thanks to it thanksto怎么用( 三 )

1、because of
——We have had to raise our prices because of rising costs.
因为成本日益上涨 , 我们不得不提高价格 。
——She found it difficult to get on with her, possibly because of the difference in their ages.
她觉得很难与她相处 , 这可能是因为她们年龄上的差距 。
——His school work is suffering because of family problems.
由于家庭问题 , 他的学业日渐退步 。
2、thanks to
——Everyone knows about it now, thanks to you!
多亏了你 , 现在大家都知道了!
——We managed to get it finished in the end ─ no thanks to him.
我们终于把这件事完成了 , 但这没有他的什么功劳 。
——0How can I ever express my thanks to you for all you've done?
【thanks to it thanksto怎么用】对你所做的一切 , 我怎么才能表达谢意?
