【英语介绍战狼2 英语概括战狼2】1、Wolf Warrior 2 tells the story of a former Chinese Special Forces operative`s adventures journey to rescue compatriots and local friends in a war-torn region of Africa occupied by insurgents and mercenaries.The success of the film has surpassed the anticipations of all, including the production team.(《战狼2》讲述了一名中国特种部队前特工的冒险故事,他在被叛乱分子和雇佣兵占领的非洲战乱地区,拯救同胞和当地好友 。这部电影的成功,超乎所有人的预料,包括整个制作团队 。)
2、Mr Yu Shizhi (a famous theater actor) once said: `The audience is kind. They see all flaws, but don`t tell.` I will continue to work hard to shoot great films for Chinese viewers, said director Wu.The movie is shattering records at astonishing speed. Single-day earnings exceeded 200 million yuan for more than 10 days, breaking new grounds for China`s box office records. The impetus has been strong right from start, as sales topped 1 billion yuan in just five days, 2billion in eight days and 3billion in 11 days, according to data released by Sina Entertainment.(“著名话剧演员于是之老先生说过:‘观众宽厚,缺点都已看到,只是不说 。’继续努力为中国观众拍好电影,”导演吴京表示 。该片以惊人的速度打破了票房纪录 。在十多天的时间里,《战狼2》的单日票房都超过了2亿元,创下了中国新的票房纪录 。新浪娱乐的数据显示,电影票房的势头从一开始就很强劲,票房收入在短短5天内就达到10亿人民币,8天破20亿,11天破30亿 。)
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