have a birthday party 举办生日会 。
1、家长一般不在家给孩子举办生日聚会,但在公园,儿童健身房,博物馆等本地包两个小时,租用场地的 。
【举办生日聚会的英文】Parents are normally not at home to their children organize birthday Party, but in the park, children's gym, museums and so on the local packet two hours, renting their venues.
2、她写到:我们这个月要为一个4岁的孩子举办生日聚会,因为没有慈善捐赠计划,所以要求不带礼物 。
'We have a party this month for a4 yr old's b-day,'she wrote.'No plan for donations to a charity, just no gifts.
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