trend是什么意思中文翻译( 四 )

tongue [t??] n. 舌, 舌头
mother tongue=native language 母语
tonight [t??na?t] ad.& n. 今晚, 今夜
too [t??na?t] ad.也,还,又,太,过分,很,非常
tool [tu?l] n. 工具, 器具
tooth (复 teeth) [tu?θ] n. 牙齿
toothache [?tu?θe?k] n. 牙痛
toothbrush [?tu?θbr??] n. 牙刷
toothpaste [?tu?θpe?st] n. 牙膏
top [t?p] n. 顶部,(物体的)上面
at the top of sth 在......的
topic [?t?p?k] n. 题目, 话题
tortoise [?t?p?k] n. 乌龟
total [?t??t(?)l] a. 总数的;总括的;完全的,全然的 n.合计,总计 v.合计为
He is totally blind.
A total of 400, 00 people were killed in the earthquake.
There are 50,000 students in our school in total. (=altogether=in all总共)
totally [?t?t(?)l?] ad. 总合地, 完全地
touch [t?t?] vt. 触摸, 接触
touching adj. 打动人的
touched adj. 受到触动的
stay in touch with*** =keep in touch with***与某人保持联系
lose touch with***和某人失去联系
get in touch with*** 取得联系
be in touch with***和某人又联系
be out of touch with***和某人没有联系
tough [?t?t(?)l?] a. 坚硬的;结实的;棘手的, 难解的
I know how easy it is to begin*** oking and how tough it is to stop.
我知道开始吸烟是多么容易 , 戒烟是多么的难 。
Don’t be too tough on/with him---he was only a child.
不要对他太严厉 , 他只是个孩子 。
tour [t??(r)] n. 参观, 观光, 旅行
touri ***[?t??r?z(?)m] n. 旅游业;观光
tourist [?t??r?st] vn. 旅行者, 观光者
tournament [?t??n?m?nt; (US) ?t??rn-] n. 锦标赛, 联赛
toward(s) [t??w??d] prep. 向, 朝, 对于
towel [?ta??l] n. 毛巾
tower [?ta??(r)] n. 塔
town [ta?n] n. 城镇, 城
live in town
live in the countryside
go to town 去城里
go out of town 出城
toy [t??] n. 玩具, 玩物
track [tr?k] n. 轨道;田径
keep track of 跟踪/跟踪了解
lose track of 失去联系
As to dealing with such problems, you are on the right track.
对于处理这样的问题 , 你的 *** 是正确的 。
tractor [?tr?kt?(r)] n. 拖拉机
trade [tre?d] n.贸易 vt.用…进行交换
international trade国际贸易
trade A for B 用A换B
tradition [tr??d??(?)n] n. 传统, 风俗
by tradition 按照惯例
religious/ cultural traditions 宗教/文化传统
traditional adj. 传统的
traditionally adv. 传统地
traditional [tr??d??(?)n] a. 传统的, 风俗的
traffic [?tr?f?k] n. 交通, 来往车辆
at the traffic lights在交通灯那里
There are traffic jams at the corner every day.
在拐角处 , 每天都有交通堵塞 。
traffic lights [?tr?f?k la?ts] n.交通指挥灯红绿灯
train [tre?n] n. 火车 v. 培训,训练
trainer教练 , 训练者
train***for sth 为…...对某人进行培训
train***as a fireman 把某人训练成消防队员
trainer [tre??n?(r)] n. 训练人;教练
training [?tre?n??] n. 培训
tram [tr?m] n. 有轨电车
transform [tr?ns?f??m] v.使改变形态,使改观
translate [tr?ns?le?t] vt. 翻译
translation [tr?ns?le??(?)n] n. 翻译;译文
translation n. 翻译, 译文
Translate the sentence from Chinese into English.
transparent [tr?ns?p?r?nt] a.透明的, 清澈的
translator [tr?ns'leit?] n. 翻译家, 译者
transport [tr?ns?p??t] n.& vt.运输
transportation n. 运输;运输系统;运输工具;流放
The bike is a useful means of transportation.
自行车是有用的交通工具 。
trap [tr?p] n. 陷阱 vt. 使陷入困境
set/lay/place a trap for mice 给老鼠设置陷阱
