
2、主要实现内容:利用 ros 动作和逆运动学控制 pr2 臂运动---在 matlab中向机器人控制器发送命令。关节位置命令 ros 操作客户端通过 ros 网络发送。此示例还演示了如何计算末端执行器位置所需的关节位置配置。刚体树定义了机器人的几何形状和关节约束, 它与逆运动学一起用于获取机器人的关节位置。然后, 发送这些关节位置作为一个轨迹, 命令机器人移动。
打开pr2 Gazebo,如下在虚拟机中桌面打开

参考 "开始使用 gazebo" 和 "模拟 turtlebot"中的步骤

从 matlab连接到 ros 网络
在主机上的 matlab 实例中, 运行以下命令在 matlab 中初始化 ros 全局节点, 并通过其 ip 地址ipaddress到虚拟机中的 ros 主机。将 "" 替换为虚拟机的 ip 地址。
ipaddress = ''; rosinit(ipaddress);
在此任务中, 将关节轨迹发送到 pr2 臂。手臂可以通过 ros 的行动来控制。关节轨迹是为每个手臂手动指定的, 并通过单独的操作客户端作为单独的目标消息发送。
创建一个 ros 简单的操作客户端来发送目标消息来移动机器人的右臂。返回rosactionclient和目标消息。等待客户端连接到 ros 操作服务器。

[rArm, rGoalMsg] = rosactionclient('r_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action'); waitForServer(rArm);

ROS JointTrajectoryGoal message with properties: MessageType: 'pr2_controllers_msgs/JointTrajectoryGoal' Trajectory: [1×1 JointTrajectory]
ROS JointTrajectory message with properties: MessageType: 'trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory' Header: [1×1 Header] JointNames: {0×1 cell} Points: [0×1 JointTrajectoryPoint]
设置关节名称以匹配 pr2 机器人关节名称。请注意, 有7个关节需要控制。要查找 pr2 右臂中的关节, 请在虚拟机终端中键入以下命令:rosparam get /r_arm_controller/joints
rGoalMsg.Trajectory.JointNames = {'r_shoulder_pan_joint', ...
'r_shoulder_lift_joint', ... 'r_upper_arm_roll_joint', ... 'r_elbow_flex_joint',... 'r_forearm_roll_joint',... 'r_wrist_flex_joint',... 'r_wrist_roll_joint'}; 通过创建 rostrajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint 消息并指定所有7个关节的位置和速度作为矢量, 在臂关节轨迹中创建设定值。将开始时的时间指定为 ros 持续时间对象。 % Point 1 tjPoint1 = rosmessage('trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint'); tjPoint1.Positions = zeros(1,7); %七个关节位置都为0 tjPoint1.Velocities = zeros(1,7); %速度位1 tjPoint1.TimeFromStart = rosduration(1.0); % Point 2 tjPoint2 = rosmessage('trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint'); tjPoint2.Positions = [-1.0 0.2 0.1 -1.2 -1.5 -0.3 -0.5]; %七个关节位置 tjPoint2.Velocities = zeros(1,7); tjPoint2.TimeFromStart = rosduration(2.0);

创建具有轨迹中的点的对象数组, 并将其分配给目标消息。使用操作客户端发送目标。 sendGoalAndWait执行, 直到 pr2 手臂完成执行轨迹
rGoalMsg.Trajectory.Points = [tjPoint1,tjPoint2]; %右臂轨迹点从Point1到Point2.
sendGoalAndWait(rArm,rGoalMsg); 发送消息后右臂移动

创建另一个操作客户端, 将命令发送到左臂。指定 pr2 机器人的关节名称。
[lArm, lGoalMsg] = rosactionclient('l_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action'); waitForServer(lArm); lGoalMsg.Trajectory.JointNames = {'l_shoulder_pan_joint', ... 'l_shoulder_lift_joint', ... 'l_upper_arm_roll_joint', ... 'l_elbow_flex_joint',... 'l_forearm_roll_joint',... 'l_wrist_flex_joint',... 'l_wrist_roll_joint'};

tjPoint3 = rosmessage('trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint'); %Point3
tjPoint3.Positions = [1.0 0.2 -0.1 -1.2 1.5 -0.3 0.5]; %目标位置
tjPoint3.Velocities = zeros(1,7); %速度
tjPoint3.TimeFromStart = rosduration(2.0);
lGoalMsg.Trajectory.Points = tjPoint3;
sendGoalAndWait(lArm,lGoalMsg); %发送消息左臂移动

