

#include using namespace std; typedef int Type; template class Loading; template Type MaxLoading(Type w[], Type c, int n, int bestx[]); template class Loading { public: friend Type MaxLoading(Type w[], Type c, int n, int bestx[]); private: void Backtrack(int i); int n,//集装箱数 *x,//当前解 *bestx; //当前最优解 Type* w,//集装箱重量数组 c,//第一艘轮船的载重量 cw,//当前载重量 bestw,//当前最优载重量 r; //剩余集装箱重量 }; template void Loading::Backtrack(int i) {//搜索第i层结点 if(i>n) {//到达叶结点 if(cw>bestw) { for(int j=1; j<=n; ++j) bestx[j]=x[j]; bestw=cw; } return; } //搜索子树 r -= w[i]; //当前处理的是第i个集装箱,r是i个之后所有集装箱的重量和,所以深入一层之后要减去此箱重量 if(cw+w[i] <= c) {//搜索左子树 x[i]=1; cw+=w[i]; Backtrack(i+1); cw-=w[i]; } //搜索右子树 if(cw+r > bestw) { x[i]=0; Backtrack(i+1); } r += w[i]; //处理完右子树 回上一层时要加上这层的重量 }template Type MaxLoading(Type w[], Type c, int n, int bestx[]) {//返回最优载重量 Loading X; //初始化X X.x = new int[n+1]; X.w = w; X.c = c; X.n = n; X.bestx = bestx; X.bestw = 0; X.cw = 0; //初始化r X.r = 0; for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i) X.r += w[i]; X.Backtrack(1); delete [] X.x; return X.bestw; }int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int n; Type c; cout << "输入集装箱数目:" << endl; cin >> n; Type *w=new Type[n+1]; int *bestx=new Type[n+1]; cout<<"输入"<>w[i]; cout << "输入第一艘轮船的载重量c:" << endl; cin >> c; cout << MaxLoading(w, c, n, bestx) << endl; for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i) cout<< bestx[i] << ","; cout << "Press the enter key to exit"; cin.ignore(cin.rdbuf()->in_avail()+1); return 0; }


#include using namespace std; typedef int Type; template Type MaxLoading(Type w[], Type c, int n, int bestx[]) {//迭代回溯法 //返回最优载重量及其相应解 //初始化根结点 int i=1; //当前层 // x[1:i-1]为当前路径 int *x = new int[n+1]; Type bestw=0,//当前最优载重量 cw=0,//当前载重量 r=0; //剩余集装箱重量 for(int j=1; j<=n; ++j) r+=w[j]; //搜索子树 while(true) { while(i<=n && cw+w[i]<=c) {//进入左子树 r-=w[i]; cw+=w[i]; x[i]=1; i++; } if(i>n) {//到达叶结点 for(int j=1; j<=n; ++j) bestx[j]=x[j]; bestw=cw; }else {//进入右子树 r-=w[i]; x[i]=0; i++; } while(cw+r<=bestw) // 当前最优载重量 >= 当前载重量 + 剩余集装箱重量 {//剪枝回溯 i--; while(i>0 && !x[i]) {//从右子树返回 r+=w[i]; i--; } if(i==0) { delete [] x; return bestw; } //进入右子树 x[i]=0; cw-=w[i]; i++; } } }int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int n; Type c; cout << "输入集装箱数目:" << endl; cin >> n; Type *w=new Type[n+1]; int *bestx=new Type[n+1]; cout<<"输入"<>w[i]; cout << "输入第一艘轮船的载重量c:" << endl; cin >> c; cout << MaxLoading(w, c, n, bestx) << endl; for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i) cout<< bestx[i] << ","; cout << "Press the enter key to exit"; cin.ignore(cin.rdbuf()->in_avail()+1); return 0; }

