blame什么意思中文?blame是什么( 三 )

17. Due to cultural difference, we are different from each other in many aspects, such as dressing, ways of thinking and eating habits, etc. (词性: ______意思: _________)
18. He always associates this song with his hometown which is far away. Whenever he listens to it, he’ll recall his hometown. (词性: ______意思: _________)
19. Actually, going abroad has no appeal to me. Even if I were given a chance, I wouldn’t choose to live overseas. (词性: ______意思: _________)
20. He was appointed as captain of the English team, but he refused to accept the offer. (词性: ______意思: _________)
21. After struggling for years, my brother finally attaineda Master’s degree last month. (词性: ______意思: _________)
22. Mark is very interested in universe and he aims to take up astronomy, the scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc. (词性: ______意思: _________)
23. She is bent on being an outstanding biologist and nothing can stop her achieving her dream. (词性: ______意思: _________)
24. On hearing the thrilling news, the kids bounced up and down excitedly. (词性: ______意思: _________)
25. Bonus is an extra amount of money that is added to a payment, especially to one’s wages as a reward. (词性: ______意思: _________)
三、单句填空 请在下列句子中填入一个适当的词或用所给词的正确形式填空 。共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分 。
1. She is so _________ (attract) that a large number of young men are crazy about her.
2. I paid a visit to many tourist _________ (attract) in Bejing this summer holiday, which greatly enriches my knowledge.
3. To avoid _________ (scold) by his mother, the boy didn’t tell her the truth.
4. We should raise the _________ (aware) of protecting the environment so that we can make our earth a better place to live.
5. If you don’t have a _________ (balance) diet, you’re likely to fall ill owing to a lack of nutrition.
6. Every day the street is lined with beggars, begging passers-by _________ money and food.
7. You ought to behave _________ in public, or you may annoy the people around you.
8. At first, I fell far behind, but I ran faster and it was not long _________ I caught up with them.
9. He is the _________ (bad) student I’ve ever met because not only does he do terribly in his studies but he behaves _________ (bad).
10. Everybody was _____________ (astonish) by the _________ (astonish) news .
11. The fact that he often falls ill is associated _________his taking drugs.
12. I’m terribly sorry, but the manager is at an important meeting. He is _________ (avail).
13. To our great _________ (astonish), he left the party without telling anyone.
14. The film which we saw the other day is based _________ a true story.
15. Different people have different attitudes _________banning*** oking in public.
16. Tired _________ I am, never shall I sleep in class.
17. The lecture will be held between 9 a.m. _________ 11 a.m. on Saturday.
18. On his _________ (arrive), we all gave him a warm welcome and presented him with flowers.
19. When he has trouble learning English, she will assist him _________ it.
20. Having a balanced diet and doing sports regularly are beneficial _________ our health.
21. Now that you’ve been aware _________ your mistakes, let’s forgive and forget.
22. The poor old man _________ (bite) by a poisonnous snake just now and was treated in no time.
23. She is totally _______ (bore) with the _______ (bore) job and is considering changing it.
24. The experiments of the researchers are on the _________ (base) of a series of facts.
25. The teacher blamed him severely _________ being late for school.
四、词组句型 请根据汉语提示完成下列英文句子 。共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分 。
1. He always __________________ (留意/专注于) his teachers in class and takes notes carefully.