在本节中, 您将根据所需的末端执行器 (pr2 右夹持器) 位置计算关节的轨迹。robotics.InverseKinematics>类计算所有必需的关节位置, 可以通过操作客户端作为轨迹目标消息发送。 robotics.RigidBodyTree 中的机器人参数、生成配置和可视化机器人。
  • 从 ros 网络获取 pr2 机器人的当前状态, 并将其分配给robotics.RigidBodyTree在 matlab?中与机器人一起工作的硬质 bodytree 对象。
  • 定义末端执行器目标姿势。
  • 使用这些关节位置可视化机器人配置, 以确保正确的解决方案。
  • 使用逆运动学从目标末端效应姿态计算关节位置。
  • 将关节位置的轨迹发送到 ros 动作服务器, 以命令实际的 pr2 机器人。
在 matlab?中创建刚体树
加载 pr2 机器人作为robotics.RigidBodyTree此对象定义机器人的所有运动参数 (包括关节限制)。
pr2 = exampleHelperWGPR2Kinect; %机器人的结构树和显示的可视化文件如下:代码; show(pr2)


创建一个订阅者, 从机器人中获取关节状态。
jointSub = rossubscriber('joint_states');

jntState = receive(jointSub);

jntPos = exampleHelperJointMsgToStruct(pr2,jntState);

使用 show可视化机器人与给定的关节位置向量。这应该与机器人的当前状态相匹配。代码:show(pr2,jntPos)

创建robotics.InverseKinematics pr2机器人对象的逆变运动学对象。逆运动学的目的是计算 pr2 臂的关节角度, 将夹持器 (即末端执行器) 置于所需的姿势。在一段时间内, 一系列的末端效应器被称为轨迹。
在本例中, 我们将只控制机器人的手臂。因此, 在规划过程中, 我们对抬起关节设置了严格的限制。
torsoJoint = pr2.getBody('torso_lift_link').Joint; idx = strcmp({jntPos.JointName}, torsoJoint.Name); torsoJoint.HomePosition = jntPos(idx).JointPosition; torsoJoint.PositionLimits = jntPos(idx).JointPosition + [-1e-3,1e-3]; 创建InverseKinematics对象: ik = robotics.InverseKinematics('RigidBodyTree', pr2); 禁用随机重新启动以确保安全解决方案一致: ik.SolverParameters.AllowRandomRestart = false;

weights = [0.25 0.25 0.25 1 1 1]; initialGuess = jntPos; % current jnt pos as initial guess

指定与任务相关的末端效应器姿势。在本例中, pr2 将到达桌上的罐, 抓住罐, 将其移动到不同的位置, 并再次将其设置。我们将使用InverseKinematics对象来规划从一个末端效应姿势顺利过渡到另一个末端效应的运动。
endEffectorName = 'r_gripper_tool_frame';

指定罐的初始 (当前) 姿势和所需的最终姿势。
TCanInitial = trvec2tform([0.7, 0.0, 0.55]); TCanFinal = trvec2tform([0.6, -0.5, 0.55]);

TGraspToCan = trvec2tform([0,0,0.08])*eul2tform([pi/8,0,-pi]);

定义所需笛卡尔轨迹的关键航点。罐应该沿着这个轨迹移动。轨迹可以被分解, 如下所示:
  • 打开夹持器
  • 将末端执行器从当前姿态移动到T1以便机器人在启动抓握时感到舒适
  • 将末端执行器从T1TGrasp(准备好抓住)
  • 合上夹持器, 抓住罐头
  • 将末端执行器从TGrasp T2 (空气中的提升罐)
  • 将末端效应器从T2T3 (可平整移动)
  • 将末端效应器从T3移动到TRelease(较低的罐到表表面并准备释放)
  • 打开抓手, 放开罐头
  • 将末端效应器从TRelease T4 (收回臂)
TGrasp = TCanInitial*TGraspToCan; % The desired end-effector pose when grasping the can T1 = TGrasp*trvec2tform([0.,0,-0.1]); T2 = TGrasp*trvec2tform([0,0,-0.2]); T3 = TCanFinal*TGraspToCan*trvec2tform([0,0,-0.2]); TRelease = TCanFinal*TGraspToCan; % The desired end-effector pose when releasing the can T4 = T3*trvec2tform([-0.1,0,0]);

