :rtype: str """thousand=num/1000 hundred=(num/100)%10 ten=(num/10)%10 single=num%10 result=self.convert(thousand,1000)+self.convert(hundred,100)+self.convert(ten,10)+self.convert(single,1) # 拼接结果return result''' 这第三种就比较粗暴了,但应该也是不可能有更高效的了 (真的,我感觉剩下的只是一些误差或者是算术部分的小差别了,真正的思路上这个应该是最高效的了) 因为罗马数字只能表示4位数,所以列出每一位的所有10种情况, 然后直接使用列表定位就好了 ''' # 54.82% 157ms # 65.09% 151ms # 84.99% 126ms # 90.08% 118ms class Solution3(object): def intToRoman(self, num): """ :type num: int :rtype: str """ thousand_all = ["", "M", "MM", "MMM"] hundred_all = ["", "C", "CC", "CCC", "CD", "D", "DC", "DCC", "DCCC", "CM"] ten_all = ["", "X", "XX", "XXX", "XL", "L", "LX", "LXX", "LXXX", "XC"] single_all =["", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX"] thousand = num / 1000 hundred = (num / 100) % 10 ten = (num / 10) % 10 single = num % 10 return thousand_all[thousand]+hundred_all[hundred]+ten_all[ten]+single_all[single]so1=Solution1() print so1.intToRoman(3999)so2=Solution2() print so2.intToRoman(3999)so3=Solution3() print so3.intToRoman(3999)
