as的6种用法总结及典型句子 as用法( 四 ) if/though常用来引导方式状语从句,作“好像,仿佛”解 。如果从句中讲的是非
真实情况,则用虚拟语气 。eg:She loves the child as if/though he were her own.
As if/though也可用来引导表语从句,常用在“It looks/seems...+as if/though”句型结构中 。It looks to me as if/though it is going to clear up.It seems as if/though he knew nothing about it. You look as though you slept badly. to作“关于,至于”解 。eg;There is no doubt as to his honesty. much/many as“多达…”,“达到…之多”eg:He can earn as much as 5000 dollars a month.
6.As/So far as I know,he will come here next Monday.据我所知,
比较:We might go as far as the school and back.我们可以走到学校那边,然后回来 。
7.She died as a direct result of the accident.表示“由于...的结果” 。
8,as well为“也,还”之意 。eg: Come early,and bring your brother as well. as to,表示目的 to表示结果 。eg:He studied hard so as to pass the exam.他努力学习以便通过考试 。(表示目的) a matter of fact实际上,事实上 As a matter of fact,I'm very fond of house work. follows如下 Our plan is as follows. for至于,说到 As for me,I shall never return there. good as几乎已经,实际已经 Everything was as good as settled.一切都差不多安排好了. She is as good as her words.她遵守诺言 。
He as good as said I'm a liar. 他无异于说我撒谎 。
比较:Your composition is as good as his.你的作文和他的作文一样好 。
另外,还有以下习惯搭配,其翻译不能随便从字面来理解: (as) good as gold 表现很好的 (as) good as new 完好如新 as good as one’s word 守信
as good as pie 很好的,可爱的,讨人喜欢 (as) good as a play 非常有趣
14. as well as同样,和,也,而且 She called on you as well as I.不但我来看你,她也拜访了你 。She called on you as well as me. 她不但拜访了我,也拜访了你 。
在下列句中,as well as表示“像?一样”的涵义:She as well as you is an English teacher. 她像你一样也是英文教师 。
George hasn’t gone abroad as well as his brother. 乔治并没有和他兄弟一样出国去 。(他兄弟一人出国) George, as well as his brother, hasn’t gone abroad. 乔治和他兄弟都没有出国 。
1) as well as 可连接并列的单词或短语 前后两个动词的时态要一致 。即:若第一个动
词是一般现在时,第二个动词也应是一般现在时;若第一个动词是一般过去时,第二个动词也应是一般过去时 。例如:
He publishes(published)as well as prints(printed)his own books.他的书是自己印刷并出版的 。
2)如果第一个动词是复合时态,或由can,may,must等加动词构成时,as well as后面可省去助动词或情态动词,此时,as well as意为“既??又??” 。例如:
We are repairing the roof as well as painting the walls.我们在粉刷墙壁,同时也在修理屋顶 。She can /could sing as well as dance.她既会跳舞也会唱歌 。
3)如果第一个动词是不定式,as well as后面的动词也要用不定式,但要去掉to 。例如: You can't expect her to do the housework as well as look after the children.你不可能叫她既照管孩子又做家务 。
⑷注意as well as的另外两层涵义:1)as well as还有“除??之外”之意 。例如: As well as knowing some Russian,she speaks English very well.除了懂得一点俄语之外,她的英语讲得很好 。
比较:He can speak English as well as she does.他和她英语讲得一样好 。 many /much /deep /large,ect.as达……程度,多/深/大……达 As early as his second film,Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting. 早在他第二部电影中,卓别林就形成了自己的表演风格 。The well is as deep as eight metres.这口井深达八米 。
