
3种边缘检测算子 灰度或结构等信息的突变位置是图像的边缘,图像的边缘有幅度和方向属性,沿边缘方向像素变化缓慢,垂直边缘方向像素变化剧烈。因此,边缘上的变化能通过梯度计算出来。

Gx对于x方向的梯度,Gy对应y方向的梯度,向量的幅值本来是 mag(f)?=?(Gx2?+?Gy2)1/2,为简化计算,一般用mag(f)=|Gx|+|Gy|近似,幅值同时包含了x而后y方向的梯度信息。梯度的方向为 α?=?arctan(Gx/Gy) 。

  1. 计算Gx与Gy
  2. 用mag(f)=|Gx|+|Gy|近似近似计算(x,y)点处的梯度值G(x,y)
  3. 模板中心移动一个像素点,计算下一像素点的梯度值(这一平移求和的过程实质就是卷积运算)
  4. 计算完所有的像素点处的梯度值后,选择一个阈值T,如果(x,y)处的G(x,y)>T,则认为该点是边缘点


相对于一阶导数,高斯拉普拉斯算子(Laplacian of Gaussian, LOG算子)由于求二阶导数,很容易将点噪声判别为边界,因此常在使用LOG算子前先用高斯平滑滤波器去除正态分布的噪声,二维高斯分布为:

其中 σ 为高斯分布标准差,决定高斯滤波器的宽度,用该函数对图像平滑滤波,可以减少椒盐噪声对LOG算子的影响。
  1. 检测标准:不丢失重要的边缘,不应有虚假的边缘;
  2. 定位标准:实际边缘与检测到的边缘位置之间的偏差最小;
  3. 单响应标准:将多个响应降低为单个边缘响应。也就是说,图像中本来只有一个边缘点,可是却检测出多个边缘点,这就对应了多个响应。
  1. 使用高斯滤波器平滑图像,卷积核尺度通过高斯滤波器的标准差确定
  2. 计算滤波后图像的梯度幅值和方向 可以使用Sobel算子计算Gx与Gy方向的梯度,则梯度幅值和梯度的方向依次为
  3. 使用非最大化抑制方法确定当前像素点是否比邻域像素点更可能属于边缘的像素,以得到细化的边缘 其实现是:将当前像素位置的梯度值与其梯度方向上相邻的的梯度方向的梯度值进行比较,如果周围存在梯度值大于当前像素的梯度值,则不认为查找到的当前像素点为边缘点。举例来说,Gx方向的3个梯度值依次为[2 4 3],则在Gx梯度方向上4所在像素点就是边缘点,如果把改成[2 4 1]就不是边缘点。如果用全向的梯度方向作为非最大抑制的判断依据,则要求G(x,y)>所有4邻域的或8邻域的梯度值才被认为是边缘点。
  4. 使用双阈值[T1,T2]法检测边缘的起点和终点,这样能形成连接的边缘。T2>T1,T2用来找到没条线段,T1用来在这条线段两端延伸寻找边缘的断裂处,并连接这些边缘。
OpenCV中相关源码 Sobel算子及LOG算子的源码在/modules/imgproc/src/deriv.cpp中,Canny算子实现在/modules/imgproc/src/canny.cpp中。
void cv::Sobel( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth, int dx, int dy, int ksize, double scale, double delta, int borderType ) { Mat src =; // 从InputArray中提取Mat数据结构,InputArray只能作为形参的类型,但可以传入Mat类型实参 if (ddepth < 0) ddepth = src.depth(); // 像素深度(即像素位数),有CV_8U=0, CV_8S=1, CV_16U=2, CV_16S=3, CV_32S=4, CV_32F=5, CV_64F=6 _dst.create( src.size(), CV_MAKETYPE(ddepth, src.channels()) ); Mat dst = _dst.getMat(); #if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR>= 7) if(dx < 3 && dy < 3 && src.channels() == 1 && borderType == 1) { if(IPPDeriv(src, dst, ddepth, dx, dy, ksize,scale)) return; } #endif int ktype = std::max(CV_32F, std::max(ddepth, src.depth())); Mat kx, ky; getDerivKernels( kx, ky, dx, dy, ksize, false, ktype ); // 创建Sobel算子差分用的卷积模板,结果放在kx,ky中 if( scale != 1 ) { // usually the smoothing part is the slowest to compute, // so try to scale it instead of the faster differenciating part if( dx == 0 ) kx *= scale; else ky *= scale; } sepFilter2D( src, dst, ddepth, kx, ky, Point(-1,-1), delta, borderType ); // 使用卷积核进行平滑操作,前面已经说过,差分转化为卷积操作,而卷积运算就是平滑滤波 }

