使用pyinotify 监控多文件夹多目录是否有新文件生成内容是否变化

找到了pyinotiy这个模块,Pyinotify是一个简单而有用的Python模块,用于在Linux中实时监控文件系统的更改 ,绑定三个系统调用,并支持其上的实现,提供了一个共同和抽象的手段来操纵这些功能。
为了使用pyinotify ,您的系统必须运行:
Python 2.4或更高版本

# uname -r # python -V

一旦满足依赖关系,我们将使用pip来安装pynotify 。 在大多数Linux发行版中,如果您使用从python.org下载的Python 2> = 2.7.9或Python 3> = 3.4二进制文件, Pip已经安装,否则安装如下:
# yum install python-pip[On CentOS based Distros] # apt-get install python-pip[On Debian based Distros] # dnf install python-pip[On Fedora 22+]

【使用pyinotify 监控多文件夹多目录是否有新文件生成内容是否变化】现在,像这样安装pyinotify:
# pip install pyinotify

它将从默认存储库安装可用版本,如果您希望具有最新的稳定版本的pyinotify ,请考虑将其克隆为git仓库,如下所示。
# git clone https://github.com/seb-m/pyinotify.git # cd pyinotify/ # ls # python setup.py install

#!/usr/bin/python # coding=UTF-8 import os import pyinotify import threading from time import ctime,sleep#监控文件目录是否有新文件传来,有的话提交给本地服务 class OnWriteHandler(pyinotify.ProcessEvent): def process_IN_CREATE(self, event): #函数名以"process_"开头,后面跟注册的监测类型 #os.system('echo '+'create file:%s'%(os.path.join(event.path,event.name))) #之后用于nohup输出 print "new file: %s " % os.path.join(event.path,event.name) #打印 os.system('sampleserv submit ' + '%s'%(os.path.join(event.path, event.name))) #提交给文件处理服务,此处调用你自己的接口或者处理def auto_compile(path='./samples'): wm = pyinotify.WatchManager() mask = pyinotify.IN_CREATE #监测类型,如果多种用|分开,pyinotify.IN_CREATE | pyinotify.IN_DELETE notifier = pyinotify.Notifier(wm, OnWriteHandler()) wm.add_watch(path, mask,rec=True,auto_add=True) print '==> Start monitoring %s (type c^c to exit)' % path while True: try: notifier.process_events() if notifier.check_events(): notifier.read_events() except KeyboardInterrupt: notifier.stop() break#监控本地文件处理服务检测报告是否完成,完成的话发送 class OnAnalyzerHandler(pyinotify.ProcessEvent): def process_IN_CREATE(self, event): if event.name == 'report.json': print "new analyze reports: %s" % os.path.join(event.path, event.name) #调用接口发送报告,此处为调用你自己的接口或处理2def wait_analyze(path='/home/analyses/'): wm = pyinotify.WatchManager() mask = pyinotify.IN_CREATE notifier = pyinotify.Notifier(wm, OnAnalyzerHandler()) wm.add_watch(path, mask, rec=True, auto_add=True) print 'Start monitoring %s ' % path while True: try: notifier.process_events() if notifier.check_events(): notifier.read_events() except KeyboardInterrupt: notifier.stop() breakthreads = [] t1 = threading.Thread(target=auto_compile,args=('./samples',)) threads.append(t1) t2 = threading.Thread(target=wait_analyze,args=('/home/prism/.cuckoo/storage/analyses/',)) threads.append(t2)def threads_join(threads): ''' 令主线程阻塞,等待子线程执行完才继续,使用这个方法比使用join的好处是,可以ctrl+c kill掉进程 ''' for t in threads: while 1: if t.isAlive(): sleep(10) else: breakif __name__ == "__main__": for t in threads: t.setDaemon(True) t.start()threads_join(threads) print "all over %s" %ctime()

运行两天之后发现个问题报错:no space left on device(抛出监控的nodes数量达到pyinotify 最大值了,没有剩余的可用),这时候就无法继续监控新文件的产生了。
sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 sudo sysctl -p 生效 查看目前的最大值 To find your current limit, type this in your terminal: $cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches 增加最大值 Which is typically 8192 by default. To increase your limit, type this: $sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=16384 永久设置最大值 To permanently set this limit, type this: $echo 16384 | sudo tee -a /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches

while True: #判断latest软链接是否存在 while os.path.islink(storage_path) == False: breport = True print "soft link is not exist!!!" sleep(5) continue#存在的话,读取链接目录 realpath = os.readlink(storage_path) while True: filepath = "" try: filepath = os.readlink(storage_path) except: print "soft link is deleted" breakif realpath != filepath: realpath = filepath print "soft link change,watch new dir"

