端午节的由来英文介绍 英文介绍端午节的由来

端午节的由来英文介绍 英文介绍端午节的由来

1、英文:The Dragon Boat Festival, originating from China,was originally a festival for ancient people to sacrifice to the dragon ancestors in the form of dragon boat RACES.
Because of the warring states period in the Dragon Boat Festival, the poet qu yuan jumped into the miluo river to commit suicide. Individual places also have memorial wu zixu, cao e and jie zitui, etc.
In general, the Dragon Boat Festival originated from the dragon totem sacrifice, the Dragon Boat Festival as evil moon evil day from the north.
【端午节的由来英文介绍 英文介绍端午节的由来】into the summer season disease prevention fashion, attached to commemorate qu yuan jumped into the river and other historical figures to commemorate the content, and finally form the Dragon Boat Festival cultural connotation today.
2、译文:端午节,起源于中国,最初是上古先民以龙舟竞渡形式祭祀龙祖的节日 。
因战国时期的楚国诗人屈原在端午节抱石跳汨罗江自尽,后亦将端午节作为纪念屈原的节日;个别地方也有纪念伍子胥、曹娥及介子推等说法 。