for( int k = 0; k < 2; k++ ) { Mat* kernel = k == 0 ? &kx : &ky; int order = k == 0 ? dx : dy; int ksize = k == 0 ? ksizeX : ksizeY; CV_Assert( ksize > order ); if( ksize == 1 ) kerI[0] = 1; else if( ksize == 3 ) { if( order == 0 ) kerI[0] = 1, kerI[1] = 2, kerI[2] = 1; // 只进行均值平滑,无差分作用 else if( order == 1 ) kerI[0] = -1, kerI[1] = 0, kerI[2] = 1; // 差分算子 else kerI[0] = 1, kerI[1] = -2, kerI[2] = 1; } else { ... }

ksize表示卷积核的大小,之前理论分析中取的是3x3的模板,对应到if( ksize == 3 )order变量确定对x梯度方向的卷积模板进行赋值还是y梯度方向的卷积进行赋值,因此,当且仅当Sobel函数的输入实参中dx=1时才计算Gx方向的梯度,dy=1时才计算dy方向的梯度。OpenCV没有给出Prewiit算子的源码,但可以自己通过修改替换getDerivKernels函数实现Prewiit的功能。
void cv::Canny( InputArray image, OutputArray _edges, double threshold1, double threshold2, int apertureSize, bool L2gradient ) { Mat src =; _edges.create(src.size(), CV_8U); CvMat c_src = src, c_dst = _edges.getMat(); cvCanny( &c_src, &c_dst, threshold1, threshold2, apertureSize + (L2gradient ? CV_CANNY_L2_GRADIENT : 0)); }

dx = cvCreateMat( size.height, size.width, CV_16SC1 ); dy = cvCreateMat( size.height, size.width, CV_16SC1 ); cvSobel( src, dx, 1, 0, aperture_size ); // 计算Gx cvSobel( src, dy, 0, 1, aperture_size ); // 计算Gy

// calculate magnitude and angle of gradient, perform non-maxima supression. // fill the map with one of the following values: //0 - the pixel might belong to an edge //1 - the pixel can not belong to an edge //2 - the pixel does belong to an edge for( i = 0; i <= size.height; i++ ) { int* _mag = mag_buf[(i > 0) + 1] + 1; float* _magf = (float*)_mag; const short* _dx = (short*)(dx->data.ptr + dx->step*i); const short* _dy = (short*)(dy->data.ptr + dy->step*i); uchar* _map; int x, y; ptrdiff_t magstep1, magstep2; int prev_flag = 0; if( i < size.height ) { _mag[-1] = _mag[size.width] = 0; if( !(flags & CV_CANNY_L2_GRADIENT) ) for( j = 0; j < size.width; j++ ) _mag[j] = abs(_dx[j]) + abs(_dy[j]); /*else if( icvFilterSobelVert_8u16s_C1R_p != 0 ) // check for IPP { // use vectorized sqrt = _magf; for( j = 0; j < size.width; j++ ) { x = _dx[j]; y = _dy[j]; _magf[j] = (float)((double)x*x + (double)y*y); } cvPow( &mag_row, &mag_row, 0.5 ); }*/ else { for( j = 0; j < size.width; j++ ) { x = _dx[j]; y = _dy[j]; _magf[j] = (float)std::sqrt((double)x*x + (double)y*y); } } } else memset( _mag-1, 0, (size.width + 2)*sizeof(int) ); // at the very beginning we do not have a complete ring // buffer of 3 magnitude rows for non-maxima suppression if( i == 0 ) continue; _map = map + mapstep*i + 1; _map[-1] = _map[size.width] = 1; _mag = mag_buf[1] + 1; // take the central row _dx = (short*)(dx->data.ptr + dx->step*(i-1)); _dy = (short*)(dy->data.ptr + dy->step*(i-1)); magstep1 = mag_buf[2] - mag_buf[1]; magstep2 = mag_buf[0] - mag_buf[1]; if( (stack_top - stack_bottom) + size.width > maxsize ) { int sz = (int)(stack_top - stack_bottom); maxsize = MAX( maxsize * 3/2, maxsize + 8 ); stack.resize(maxsize); stack_bottom = &stack[0]; stack_top = stack_bottom + sz; }for( j = 0; j < size.width; j++ ) { #define CANNY_SHIFT 15 #define TG22(int)(0.4142135623730950488016887242097*(1< low ) { int tg22x = x * TG22; int tg67x = tg22x + ((x + x) << CANNY_SHIFT); y <<= CANNY_SHIFT; if( y < tg22x ) { if( m > _mag[j-1] && m >= _mag[j+1] ) { if( m > high && !prev_flag && _map[j-mapstep] != 2 ) { CANNY_PUSH( _map + j ); prev_flag = 1; } else _map[j] = (uchar)0; continue; } } else if( y > tg67x ) { if( m > _mag[j+magstep2] && m >= _mag[j+magstep1] ) { if( m > high && !prev_flag && _map[j-mapstep] != 2 ) { CANNY_PUSH( _map + j ); prev_flag = 1; } else _map[j] = (uchar)0; continue; } } else { s = s < 0 ? -1 : 1; if( m > _mag[j+magstep2-s] && m > _mag[j+magstep1+s] ) { if( m > high && !prev_flag && _map[j-mapstep] != 2 ) { CANNY_PUSH( _map + j ); prev_flag = 1; } else _map[j] = (uchar)0; continue; } } } prev_flag = 0; _map[j] = (uchar)1; }// scroll the ring buffer _mag = mag_buf[0]; mag_buf[0] = mag_buf[1]; mag_buf[1] = mag_buf[2]; mag_buf[2] = _mag; }

