2022国庆长假放假通知范文 2022国庆长假放假通知文件( 二 )

回到家里 , 我和姥姥把这些新鲜的蘑菇洗干净 , 一个一个的放在桌子上 。我看着它们 , 越看越喜欢 , 好像它们会说话似的……我早听妈妈讲过她小时候经常领着二舅去采蘑菇 , 能采一大袋子呢 , 我听着就手痒痒 , 可是现在 , 到处是楼房 , 花园 , 广场 , 那还见得到野生蘑菇呢?更别说采蘑菇的小孩子了 。因此我把采蘑菇当成稀奇事 , 把自己采来的蘑菇当成宝 , 我也终于圆了采蘑菇的梦了 。
这个国庆节我和姥姥去采了蘑菇 , 这是我第一次见到并采摘了野生的蘑菇 , 因此这是我最难忘的国庆节!
1、鸿雁 , 向南方 , 队队排成行 , 江水长 , 秋草黄 , 哞哞咩咩见牛羊 。愿鸿雁带给你欢天喜地 , 祝国庆愉快!
Hongyan, to the south, line up, river long, autumn grass yellow, moo Baa Baa see cattle and sheep. May the wild geese bring you joy and happiness. Have a happy National Day!
2、天高云淡 , 歌舞升平 , 欢聚一堂 , 欢天喜地 , 全国齐欢乐 , 黄金周 , 旅游月 , 欢庆的锣鼓 。祝你国庆节快乐!
The sky is high, the clouds are light, the singing and dancing are smooth, the gathering is joyful, the whole country is joyful, the golden week, the tourism month, the joyful gongs and drums. Happy National Day to you!
3、这一刻 , 有我最深的思念 。让云捎去满心的祝福 , 点缀你甜蜜的梦 , 愿你拥有一个快乐幸福的国庆假期 。
At this moment, I miss you most. Let the cloud carry the full blessing, embellish your sweet dream, wish you have a happy National Day holiday.
4、家庭是宁静的港湾 , 春风和煦 , 波澜不惊 。愿你新建的家庭幸福美满 , 愿你俩在人生的航程中永远并肩前进!十一快乐!
Family is a peaceful harbor, with warm spring breeze and calm waves. May your new family be happy and happy, and may you two always march together on the voyage of life! Eleven happy!
5、天是最高的 , 海是最深的 , 花是最香的 , 酒是最醇的 , 梦是最美的 , 你是最棒的 , 祝福是最真诚的:国庆快乐!
Heaven is the highest, sea is the deepest, flower is the most fragrant, wine is the most mellow, dream is the most beautiful, you are the best, blessing is the most sincere: happy National Day!
6、我爱我们的祖国 , 我爱我们共同的家园 。祝福我们亲爱而伟大的母亲 , 一步一步走向繁荣 , 迈向辉煌 。