实际运动将由一个序列中的numWaypoints关节位置指定, 并通过 ros 简单动作客户端发送到机器人。这些配置将使用InverseKinematics对象进行选择, 以便将末端效应姿态从初始姿态插值到最终姿势。
motionTask = {'Release', T1, TGrasp, 'Grasp', T2, T3, TRelease, 'Release', T4};

for i = 1: length(motionTask) if strcmp(motionTask{i}, 'Grasp') exampleHelperSendPR2GripperCommand('right',0.0,1000,true); continue end if strcmp(motionTask{i}, 'Release') exampleHelperSendPR2GripperCommand('right',0.1,-1,true); continue end Tf = motionTask{i}; % Get current joint state jntState = receive(jointSub); jntPos = exampleHelperJointMsgToStruct(pr2, jntState); T0 = getTransform(pr2, jntPos, endEffectorName); % Interpolating between key waypoints numWaypoints = 10; TWaypoints = exampleHelperSE3Trajectory(T0, Tf, numWaypoints); % end-effector pose waypoints jntPosWaypoints = repmat(initialGuess, numWaypoints, 1); % joint position waypoints rArmJointNames = rGoalMsg.Trajectory.JointNames; rArmJntPosWaypoints = zeros(numWaypoints, numel(rArmJointNames)); % Calculate joint position for each end-effector pose waypoint using IK for k = 1:numWaypoints jntPos = ik(endEffectorName, TWaypoints(:,:,k), weights, initialGuess); jntPosWaypoints(k, :) = jntPos; initialGuess = jntPos; % Extract right arm joint positions from jntPos rArmJointPos = zeros(size(rArmJointNames)); for n = 1:length(rArmJointNames) rn = rArmJointNames{n}; idx = strcmp({jntPos.JointName}, rn); rArmJointPos(n) = jntPos(idx).JointPosition; end rArmJntPosWaypoints(k,:) = rArmJointPos'; end % Time points corresponding to each waypoint timePoints = linspace(0,3,numWaypoints); % Estimate joint velocity trajectory numerically h = diff(timePoints); h = h(1); jntTrajectoryPoints = repmat(rosmessage('trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint'),1,numWaypoints); [~, rArmJntVelWaypoints] = gradient(rArmJntPosWaypoints, h); for m = 1:numWaypoints jntTrajectoryPoints(m).Positions = rArmJntPosWaypoints(m,:); jntTrajectoryPoints(m).Velocities = rArmJntVelWaypoints(m,:); jntTrajectoryPoints(m).TimeFromStart = rosduration(timePoints(m)); end % Visualize robot motion and end-effector trajectory in MATLAB(R) hold on for j = 1:numWaypoints show(pr2, jntPosWaypoints(j,:),'PreservePlot', false); exampleHelperShowEndEffectorPos(TWaypoints(:,:,j)); drawnow; pause(0.1); end % Send the right arm trajectory to the robot rGoalMsg.Trajectory.Points = jntTrajectoryPoints; sendGoalAndWait(rArm, rGoalMsg); end




exampleHelperSendPR2GripperCommand('r',0.0,-1) rGoalMsg.Trajectory.Points = tjPoint2; sendGoal(rArm, rGoalMsg);

