blame什么意思中文?blame是什么( 四 )

2. When I got home, I found that my wife and son ____________________ (睡着了).
3. The road was so wet and slippery that the old man __________________ (失去平衡) and fell over.
4. Jack ____________________ (在洗澡) when I knocked at the door.
5. My mother is good at __________________ (与……讨价还价) the sellers over the prices.
6. I’ll attend a conference _________________ (代表) the manager of our company this weekend.
7. You should _______________ (信任) Mike, who is capable of solving all sorts of problems.
8. The happiness of marriage should be _________________(以……为基础) respect, confidence and understanding.
9. We _________________ (尝试) to solve the tough problem in different ways, but in vain.
10. The little boy is so ______________ (依恋) his mother that he’ll burst into tears when she is out of sight.
11. He is so ______________ (为……感到惭愧) himself for not being able to do me a favor and help me out at that time.
12. The food has ______________ (已变质). You’d better not eat it, or you’re likely to fall ill.
13. You won’t make great progress in your study unless you change your ______________ (对……的态度) it.
14. He was ______________ (被逮捕) for murdering as well as taking drugs.
15. The magazine you are reading actually ______________ (属于) me.
16. Julia was about to ______________ (付款) when it suddenly occurred to her that she had left her purse at home.
17. My deskmate ______________ (受益于) the good habit of keeping an English diary since he was a primary pupil.
18. In the past, Sam ______________ (落后于) his fellow students in his study due to laziness, but now he has made up his mind to catch up with them.
19. ______________ (牢记) whatever we do, safety must be placed in the first place.
20. So annoyed was Bruce that he ______________ (保持清醒) the whole night.
21. They ______________ (到达) the airport in a hurry only to find that the flight had taken off.
22. So attractive was the novel that I read it ______________ (从头到尾).
23. Please fill in the blanks and sign your name ______________ (在底部) the form.
24. ______________ (出生于) a poor family, Charles Dickens received very little schooling.
25. The candles ______________ (被吹灭) by the strong wind and the whole house was in darkness.
五、单词串记 请根据语篇和括号中的汉语提示在空格处填入一个适当的单词并体会该单词的用法,然后将短文熟读背诵 。
I used to be a lazy student who often fell asleep in class. Worse still, I associated with bad friends. As a result, I was 1 (落后的) in my studies. It was not until the beginning of the new term that I 2 (开始) to behave well because my English teacher, Miss Yang, a beautiful and attractive lady, kept encouraging me not to give up studying. Under her influence, I was aware of my mistakes and decided to change my 3 (态度) entirely. Every day I 4 (上学) school on time and pay attention to my teachers in class. To 5 (避免) making the same mistakes, I usually attach a note to my desk as a reminder. Knowing that my studies are 6 (糟糕的), I want to improve it badly by making an effort. First, I 7 (醒来) early in the morning to do some reading aloud and attempt to learn the basic knowledge by heart. Also, my teachers are ready to assist me with my studies. With their help, it is not long before I make progress and catch up with my clas *** ates. Not long ago, I participated in an Spoken English Contest on 8 (代表) of my class and I held the firm belief that I would 9 (打败) the other compe *** s. What astonished everybody was that I attained the championship and was 10 (授予) a gold medal. Now, not only do I go all out to study but I often exercise because only in this way can I keep the balance between study and relaxation.
