dying wish怎么读 dying怎么读

dying怎么读?“ 。这个单词在英语中有两种读法,一种是直接读,另一种是通过动词变化来读 。今天我们就来学习一下这个单词的正确读法 。首先我们来看第一种读法,“through”这个单词的意思是“从一个地方到另一个地方”,那么这个单词怎么读呢?我们可以把它翻译成“从一个地方到另一个地方”或者“从一个地方到另一个地方” 。
dying是die的什么形式dying是die的现在分词,常用作形容词 。

die主要用于不及物动词(vi)也可以作为系动词 。
可接名词、形容词作表语表示:死时的身份或者状态 。
注意:有时也可以作为及物动词,但是必须接同源名词death作宾语,death前常可有形容词修饰 。不用于被动结构 。
Dying:奄奄一息,即将死亡 。
作形容词表示垂死的,临终的,快熄灭的 。
垂死的人吐真言 。
他知道自己就要死了,直到最后一刻,他都保持着自己的尊严 。
作名词表死亡 。
例句:Ievenreadtoherfrombooks,atherrequest,thatdescribedthi *** annerofdying.
我甚至根据她的要求读书给她听,这是一本本描述了这种死亡方式的书 。
英语的行为动词有哪些?【dying wish怎么读 dying怎么读】1. 不及物动词:不能直接跟宾语,常须加了介词后方能加宾语. 如:look at (for, after), get to (on), operate on, hear of, hear from, point to (at), worry about, knock at, play with, think about等. 2. 及物动词:后面必须跟宾语,意义才完整. 在及物动词 + 副词构成动副搭配时,代词放中间这一点同学们常易忘记,故应特别加以记忆. 如:turn on (√) turn on the radio (√) turn the radio on (√) turn on it (×) turn it on (√) 常见的动副搭配的词组有:put on, pick up, look up, wake up, try on, write down, move away, take away等. 3. 注意行为动词的几种变化形式: 原形 enjoy第三人称单数 enjoys过去式 enjoyed过去分词 enjoyed现在分词 enjoying过去式,过去分词,同学们须熟记初中所学的不规则动词变化表. 现在分词的变化 *** ,一般是直接在动词后加ing,有几个特殊的可加以记忆:lie-lying, die-dying. 要双写的单词有: 一个m (swim-swimming)一个g (dig-digging)三个n (run-running, win-winning, begin-beginning)三个p (stop-stopping, shop-shopping, drop-dropping)还有六个t (sit-sitting, hit-hitting, get-getting, let-letting, put-putting, forget-forgetting)同学们特别应注意forget, begin这种双音节单词. 另外,eat, wait这两个词不是重读闭音节,故不能双写加ing,这也是同学们易犯的错误. 4. 请区别几组易混淆的同义动词: 第一组:look-see-watch-readlook 看 look at the bird see 看见 see a film watch 观看、注视 watch TV, watch a football matchread 读,阅读 read a book, read newspapers第二组:say-speak-talk-tellsay 说(不及物动词)①say to*** . , (后跟引语) ②say it again (后常跟it)speak 讲,发言(不及物动词)①speak at the meeting ②learn to speak ③speak Englishtalk 谈话(不及物动词)①talk about sth.(谈论某事) ②talk with*** .(和某人交谈)tell 告诉,讲(及物动词) ①tell*** . to do sth. / tell*** . not to do sth②tell*** . about sth. (后常跟某人) ③tell the time “报时”/ tell a story “讲故事” 第三组:borrow-lendborrow 借进(短暂动词) ①borrow sth. (借某物) ②borrow sth. from*** . (向某人借某物) 如May I borrow your bike? Mine is broken. lend 借出(短暂动词)lend*** . sth. = lend sth. to*** .(把某物借给某人) 如:You mustn't lend it to others. keep 借(一段时间),常与一段时间的时间状语连用,为延续性动词. 如:How long may I keep it? 第四组:bring-takebring 带来(表示从远处拿到说话的地点来),常与here, me 搭配 如:Please bring my hat to me tomorrow. take 带走(表示从说话地点拿到远处去),常与there, away搭配 如:Take your raincoat with you. It's going to rain.第五组:listen-hearlisten 听 不及物,常与介词to连用 如:I listened carefully, but heard nothing.hear 听到 及物 后直接跟宾语 hear from***收到某人的来信 如:Jim's mother haven't heard from him for a long time.hear of 听说 如:Have you heard of the news?第六组 look for-find-find outlook for 寻找 (强调动作) find 找到 发现(强调结果) 如:We looked for him everywhere but didn't find him.find out 查明(通过调查研究找到事实的真相) 如:Can you find out who broke the window? 第七组:put on-wear-dressput on 穿上(强调动作) 如:It's cold outside. Please put on your coat. wear 穿着(强调状态) 如:Lucy is wearing a blue sweater today. dress 打扮,给...穿衣服 ①dress*** . / oneself 给某人(或自己)穿衣 ②get dressed 穿好衣服 ③dress up 打扮,穿上盛装 如:She often dresses up in a red skirt. 第八组:forget-leaveforget 忘了某物 如:I forgot to tell you about it.leave 把某物忘在某地 如:Kate left her key to her room at home.5. 有些及物动词后可以跟双宾语即直接宾语(表物)和间接宾语(表人),间接宾语通常位于直接宾语之前,若颠倒两者的位置,则通常在间接宾语前加一个介词(to或for). draw sth. for*** . pass sth. to*** .make sth. for*** . give sth. to*** .mend sth. for*** . lend sth. to*** .buy sth. for*** . show sth. to*** .get sth. for*** . bring sth. to*** .cook sth. for*** . take sth. to*** .keep sth. for*** . write sth. to*** .return sth. for*** . send sth. to*** .