调用rosshutdown关闭 ros 网络, 并断开与机器人的连接。

%% Control PR2 Arm Movements Using ROS Actions and Inverse Kinematics %% Introduction % This example shows how to send commands to robotic manipulators in MATLAB(R). % Joint position commands are sent via a ROS action client over a ROS network. % This example also shows how to calculate joint positions for a desired % end-effector position. A rigid body tree defines the robot geometry and % joint constraints, which is used with inverse kinematics to get the robot % joint positions. You can then send these joint positions as a trajectory % to command the robot to move.% Copyright 2016-2018 The MathWorks, Inc.%% Bring up PR2 Gazebo Simulation % Spawn PR2 in a simple environment (only with a table and a coke can) in % Gazebo Simulator. Follow steps in the % to launch the |Gazebo PR2 Simulator| from the Ubuntu(R) virtual machine desktop. % % <>%% Connect to ROS Network from MATLAB(R) % In your MATLAB instance on the host computer, run the following commands % to initialize ROS global node in MATLAB and connect to the ROS master % in the virtual machine through its IP address |ipaddress|. Replace % '' with the IP address of your virtual machine. % rosshutdown; ipaddress = ''; rosinit(ipaddress); %% Create Action Clients for Robot Arms and Send Commands % In this task, you send joint trajectories to the PR2 arms. The arms can be % controlled via ROS actions. Joint trajectories are manually specified for % each arm and sent as separate goal messages via separate action clients.%% % Create a ROS simple action client to send goal messages to move % the right arm of the robot. || object % and goal message are returned. Wait for the client to connect to the ROS action server.[rArm, rGoalMsg] = rosactionclient('r_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action'); waitForServer(rArm); %% % The goal message is a |trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint| message. Each % trajectory point should specify positions and velocities of the joints. disp(rGoalMsg)%% %ROS JointTrajectoryGoal message with properties: % %MessageType: 'pr2_controllers_msgs/JointTrajectoryGoal' %Trajectory: [1x1 JointTrajectory] % %Use showdetails to show the contents of the message %disp(rGoalMsg.Trajectory)%% %ROS JointTrajectory message with properties: % %MessageType: 'trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory' %Header: [1x1 Header] %JointNames: {0x1 cell} %Points: [0x1 JointTrajectoryPoint] % %Use showdetails to show the contents of the message%% % Set the joint names to match the PR2 robot joint names. Note that there % are 7 joints to control. To find what joints are in PR2 right arm, try %% % %rosparam get /r_arm_controller/joints % %% % in the virtual machine terminalrGoalMsg.Trajectory.JointNames = {'r_shoulder_pan_joint', ... 'r_shoulder_lift_joint', ... 'r_upper_arm_roll_joint', ... 'r_elbow_flex_joint',... 'r_forearm_roll_joint',... 'r_wrist_flex_joint',... 'r_wrist_roll_joint'}; %% % Create setpoints in the arm joint trajectory by creating ROS % |trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint| messages and specifying the % position and velocity of all 7 joints as a vector. Specify a time from % the start as a ROS duration object. % Point 1 tjPoint1 = rosmessage('trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint'); tjPoint1.Positions = zeros(1,7); tjPoint1.Velocities = zeros(1,7); tjPoint1.TimeFromStart = rosduration(1.0); % Point 2 tjPoint2 = rosmessage('trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint'); tjPoint2.Positions = [-1.0 0.2 0.1 -1.2 -1.5 -0.3 -0.5]; tjPoint2.Velocities = zeros(1,7); tjPoint2.TimeFromStart = rosduration(2.0); %% % Create an object array with the points in the trajectory and assign it to % the goal message. Send the goal using the action client. The || % function will block execution until the PR2 arm finishes executing the trajectory rGoalMsg.Trajectory.Points = [tjPoint1,tjPoint2]; sendGoalAndWait(rArm,rGoalMsg); %% rGoalMsg.Trajectory.Points = tjPoint1; sendGoalAndWait(rArm,rGoalMsg); %% rGoalMsg.Trajectory.Points = tjPoint2; sendGoalAndWait(rArm,rGoalMsg); %% % % <> % %% % Create another action client to send commands to the left arm. Specify % the joint names of the PR2 robot.