2022国庆长假放假通知范文 2022国庆长假放假通知文件( 四 )

It's national day again. On this day of national celebration, I hope you are as happy as the night and happy forever. Happy National Day!
15、没有国 , 哪有家;没有家 , 哪有你我 。国庆节来临 , 让我们共祝愿国圆家圆 , 家和国兴!
No country, no home; no home, no you and me. National Day is coming, let's wish the country a round home, a happy home and a prosperous country!
16、你是我的巧克力 , 我是你的朱古力 , 见到你啊多美丽 , 想你想到浑身无力 。国庆佳节 , 盼望与你相聚!
You are my chocolate, I am your chocolate. How beautiful I am to see you. I think you are weak. I'm looking forward to meeting you on National Day!
17、红旗迎风飘 , 大家微微笑 , 肩上背着包 , 带上老和小 , 向快乐奔跑 , 难得国庆假 , 幸福最重要!祝您合家欢乐 , 幸福安康!
The red flag flutters in the wind, everyone smiles slightly, carries the bag on the shoulder, takes the old and the small, runs to the joyful, the rare National Day holiday, the happiness is most important! I wish you a happy and healthy family!
18、秋风鼓荡的 , 是丰收的甜蜜;秋雨缠绵的 , 是问候的温馨;秋云翻滚的 , 是祝福的贴心 。国庆到来之际 , 提前祝佳节愉快!
The autumn wind blows, is the harvest sweet; the autumn rain lingering, is the warm greeting; the autumn cloud rolling, is the blessing intimate. When the National Day comes, I wish you a happy holiday in advance!
19、这年头流行喝个晚茶 , 看个晚会 , 结个晚婚 , 娶个晚辈 , 拜个晚年 , 但国庆节的祝福不能晚了 , 提前祝你节日快乐!
Nowadays, it's popular to have a late tea, watch a party, get married later, marry a younger generation and worship a later age. However, the blessing of national day can't be late. I wish you a happy holiday in advance!
20、祝福您:国庆、家庆、普天同庆 , 官源、财源、左右逢源 , 人缘、福缘、缘缘不断 , 情愿、心愿、愿愿随心 。
Bless you: National Day, family day, universal celebration, official resources, financial resources, right and left, popularity, luck, fate, willing, wish, wish.
21、朋友 , 祝愿你国庆长假饭吃得香 。觉睡得美;天天微笑 , 时时开心;活得比风潇洒 , 笑得比花灿烂;身心安康 , 国庆快乐!
My friend, I wish you a delicious National Day holiday dinner. Sleep beautiful; smile every day, always happy; live more natural than the wind, smile more brilliant than flowers; physical and mental well-being, happy National Day!
22、或许你曾经说你孤独 , 或许你曾经彷徨 , 而现在你有了我 , 忘掉过去 , 往后的日子我陪你 , 国庆节我和你在一起!
