
stay in bed 待在床上 (in bed 常指生病在床上, on the bed 常指物品在床上)

5. So I’d like ask for a week’s leave.
(1) ask for a leave 请假(2) ask for a week’s leave 请一周的假 (3) ask three days’ leave
6. I hope I’ll get well and return to school soon.
(1) return to +某地= go/ come back to… 表返回某地,如:Kangkang returned to Beijing.
(2) return sth. to sb. = give back sth. to sb.表归还某物给某人,如:
You must return it to me soon. = You must give it back to me soon.
Section D
1. I couldn’t read it until today.
否定句+ until... 表不能做某事,直到什么时候才能做。 如:
I can’t help you until you tell me the truth. 我不能帮助你,直到你告诉我真相我才帮你。
2. My sister is also sick.
Sick和ill 都表“病的“,但sick 即可以作定语也可以作表语,如:①a sick girl; ②The girl is sick. 而ill只能作表语,如:The girl is ill. 因此sick>ill.
3. Don’t worry about us.worry about sth./ sb. 为… 担心
4. You should drink plenty of boiled water.
plenty of = a lot of 许多的;大量的, 可接可数名词的复数或不可数名词
5. How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉如何?---Much better. 好多了。
6. But my left leg still hurts when I move it. 但是我的左腿仍然痛,当我动的时候。
hurt ①疼痛:My leg hurts ②伤害 He hurt his leg when he fell.
八年级上册Unit 2 topic 2
Section A
1. What’s up?= What’s happening ? = What’s wrong? = What’s the matter/trouble? 怎么了?
2. Staying up late is bad for your health.
(1) stay up = sit up熬夜, 如:we stayed up until midnight to see the New Year coming.
(2) 动词ing形式(动名词)可直接放句首作主语,谓语动词用单三形式。
3. too little 太少; too much 太多; 都用来修饰不可数名词。
4. going to school without breakfast 不吃早饭去上学。
Section B
1. You must not read in the sun.in the sun 在阳光下(此处不能用under the sun )
2. I must ask him to give up smoking.give up doing sth. = stop doing sth. 放弃做某事
3. Don’t throw litter about.
throw about 到处扔,如:throw litter about= throw about litter (litter是名词,即可以放后也可以放中间,但代词只能放中间,如:throw it about )
4. go for a walk 去散步; take a walk = have a walk 散步
5. It will keep you active during the day.
(1)keep + 宾语 + 补语 (补语可以是:动词ing 形式; 形容词; 介词短语 )
①I’m sorry to keep you waiting for such a long time. (keep sb. doing sth.使某人一直做某事 )
②Keep the door open, please. (keep sb/sth+形容词表示某人/某事物保持怎样的状态)
③Once a cold keep the child in bed for three days(keep sb+介词短语表示某人呆在某地)
(2) during the day = in the daytime 在白天
Section C
1. It may show that something is wrong with your health.
(1) show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 向某人展示某物 please show me your new book.
(2) show sb. around 某地 表带某人参观某地:I’ll show you around our school tomorrow.
2. You can get a headache when you exercise on an empty stomach.
on an empty stomach 空腹
3. We can get into the human body through the nose.
(1) get into 进入,陷入; 如:get into trouble 陷入麻烦
(2) ①through 从物体内部穿过, 如:walk through a forest. ② across 从物体表面横穿,如:go across the road ③ over 从物体上空越过, 如:fly over the city
4. The boy has an illness.
illness = sickness疾病(名词), 很少表示具体的疾病,只表示抽象的疾病,disease 常表某种疾病。如:heart disease 心脏病
Section D
1. As we know, good health is more important than wealth.
as we know = it is well know众所周知
2. Of course, we must also have the right kinds of food.
the right kinds of food 正确种类的食物
3. We should eat more fruit and less meat.
Eat more …. and less …多吃… 少吃…
4. Different foods help us in different ways.
(1) food, fruit 等词常作不可数名词,后不加s, 但当强调多种食物或水果时,常用复数形式, 如different foods.
(2) in different ways 以不同的方式
5. It’s necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.
句型:It is + 形容词 + for sb. to do sth. (it代替后面的不定式) 对于某人来说,去做某事是…的, 如:It’s useful for us to learn English well.
【接着】八年级上册Unit 2 topic 3
Section A
1. Mom, hurry up ! Dad is on TV.
(1) ①hurry up 赶快,表催促 ②hurry to do sth. = do sth. in a hurry 匆忙地做某事
He hurried to finish the work. = He finished the work in a hurry.
③ hurry to+某地:表匆匆地去某地,如:
He hurried to the hospital.= He went to the hospital in a hurry.
(2) be on TV 某人或某事物上电视。
2. May I ask you some questions, Dr. Li ? ---- Sure, go ahead.
(1) 疑问句和否定句中,表“一些”,常用any, 不用some. 但当此疑问句表建议或请求时,
Some不改成any. 如:Would you like some tea ?
(2) go ahead 请开始吧
3. SARS spreads easily among people.
(1) spread ( spread, spread ) 传播,传开 The disease spread all over the country.