[lArm, lGoalMsg] = rosactionclient('l_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action'); waitForServer(lArm); lGoalMsg.Trajectory.JointNames = {'l_shoulder_pan_joint', ... 'l_shoulder_lift_joint', ... 'l_upper_arm_roll_joint', ... 'l_elbow_flex_joint',... 'l_forearm_roll_joint',... 'l_wrist_flex_joint',... 'l_wrist_roll_joint'}; %% % Set a trajectory point for the left arm. Assign it to the goal message % and send the goal.tjPoint3 = rosmessage('trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint'); tjPoint3.Positions = [1.0 0.2 -0.1 -1.2 1.5 -0.3 0.5]; tjPoint3.Velocities = zeros(1,7); tjPoint3.TimeFromStart = rosduration(2.0); lGoalMsg.Trajectory.Points = tjPoint3; sendGoalAndWait(lArm,lGoalMsg); %% % % <> % %% Calculate Inverse Kinematics for an End-Effector Position % In this section, you calculate a trajectory for joints based on the desired end-effector % (PR2 right gripper) positions. The |robotics.InverseKinematics>| class calculates all the required % joint positions, which can be sent as a trajectory goal message % via the action client. A || class is used to define the % robot parameters, generate configurations, and visualize the robot in % MATLAB(R). % % Perform The following steps: % % * Get the current state of the PR2 robot from the ROS network and assign it % to a |robotics.RigidBodyTree| object to work with the robot in MATLAB(R). % % * Define an end-effector goal pose. % % * Visualize the robot configuration using these joint positions to ensure % a proper solution. % % * Use inverse kinematics to calculate joint positions from goal end-effector % poses. % % * Send the trajectory of joint positions to the ROS action server to % command the actual PR2 robot.%% Create a Rigid Body Tree in MATLAB(R) % Load a PR2 robot as a |robotics.RigidBodyTree| object. This object defines all the % kinematic parameters (including joint limits) of the robot. pr2 = exampleHelperWGPR2Kinect; %关节树 show(pr2) %% Get the Current Robot State % Create a subscriber to get joint states from the robot. jointSub = rossubscriber('joint_states'); %% % Get the current joint state message. jntState = receive(jointSub); % Assign the joint positions from the joint states message to the fields of % a configuration struct that the |pr2| object understands. jntPos = exampleHelperJointMsgToStruct(pr2, jntState); %%Visualize the Current Robot Configuration % Use || to visualize the robot with the given joint position vector. % This should match the current state of the robot. figure show(pr2,jntPos) %% % % <> %%% % Create an |robotics.InverseKinematics| object from the |pr2| robot object. % The goal of inverse kinematics is to calculate the joint % angles for the PR2 arm that places the gripper (i.e. the end-effector) % in a desired pose. A sequence of end-effector poses over a period of time % is called a trajectory.% In this example we will only be controlling the robot's arms. Therefore % we place tight limits on the torso-lift joint during planning. torsoJoint = pr2.getBody('torso_lift_link').Joint; idx = strcmp({jntPos.JointName}, torsoJoint.Name); torsoJoint.PositionLimits = jntPos(idx).JointPosition + [-1e-3,1e-3]; % Create the |InverseKinematics| object. ik = robotics.InverseKinematics('RigidBodyTree', pr2); % Disable random restart to ensure consistent IK solutions ik.SolverParameters.AllowRandomRestart = false; % Specify weights for the tolerances on each component of the goal pose. weights = [0.25 0.25 0.25 1 1 1]; initialGuess = jntPos; % current jnt pos as initial guess%% % Specify end-effector poses related to the task. In this example, PR2 will reach % to the can on the table, grasp the can, move it to a different location % and set it down again. We will use the |InverseKinematics| object to plan % motions that smoothly transition from one end-effector pose to another.