xbox 360/Xbox360. [ 1 ] these can be used to add the ability to use a full 360 degree view when using a controller and the ability to use an in-game console-like menu system in games that use the system. In addition to the console versions,e console versions, downloadable content packs have also been developed for use in the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Xbox One versions of Halo Wars. Most of the multiplayer mode, including the matchmaking system, is implemented in the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions. The Xbox 360 version was the first Halo game to have multiplayer matchesultiplayer matches with two other players, a feature that was removed in the Xbox 360 version and reinserted in Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary features an additional game mode called "Master chief's Last Stand", which, like its Xbox 360 counterpart, features a single。
IT之家 2 月 22 日消息,微软 Xbox Series X / S 无线游戏手柄以多彩著称,不算各种特殊配色,官方的默认配色就有白、蓝、黑、红、黄、粉 6 种 。根据最新爆料,全新的绿色版 Xbox 手柄也要来了 。
据爆料者 billbil-kun 发布的模糊图片,这个新配色采用了亮绿色前面板,摇杆和按键文字都是绿色的,名称为 Velocity Green(速度绿) 。
爆料称该手柄将于 2 月 28 日发售,价格为 59.99 欧元(IT之家备注:当前约 440 元人民币) 。billbil-kun 曾准确爆料 Xbox 手柄“极光紫”配色,因此可信度较高 。
虽然看不到手柄的全貌,不过我们可以自己用 Xbox 设计实验室做一个类似的配色 。注意!下方图片配色与上图并不完全一致,大家看个大概就好 。
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