(2) among 表在多者之间, between 在两者之间,常用:between A and B
4. 短语:①build up our bodies 使我们的身体强健 ②crowded places 人群拥挤的地方
③take one’s advice = accept one’s advice 接受某人的建议 ( advice 不可数名词 )

5. Must 开头提出的问句, 否定回答不用mustn’t 来回答,常见的回答如:
Must I go now? (我必须得走吗?)肯定回答:Yes, you must.(是的,你必须);
否定回答:No, you needn’t./ No, you don’t have to. (不,你不必) (needn’t= don’t have to )
6. We had better keep away from animals.
keep… away from… 让…远离…. 如:You’d better keep the child away from the fire.
Section B
1. Just a moment, please = wait a moment = Hold on, please. 请稍等 (打电话常用语)
2. He is busy right now.
right now用两种意思:①现在= now② 马上= right away; in a minute; at once;
3. He examining a patient.
(1) examine = check over 检查(2) patient表“①病人②有耐心的”
4. 短语:①get through to sb和某人接通电话 ②leave a message for sb.给某人留口信
③give sb. a message = take a message for sb. 给某人捎口信 ④call sb. back 给某人回电话
⑤ask/tell/order sb (not) to do sth. 叫某人(不)去做某事
Section C
1. He took an active part in the battle against it.
(1) take an active part in基金参加….(2) against 介词,与… 对抗
2. He cared for the patients day and night.
care for = take care of = look after 照顾,照看
3. It is my duty to save the patients.
(1) 此句为主语从句,it 代替 to save the patients
(2) save 有3种意思:①救 ②储存 save money ③节约 save water
4. Long time no see! 好久不见
5. How did you spend your time at home ?你在家是如何度过的?
spend + 时间:表度过…I spent my holiday in Beijing
6. I taught myself on the Internet.
(1) teach oneself = learn by oneself自学 Michael learned English by himself.
(2) 注意teach 的用法:teach sb. sth
Mr Liu teaches our English. (改错) → Mr Liu teaches us English. (正确)
Section D
1. must 除了表示“必须”,还表示“一定”, 如:Kangkang must be at home. (一定是)
mustn’t 只指“不准”,can be / may be 可能是; can’t be 不可能是。
2. 反身代词的用法见语法表。
八年级上册Unit 3 topic 1
Section A
1. Some of them are of great value.
of great value 意为“很有价值的”, 相当于 valuable.“Of +名词”表“有…的”,相当于一个形容词。如:It is of importance. = It is important.
2. I used to enjoy listening to rock music, but now I love collecting paintings.
(1) used to + 动词原形,表过去经常做某事(现在不了),否定形式为didn’t use to 或
used not to, 如:He didn’t use to drink beer.= He used not to drink beer. 其疑问句即可用助动词did, 也可以用 used, 如:Did he use to live in Beijing? = Used he to live in Beijing?
(2) love 的用法同like,后即可以接动词ing形式,也可以接动词不定式。
(3) picture 广义的图画,包括painting(水彩画),drawing(简笔画)
3. I am interested in playing basketball.be interested in 对… 感兴趣
4. I enjoy dancing to music.dance to music 随着音乐跳舞
5. I am fond of acting.be fond of 喜爱
Section B
1. What do you often do in your spare time ?In one’s spare time = in one’s free time 在某人空闲时间里
2. why not go out and do some outdoor activities ?
Why not = Why don’t you,后接动词原形,如; Why not/ Why don’t you go out ?
What about = How about 后接动词ing,如: What / How about going out ?
Shall we + 动词原形, 如:Shall we go out ?
(2) do some outdoor activities 做户外活动
3. Maybe I need a change.
change ①名词,改变,如:a great change。 ②动词,改变,如:He changed his mind.(改了他的主意) ③名词,零钱,如:Here’s your change.
4. water flower 浇花 (water 在此为动词,表“给…浇水”)
5. 含 time 的短语:①all the time 一直②at the same time同时 ③at times有时
④in time及时 ⑤on time准时 ⑥at that time 在那时 ⑦from time to time 不时
6. not … at all 一点也不, 如:I don’t like it at all.Not at all 不用谢;没关系
7. Do you share my interests ?share sth with sb. 同某人分享某事物,如: I want to share my happiness with you.
Section C
1. Did you used to go swimming during the summer vacation ?vacation= holiday 假期
2. I used to swim in the pond in front of my house.
in front of 在(某物体外面的)前面,如:There are some trees in front of my house.
in the front of在(某物体里面的)前面,如:There is a blackboard in front of the classroom.
3. How clever !
感叹句:(1)How + 形容词/副词(+主语+谓语)! 感叹句中主语和谓语常省去。 如:
①How tall (the tree is)!②How fast (he runs)!
(2)What + (a / an) + 形容词+ 名词(+主语+ 谓语)!当名词为可数名词单数时,用a/an, 如:What a tall tree (it is) !当此名词为复数或不可数名词时,不要a/an, 如:①What tall trees (they are)!②What bad weather (it is)!
4. They keep pets, play sports, dance to music.
keep pets 养宠物 (keep 有养,保存的意思)feed pets 喂宠物(feed 指给东西它吃)
5. such as 通常放句中,后接几个并列名词,如:I can speak many languages, such as English, French and Japanese. 而for example 可放句中,句首或句尾,后常接一个句子或短语并与它用逗号隔开,如:For example, Australia was unknown
6. Hobbies help people relax after their daily work.