% Specify the name of the end effector endEffectorName = 'r_gripper_tool_frame'; % Can's initial (current) pose and the desired final pose (There is a % translation between the two poses along the table top) TCanInitial = trvec2tform([0.7, 0.0, 0.55]); TCanFinal = trvec2tform([0.6, -0.5, 0.55]); % Define the desired relative transform between the end-effector and the can % when grasping TGraspToCan = trvec2tform([0,0,0.08])*eul2tform([pi/8,0,-pi]); %% % Define the key waypoints of a desired Cartesian trajectory. The can should % move along this trajectory. The trajectory can be broken up as follows: % (note each variable starting with a |T| represents an SE3 pose) % % * Open the gripper % % * Move the end-effector from current pose to |T1| so that the robot will % feel comfortable to initiate the grasp % % * Move the end-effector from |T1| to |TGrasp| (ready to grasp) % % * Close the gripper and grab the can % % * Move the end-effector from |TGrasp| to |T2| (lift can in the air) % % * Move the end-effector from |T2| to |T3| (move can levelly) % % * Move the end-effector from |T3| to |TRelease| (lower can to table surface and ready to release) % % * Open the gripper and let go of the can % % * Move the end-effector from |TRelease| to |T4| (retract arm) TGrasp = TCanInitial*TGraspToCan; % The desired end-effector pose when grasping the can T1 = TGrasp*trvec2tform([0.,0,-0.1]); T2 = TGrasp*trvec2tform([0,0,-0.2]); T3 = TCanFinal*TGraspToCan*trvec2tform([0,0,-0.2]); TRelease = TCanFinal*TGraspToCan; % The desired end-effector pose when releasing the can T4 = T3*trvec2tform([-0.1,0,0]); %% % The actual motion will be specified by |numWaypoints| joint % positions in a sequence and sent to the robot through the ROS simple action % client. These configurations will be chosen using the % |InverseKinematics| object such that the end effector pose is % interpolated from the initial pose to the final pose.%% Execute the Motion% Collection of tasks motionTask = {'Release', T1, TGrasp, 'Grasp', T2, T3, TRelease, 'Release', T4}; % Execute each task specified in motionTask one by one for i = 1: length(motionTask) disp(i) if strcmp(motionTask{i}, 'Grasp') exampleHelperSendPR2GripperCommand('right',0.0,1000,true); continue endif strcmp(motionTask{i}, 'Release') exampleHelperSendPR2GripperCommand('right',0.1,-1,true); continue endTf = motionTask{i}; % Get current joint state jntState = receive(jointSub); jntPos = exampleHelperJointMsgToStruct(pr2, jntState); T0 = getTransform(pr2, jntPos, endEffectorName); % Interpolating between key waypoints numWaypoints = 10; TWaypoints = exampleHelperSE3Trajectory(T0, Tf, numWaypoints); % end-effector pose waypoints jntPosWaypoints = repmat(initialGuess, numWaypoints, 1); % joint position waypointsrArmJointNames = rGoalMsg.Trajectory.JointNames; rArmJntPosWaypoints = zeros(numWaypoints, numel(rArmJointNames)); % Calculate joint position for each end-effector pose waypoint using IK for k = 1:numWaypoints jntPos = ik(endEffectorName, TWaypoints(:,:,k), weights, initialGuess); jntPosWaypoints(k, :) = jntPos; initialGuess = jntPos; % Extract right arm joint positions from jntPos rArmJointPos = zeros(size(rArmJointNames)); for n = 1:length(rArmJointNames) rn = rArmJointNames{n}; idx = strcmp({jntPos.JointName}, rn); rArmJointPos(n) = jntPos(idx).JointPosition; end rArmJntPosWaypoints(k,:) = rArmJointPos'; end% Time points corresponding to each waypoint timePoints = linspace(0,3,numWaypoints); % Estimate joint velocity trajectory numerically h = diff(timePoints); h = h(1); jntTrajectoryPoints = repmat(rosmessage('trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint'),1,numWaypoints); [~, rArmJntVelWaypoints] = gradient(rArmJntPosWaypoints, h); for m = 1:numWaypoints jntTrajectoryPoints(m).Positions = rArmJntPosWaypoints(m,:); jntTrajectoryPoints(m).Velocities = rArmJntVelWaypoints(m,:); jntTrajectoryPoints(m).TimeFromStart = rosduration(timePoints(m)); end% Visualize robot motion and end-effector trajectory in MATLAB(R) hold on for j = 1:numWaypoints show(pr2, jntPosWaypoints(j,:),'PreservePlot', false); exampleHelperShowEndEffectorPos(TWaypoints(:,:,j)); drawnow; pause(0.1); end% Send the right arm trajectory to the robot rGoalMsg.Trajectory.Points = jntTrajectoryPoints; sendGoalAndWait(rArm, rGoalMsg); end%% % % <> % %% % % <> %%% Wrap Up %% % Move arm back to starting position exampleHelperSendPR2GripperCommand('r',0.0,-1) rGoalMsg.Trajectory.Points = tjPoint2; sendGoal(rArm, rGoalMsg); %% % Call |rosshutdown| to shutdown ROS network and disconnect from the robot. rosshutdown displayEndOfDemoMessage(mfilename)

