兔斯基语录大全 兔斯基语录

兔斯基语录,一起来看看吧!1.不要轻易放弃一个每天都会想念的人 。这样的人,一辈子也不会遇到几个 。即便在一起要吃很多苦头,咬咬牙也就过去了 。但相聚时的欢乐,就像酒醉的感觉,虽然记不得当时是什么滋味,但永远难忘 。2.人生最遗憾的,莫过于轻易地放弃了不该放弃的,固执地坚持了不该坚持的 。3.有些事,发生了就只能接受 。有些人,失去了就只有放手 。有些路,选择了就没得回头 。

兔斯基语录大全 兔斯基语录

请用英文翻译以下句子(兔斯基语录)1:Love is a kind of consumption.
2: Do not always remember the benefactions you have done to the others,because nobody except you will remember it.
3: Distance is not important,while distance in heart is vitally imporant.(直译:距离不重要,心中的距离却生死攸关的重要 。)
4: Envy is a knife,hurt the others,or hurt yourself.(直译:嫉妒是一把刀,会伤了别人,也会伤了自己 。)

注:以上是我完全原创,没用翻译机 。第一二句很简单,没什么好说的 。第三句在句式与表达上稍稍改动,在不改变原意的基础上使之符合英语说法,这样比较顺畅 。
1, emotion is a kind of consumption

2, do not think he had give the grace, because no one but you will remember that the

3, the distance is not terrible, terrible is the mind farther and farther

4, jealousy is like a knife, the last is not inserted in other people, that is inserted into his heart
1, the feeling is a kind of consumption

2, don't think oneself once to grace, because nobody would remember

3, the distance is not fearful, the heart is farther

4, envy is not inserted knife, finally in others, is inserted into his heart
1, emotion is a kind of consumption

2, do not think he had give the grace, because no one but you will remember that the

3, the distance is not terrible, terrible is the mind farther and farther

4, jealousy is like a knife, the last is not inserted in other people, that is inserted into his heart

4、嫉妒是一把刀,最后不是插在别人身上,就是 *** 自己心里兔斯基出自什么国家?兔斯基出自中国 。
兔斯基,是由中国传媒大学动画系04级毕业生王卯卯(MOMO)创作的一套动画表情形象 。
兔斯基在2006年诞生,在网络上还出现了兔斯基表情包、海报和明信片等,兔斯基在互联网推动下的新动画热潮中,注入了更深层次的内涵,除了游戏心态和表面恶搞,增加了故事性,以及想要表达的深入思想 。
【兔斯基语录大全 兔斯基语录】兔斯基,是由中国传媒大学动画系04级毕业生王卯卯(MOMO)创作的一套动画表情形象 。后被时代华纳公司旗下公司特纳中国收购,成为其旗下核心IP 。就是那只耳朵细细长长、脸长得一副嫌弃的样子、转动着两根面条般的手臂做着搞笑动作的兔子 。
