



since i dont know any cheats, console commands, hacks or bugs that would let me fly over the island in noclip or ghost mode, i had to comb the land at daylight and fight the cannibals at night. it wasnt easy, since i got lost very often, look out for my neighbours, keep myself replete with food and rely on my visual thinking all the time.
we all know, that you wont see very much at night and the cannibals are there to occupy you when its dark, i had to use the day for traveling and sketching. i had a lot of fun creating this map the old fashioned way and it was a real challenge too -> drawing in RL, while trying to find another hill, from which i could lay eyes on the shapes and important details of the islands, while discovering the island for the first time myself. i am kinda proud, that i made it this way, the old europeans must have felt very similar after finishing their maps of new discovered worlds for the people to come. ;)
总之就是这个玩家自己凭走路画出了这个岛的地图,很牛,对地形的记忆能力很强啊 。
因为我不知道作弊或者bug 控制台这类的可以让我用穿墙或者说幽浮模式来飞越整个岛屿 。所以我只能在白天坍缩岛屿晚上和野人战斗 。但是这很不容易的,应为我要经常观察我的周围,还要保持有食物吃,并且一直都是依靠我的视觉思考(来制作地图) 。
大家都知道,在晚上看得布斯和很清楚而且野人在晚上会一直让你闲不下来 。所以我只能在白天穿越岛屿和画地图 。用这种传统的方法画地图非常有趣但是也很有挑战,因为真的是在现实生活中画画 。这其中有很多乐趣特别是当我找到一座小山,然后从上面观察整个岛屿的细节和形状的时候,还有当我自己第一次探索岛屿的时候 。通过这种方式画地图让我感到很自豪 。我想以前欧洲的殖民者在完成新世界的地图的时候一定和我有同样的感受吧 。