// now track the edges (hysteresis thresholding) while( stack_top > stack_bottom ) { uchar* m; if( (stack_top - stack_bottom) + 8 > maxsize ) { int sz = (int)(stack_top - stack_bottom); maxsize = MAX( maxsize * 3/2, maxsize + 8 ); stack.resize(maxsize); stack_bottom = &stack[0]; stack_top = stack_bottom + sz; }CANNY_POP(m); if( !m[-1] ) CANNY_PUSH( m - 1 ); if( !m[1] ) CANNY_PUSH( m + 1 ); if( !m[-mapstep-1] ) CANNY_PUSH( m - mapstep - 1 ); if( !m[-mapstep] ) CANNY_PUSH( m - mapstep ); if( !m[-mapstep+1] ) CANNY_PUSH( m - mapstep + 1 ); if( !m[mapstep-1] ) CANNY_PUSH( m + mapstep - 1 ); if( !m[mapstep] ) CANNY_PUSH( m + mapstep ); if( !m[mapstep+1] ) CANNY_PUSH( m + mapstep + 1 ); }// the final pass, form the final image for( i = 0; i < size.height; i++ ) { const uchar* _map = map + mapstep*(i+1) + 1; uchar* _dst = dst->data.ptr + dst->step*i; for( j = 0; j < size.width; j++ ) _dst[j] = (uchar)-(_map[j] >> 1); }

试试身手 Sobel算子的源码:
/* * FileName : sobel.cpp * Author: xiahouzuoxin * Version: v1.0 * Date: Sun 16 Nov 2014 09:53:16 AM CST * Brief: * * Copyright (C) MICL,USTB */ #include #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"using namespace std; using namespace cv; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { cout << "Usage: ./sobel [image file]" <

/* * FileName : Laplace.cpp * Author: xiahouzuoxin * Version: v1.0 * Date: Sun 16 Nov 2014 10:52:09 AM CST * Brief: * * Copyright (C) MICL,USTB */ #include #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"using namespace std; using namespace cv; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { cout << "Usage: ./Laplace [image file]" <

/* * FileName : canny.cpp * Author: xiahouzuoxin * Version: v1.0 * Date: Sun 16 Nov 2014 10:59:31 AM CST * Brief: * * Copyright (C) MICL,USTB */ #include #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"using namespace std; using namespace cv; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { cout << "Usage: ./canny [image file]" <

